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ItBurns Pizza Challenge "ACCEPTED" X2 (teaser thread)

Something nagging at the back of my head about this made me look up an article that I had read prior to the last big powder deal that floated around here. Here's a quote from it worth noting:

How much Trinidad Moruga Scorpion pepper would you have to eat to actually die? Based on a 1980 study that calculated the lethal dosage of capsaicin, Bosland estimates that 2.7 pounds (1.2 kilograms) of the peppers would cause enough stomach and intestinal tissue inflammation to kill a 150-pound (68-kg) person.
If I'm not mistaken (powder makers can set me straight on this), it takes roughly a pound of peppers to make an ounce of powder. Top that off with the Jimmy Scorpion and Pure Evil, and this is sounding less and less like a good idea. (not that it ever was in the first place) So, you have by most accounts what could potentially be a lethal pizza for two. I highly doubt that that either one of you are going to get past a single piece, but it's something to keep in mind.

Here's the article for reverence: http://www.livescience.com/34187-trinidad-moruga-scorpion-chili-pepper.html

I am certainly not trying to be a buzzkill, but people have died drinking water on dares. This is by no means as innocuous as water is, so proceed with caution.
Im not at all opposed to knocking the powder down to one ounce . A friendly challenge is not worth someone getting really hurt over. Making it a 1 bottle 1 dropper and 1 ounce challenge is still going to be very hard to do.
ItBurns said:
Im not at all opposed to knocking the powder down to one ounce . A friendly challenge is not worth someone getting really hurt over. Making it a 1 bottle 1 dropper and 1 ounce challenge is still going to be very hard to do.
Yes. Yes it is.
AS for one pound fresh to one ounce powdered that is almost deadly accurate in most cases. I love watching challenges but only 2 of 4 finished less than an ounce of not all super hot powders last pizza challenge. God speed and please stock up on this 
Well... I'm not in any hurry to die.... Much less kill my oldest son in the process. 
1.  I don't have much optimism of getting through the entire pizza
2.  Both of us weigh quite a bit more than 150 :)
3.  If by some miracle (or whatever you would call it in this case) I do finish my half and hold it down for 5 min (again..very very unlikely) I plan to purge as soon as the camera stops rolling.  (I don't want all that evil in my belly for any longer than it has to be)
I am not opposed to dropping the challenge to 1/1/1, but we are not opposed to attempting the original either.
I'm going to do a bit more research, but as for now.... This thing is a go next Friday!
Evil's on the way.    
I'm a big fan of the "progressive" challenge.  Make a small bit, if you can eat that, make and eat another.  If that bit is conquered, do ANOTHER one!  That way, none of the awesome powder or hot sauce gets wasted on 3/4 of a pizza that most agree probably won't be consumed. 
I just hate to see good stuff wasted.......which also happens when Idiots consume a bottle of Pure Evil and immediately puke it up. 
Anyway, I'm sure you guy's will figure it out.  My offer for the 9.6 is still in the mix~  :flamethrower:
Shouldn't the prize be a gallon of yogurt rather then 9.6 of Pure Evil. Your going to have plenty of pure evil in your gut when you get that down! 
rebelgrower3 said:
I have to save up and get some of the EVIL to try.
oCaveman said:
You really should.  It's very nice.  I've been putting it on everything.  I will always have PE around the house from now on.  :)
Heh. Unless Ann's changed Pure Evil from the original, it was flavorless, so I'm not sure how you're getting "very nice" out of it - it adds heat without flavor. Effectively you're just saying your food is good, and oh, btw, you put heat on it!
geeme said:
Heh. Unless Ann's changed Pure Evil from the original, it was flavorless, so I'm not sure how you're getting "very nice" out of it - it adds heat without flavor. Effectively you're just saying your food is good, and oh, btw, you put heat on it!
Hey... Good point!  My food is good.  :)
I like heat, but don't care much for the pepper flavor, so for me the PE is VERY NICE! 