• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.

Is this a healthy pepper?

First ripe pod of the year! It's cool looking back at these earlier pics and seeing the journey of a plant. It's hard to appreciate the day to day growth without taking pics.
First ripe pod of the year! It's cool looking back at these earlier pics and seeing the journey of a plant. It's hard to appreciate the day to day growth without taking pics.
When you look back at your little babies, it always blows the mind to imagine they were ever that small! :lol:

I must say that your plants have come along quite nicely, Geist! :cool:
Update time. This plant has been a trooper and I think it has fantastic genetics. After a branch pruning for winter low light conditions, it's already grown all the branches back and put out a new crop with just late fall/winter window light. You can see one has ripened in the winter already with another on the way.
I might just keep this plant going for the whole winter since it's been so good to me. Any suggestions on this plant?

be careful not to keep too close to heater vent
hot dry air may burn the leaves

maybe grow a friend or two nearby to keep it company?
be careful not to keep too close to heater vent
hot dry air may burn the leaves

maybe grow a friend or two nearby to keep it company?

It was only there for the pic so no worries. I've got a jalapeno, thai, bell, and 2 hab plants to keep it company in the window sills. =)
I'd like to get some cool new seeds to try soon but have no idea what I should try next.
It was only there for the pic so no worries. I've got a jalapeno, thai, bell, and 2 hab plants to keep it company in the window sills. =)
I'd like to get some cool new seeds to try soon but have no idea what I should try next.

for your space, and mainly since it is my favorite pepper so far out of the very limited 8-10 or so different kinds I have tried the last few years would be a Bulgarian Carrot, they look just like small carrots, and the plant I had I think I kept one in a pot and the other in a garden, and they stayed small but produced a lot of pods... and once I was use to the heat (had just started growing/eating hot peppers other than canned hot cherry peppers from the store) they actually are really fruity.. but that is my .02c