seeds-germination Its almost seed starting time! Whatcha growing?

By the first pic it looks like a C. chinenses since there are multiple flowers per node so you likely weren't scammed:)

Phew, that was a relief. I was feeling down all day with the thought of being a frutescens instead of chinense.
Thanks, POTAWIE!
I still have most of my plants from last year including Bhuts, Yellow Scotch Bonnets, Hottie Habs, Chiltepins, Black Pearls, Choc Habs, Red Savina, Trini Perfume, Red Dominica Hab, and 7 Pot Jonah. And I have quite a list to grow including:

Filius Blue
Maui Purple Pepper
Ethiopian Berbere
Red Mushroom Pepper
Paper Lantern
Black Scorpion Tongue
Brazilian Red Pumpkin
Fish Cross
Flourescent Purple
St Helena Island Acorn
Roayl Black
Peri Peri
Aji Dulce Hab
Red Fatalli
Onza Roja
Yellow Bhut
Queen Laurie
several Manzanos and Rocotos
Aji Lemon Drop
Trinidad Scorpion from several sources
Big Sun Hab
7 Pot from several sources
Congo Yellow
Morogua Red
Red Congo Trinidad
Mustard Hab
Bonda Ma Jacques
Tasmanian Hab
Scotch Bonnet Big Sun

And there are more, that is just the ones I know I want to have growing this year.
I have been convinced to try growing my own peppers. I have seeds from the habeneros I was given at christmas, I want to grow lots of Aji Limon and I want to grow scorpions of some kind. This is my first attempt at growing food in about a dozen years, so I want to start small.
I'm starting a few new Peppers this year and hopefully overwintering several plants from last year.Here is a list of my first flat started on 1/1/10.There are several up ,but due to global freezing,I'm moving a bit slower this year...Angkor Sunrise *,Dorset Naga*,Slovo Ono(Elephant Ear),Chile De Arbol Negro*,Chocolate Bhut,Tangerine Bell(hot),7 Pod Brain Strain,Bonda Ma Jacques,7 Pot Yellow,Trinidad Congo(mixedColors)*,Harold's St. Barts,Gambia*Martinique,Chocolate Hab.(large),Datil,Madame Jeanette,7 Pot Primo,Texas Chiltepin,Brown 7 Pod*Goat Pepper*Fatalii,Grenada Hot*,Macska Sarga(Yellow Cat)*,Barbere,Peach Hab(Large Mex Market),Trini Cherry(Wiri Wiri)Great luck to tyou all in the new year!
* = Up
this will be not only my biggest growing season yet, but the first time growing them in pots. i plan on starting them within the next 2 to 3 weeks. still buying supplies. any way now to the peppers(some of which are probly misspelt and a few unsure/ unknows freebie seeds)

im growing 5 each of the following.

lemon drop
scotch bonnet
thai hot
bhut jolokia
"big orange"(one im not sure of the actual name)
carribean red hab
naga morich
chocolate hab(long version?-another not so sure about)
chocolate hab(short version-same as above)
bolivian rainbow
unknown peruvian pepper(have to ask brianS what it is)
another unknown peruvian(same as above)

hopefully all goes according to planed. should see some pepper pics from me soon enough!
So far I have:
Bhut Jolokia
Caribbean Red Hab
Orange Hab

I have some sweets left to plant but they can wait til next month to get into the mix.
This is my first serious year with Hot peppers being a focus point in my garden. I've always had a Thai Chili of some sort going, as well as Bells, Pimento's, Cayenne, and Newmex type green chilis.
All stuff I could pick up at the local stores and transplant. I'm going on 2 years with my Thai sun plant, hopefully it makes it another year since this winter was a little colder than usual and the frost did hit it twice.
Any way, I decided this year to get what I really wanted to grow, so here is this years list.

Bonda Ma Jacques- I fell in love with these on a trip to St. Lucia and was stoked to find that Hippy had them.
Bhut Jolokia
Yellow 7pod
Trinidad Perfume (I know they aren't hot, but they are new to me, and I love chili flavor as well as heat so I plan on using the heck out of these to add more flavor. I hope they actually taste good, lol)
Orange Habs
Aji lemon

I am starting those seeds today to get them ready, and will also be picking up the following usual suspects to round out the cooking.
More Thai's of different types
and maybe if I have room some more of the new mex type green chili's.
Well After last years fiasco with dealing with massive aphid infestation, and on top of that my complex decided to install new decks I was forced to kill off most of my garden.... So here is to a new year!

Bhut Jalokia
Chocolate Bhut Jalokia
Douglah (thanks Josh)
Dorset "Nova" Naga
7 Pot
Devils Tongue
Trin Scorpion
Naga Morich
Chocolate Hab
Orange Hab
White Hab

where can I get seeds for the Douglah peppers.I lost the last thread I posted on with the same question? thats one I really want to grow.
WGB said:
where can I get seeds for the Douglah peppers.I lost the last thread I posted on with the same question? thats one I really want to grow.

Hey, I have a couple left. PM me your address and I will send em to ya, as someone sent them to me!
aji habanero
aji lemon
banana sweet
beaver dam
carno di toro
elephant ear
dedo de moca
dorset naga
grenada seasoning red
grenada seasoning yellow
golden treasure
habanero big white
hungarian hot wax
jalapeno - 2 types
jalapeno early
jalapeno purple
jalapeno mucho nacho
kung pao
lemon drop
numex suave red
numex suave yellow
pasilla bajio
peppa dew
peruvian chinense
piment vegetarien
poblano - 2 types
rocoto peron
sport chili
st. lucia seasoning yellow
tobago seasoning
trinidad perfume
vietnemise multicolor

also i want to try
goji berry
my crop this coming year will be mostly superhots...hopefully I can get into Central Market since they are interested...they said they have had many request for the "ghost pepper" list is below

Bhut Jolokia - will start 216 seeds...144 to sell and the other tray every how many there are, will be transplanted up to 5 and maybe 7 gallon..containers...figure 80 of them...

Naga Morich - will start 72 seeds and grow what ever comes up...

7 pot - will start 216 seeds and grow what ever comes up with a few to sell if any one wants them...will grow about 80 for myself

Trinidad Scorpion...will start 72 seeds and grow whatever comes up...maybe sell a few...

Billy Biker Jalapenos - will start 144 seeds and sell all except 10 good plants

Super Cayenne II Hybrid - will start 72 seeds and sell all except 10 plants

Caribbean Reds - will start 72 and grow what comes up and doesn't sell

Orange Habanero - will start 72 seeds and grow what doesn't sell...

Banana Peppers/Hungarian Wax - will start 144 to sell and I will keep about 10 for my own use...

Fatalii - will start 72 to sell, will grow about 10 for myself

Trinidad Congo - will start 72 to sell and will grow about 10 for myself

Foodarama Scotch Bonnets - will start 144 to sell and grow about 10 for myself

Serrano - will start 72 to sell, grow about 5 for myself

Black Congo - will start 72 to sell, grow about 5 for myself...

Super Chili - Will start 72 to sell, grow about 5 for myself..

Large Store Bought Red Habaneros (may be Trinidad congs since they are huge - each pepper weighs over 10 gms...) 72 to start and will grow a few for myself...

this thread is worth its weight in gold...this is the first time I have even started planning for 2010
I've got four of the five varities I'm planting picked out -- Poblano, Salsa Delight, Jalapeno and Cayenne. The fifth, well, that's the tough part. I'm buying all my seeds from, except for the salsa delight, which I'm getting from burpee. My fifth will be between: Sweet Crimson, Bahama seafood pepper, Las cruces or barney.

Suggestions from anyone?
First year of growing from seed. I have as follows coming in the mail:

T. Scorpion
Yellow Scorpion
Red Savina Habs
Choc. Habs
Bhut Jolokia
Choc. 7-Pot

I really can't wait to get these seeds started! I realized today that I'm going to have to get me some Jalapeno seeds aswell. I noticed a Jalapeno variety called "Jalapena" in a local hardware store "crappy tire" lol. Can anyone give me some info on this variety??

Edit:After doing a search it looks as though its the same as Jalapeno. Duh
Well this yr is a toss up a lil of hot and taste.
Choc hab
JSB yellow
Jsb Choc
burkina jsb
Purple jap
Hawaii sweet hot
Congo trinidad
yellow Scorpion cardi
7 pot
barrackpore 7-pot
Bhut jolikia
Aji limon
T perfume
alma paprika
tobago seasoning
mustard hab
peach hab
white bullet hab
fatali red
plus several italian sweet peppers and pepperocini

I have appx 200 seeds under way now and not enough windows. lol

Hope to have a good one. Rich
Not sure, I just remember being surprised that I didn't like the flavor since I am sort of partial to yellow chinenses. As for the heat, definitely not as hot as a fatalii but not sure exactly. Great looking pods and plant

Cili Goronong 2008
I gotta say those are the strangest pods I have ever you see a lot of faces/animals in them...
Seeds from Tomato Growers: 30 seeds each
Congo Trididad
Red Mushroom
Giant Brown Habanero
Chichen Itza Hybrid
Paper Lantern
Bulgarian Carrot
Ring of Fire

Seeds from
Naga Morich
Trinidad Bush
7 Pod

also got 36 Fatalii seeds from world of Chili's
got many orange Hab, Carribean Red, and Bhut seeds left over from last year that are going ino the seed containers too.
And as last frost date gets closer I'll get some plants from the local greenhouses like, Jalapeno, Bells, Cayanne, and Hot Cherry.
Hello from Germany,

this newby (to this forum, not to chile growing :-)) is growing the following chiles in 2010:

* Bonda ma Jaque
* Aucaja Amarilla
* Tridad Perfume
* Naga Morich
* Chocolate Jolokia
* Westindian (Yellow) Habanero
* Aji Dulce Amarillo
* Datil
* Oxkutzcabian Orange
* Goronong

* Aji Pineapple
* Aji Cristal

* Chimayo
* Serano
* Tepin
* Ancho
* Mulato
* Chile Chilaca (Pasilla)
* Fish Pepper
* Leutschauer Schotenpfeffer (From Austria/Hungary?)
* Cubanelle Sweet
* Golden Cayenne
* Corno di Torro Giallo
* Apple Sweet Pimiento
* Ferenc Tender
* Hungary Bell Pepper
* Alma Pepper
* Kapia
* "Pampelmusenpaprika" (translated Grapefruit(bell)pepper)

* Tabasco
* Prik Ghaliang
* Prik Dae Luang

* Chile de Seda

* Capsicum Chacoense

Overwintered from 2009: Capsicum Lanceolatum, Capsicum Praetermissum (Wanna exchange wild chile seed? ;))

So good luck to all of us around the world. :onfire:
