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is this a bishops crown ? please help identify

so i just grabbed a pepper from the local farmers market and the seller was unable to tell me the exact strain.

imho its a bishops crown ?!

please help me with this one, i want to add it to my collection cuz i love the way it looks.

the others are chocholate habs.



looks like a Bishops Crown to me...
thank you people, so now i finally got chocy habs and bishops crown aswell.

going to chop it up and mix it with some asian wok food to go that i picked up,
lets see what it has got in terms of heat :hell:
sooooooo heat is a bit of a disappointment, i cut half of it in fine dices and could eat it without any probs in my takeaway asia dish.

after half of the dish i longed for a orange hab to kick up the heat and man was that a difference lol :mouthonfire:

so tastewise, i have to say a bit "waterish" and a clear yet subtle chilitaste, somehow even a bit on the sweet side :)

shapewise it rules, and maybe stuffed it rocks, but to use for heating up stuff it isnt my nr 1 choice