• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

It is what it is 2024


So here we go again on that magnificent journey of pepper growing.
I have no definitive grow list, as per usual, so it'll be a surprise for all of us.
What I do know is, is that there will be peppers grown again.
To be continued ....
At long last getting on with planting out, I'm nearly there in the veg plot, although this morning the conversation went something like this:

MrTink: You can't take all that space for your peppers
Tink: why not?
MrTink: where is the watering system going?
Tink: There (points)
MrTink: Where are my radishes going?
Tink: (mutters) fuck the radishes
You can grow radishes anywhere…but here, there or anywhere a pepper plant can thrive. Next question??? Sounds like the conversations that I have with myself when planting out. All those plan-zzzzzzzz. My radishes are in containers this season. Needed their in-ground space for pepper plants. They’re actually doing better in the 10 gallon containers than they do in-ground. Compost, cocoa coir and some greensand = Giant radishes!!! Hope your other half finds some radish room…somewhere.