seeds-germination Its almost seed starting time! Whatcha growing?

from memory so far;
ring of fire
red habanero
bhut jolokia
naga morich
dorset naga
hungarian black
golden cayenne
bolivian rainbow
habanero rebetona
venezuelan purple
de arbol
ancho grande
trinidad scorpion
jalapeno grande
bacio de satana
piri piri
friar's hat
peter pepper
orange rocoto
red rocoto
scotch bonnet peach
habanero peach
explosive ember
bangalore torpedo
& anything else i can fit in, plus some south african varieties i'll be getting from SA
I was thinking on trying the Ring of Fire as well cherrybomb. I had some Long Slim Cayenne last year, but was disappointed in the heat or lack there of. They just weren't that hot. Hopefully the ROF will be better.
The winter blues nearly went away, the first seedlings appeared. Perhaps they wanted a new year drink, too. But there are some more to come, here is the list:

7Pot Jonah-Strain
7Pot Yellow
Aji Cristal
Chocolate Bhut Jolokia
Habanero Orange
Naga Morich
Numex Suave Orange
Paprika Madzarska
Peru Scarlet Lantern
Giant Rocoto
Rocoto Cusco
Rocoto de Seda
Pimenta da Neyde
Sweet Paprika
Trinidad Douglah
Hungarian Paprika
bhut jolokia
scotch bonnet
mustard hab
atomic starfish
bishops crown
hot banana
long slim red cayenne
turkish cayenne
orange hab
I'm still trying to narrow down my 2010 list to under 20 varieties from seed, but it'll be tough.
Here's my rough list
1 Royal Black
2 Chinese 5 color
3 Biquino(Chupetinha)
4 "Butcher" pepper **New to me
5 Whippet's tail
6 Bangladesh naga (type3)
7 Masca sarga(Yellow cat) **New to me
8 Trinidad Scorpion
9 Douglah
10 KY(Kapowie yellow)
11 Numex sunset
12 Jalapeno Gigantia f2
13 Murupi Doce
14 Rocoto
15 Purple Jalapeno
16 Purple marconi
17 Black namaqualand
18 Numex sunrise
19 Sahuaro **New to me
20 Ancho San Luis **New to me
21 Crimson hot
22 Giant Aconcagua
23 Joe E. Parker **New to me
24 Fresno
25 Jaloro
26 Jalapeno *not sure which type
27 Kapowie "Arrowhead"
28 Golden Greek pepperoncini *may or may not try this one again
29 Tepin
30 Giant white "hab"
31 Purple flash ornamental
6-8x Choccy Habs (hopefully a lot of them, I love the taste and the heat level, right in my zone)
2-3x Fatalii
1x 7 Pot "Yellow"
1x 7 Pot "Jonah"
1x 7 Pot "Barrackpore"
2-3x Bhut Jolokia
1x Yellow/Orange Manzano
1x Aji Lemon
2x Datil
2-3x Red Savina
1x Texas Chiltepin
1-2x Caribbean Red Hab
1x Black Pearl
1x Aribibi Gusano
1x Red Devil's Tongue
2x Yellow Devil's Tongue
1x Antillais Caribbean
1x Big Sun Scotch Bonnet
1x Yellow Scorpion "CARDI"

The only thing I'm regretting is not having naga morich or dorset naga seeds. For some reason that's bugging me.

Not going to plant any tabascos this year.

I'm hoping that the bhut and trinidad scorpion I'm overwintering pull through. If not, I don't think I'll be starting another trinidad scorpion this year. Bhuts have the heat and loads more flavor.
Part of my basement is going to turn into grow central. Have a nice table and some good lighting and ventilation, I may try to use the aerogarden differently this year. I left the plants in too long last time, may try a few seeds in it and transplant as soon as I think they can handle it. If it works out, it'll be nice. I could, in theory, start 60 seeds at a time in it.

Post edited for how many of each plant I'm aiming for this year. 30 or so plants seems a goodly number. I may increase that amount if I do, in fact, get a tiller and dig up even more of my yard to garden in, which is highly likely. I also have a good amount of 5 gallon buckets to use, just gotta figure out which plants are gonna be smaller and would do better in a container.
Actually just put my seeds in the dirt (indoors of course) this morning:

Hot Banana
Long Red Slim
Charleston Hot
Turkish Cayenne
Hot Caribbean
Atomic Starfish
Tabago Seasoning
Giant Jolokia
Scotch Bonnet
peppermanbaha said:
i'm growing soooo much pubes this year it aint funny
Hah! Best to trim the bush before it gets out of hand :lol:
Do I smell a sig in there?
How do I put this: you had it coming ;)
Capsicum rhomboideum
Capsicum praetermissum (CAP1144)
Scotch Bonnet TFM

and several tomatoes.

*I still have full grown chile plants overwintered from last year like multiple types of habs, superhots, crosses and mild chiles.
I mine as well add to this thread. Im growing almost evry hot variety i can find to see what flavors and heat i enjoy and what they work well with. I'm sure I will be narrowing my growing list as i get more experience with the different varieties. But I do have a list that is my most desired to get rolling this year.
(no Order)

Dorset Naga
Datil Red Hybrid
Lemon Bhut
Bhut Jolokia
Devil's Tongue White
Neon Yellow Hab
Brown 7Pod
Brazillian Starfish
Chocolate Hab
Bishops Crown
Adalberto Hab
Cili Goronong
Cap 159
Yellow Scorp CARDI
Red 7Pod (AJ)
Pink Hab
Cap 26
Berbere Hot
7pod BS
7pod Jonah
Cap 9
Aji Limon
Cap 1141 C.Praetermissum
Beaver Dam
Tree hab
Peanut Pepper
Cap 1445 C.Chacoense
Naga Morich
Hawaiian Sweet Hot
Kaloscai Paprika
Dagger Pod
Scotch Bonnet Peach
and Many More....
This years list is with the assumption that I, like previous years, can rent an abandoned industrial greenhouse in my neighborhood. If not, I'll have to settle with my one Tovarii and Buforum plant on the window-shell... :shocked: And I'll have a lot of spare-time in the summer!!

If everything go as planned, I'll be growing 300-500 plants, depending on my energy-level. I've not finished planning, but I'll start germination in the end of February, so there's still pleanty of time.

For sure all "the usual suspects" will be there - 7 Pods, TS, Morougas, Habs, Fataliis and Scotch Bonnets in multiple colors, Mme. Jeanette, Cleos Dragon, Bonda ma Jacque ect...

But apart from these, I have an outrageous number of new and interesting Chinense varieties - Well, at least to me they are - that I am looking forward to grow;

Akabare (GRIF 15868) - Nepal
Kalimpong Firedrop - Nepal
Faria - Trinidad
Morovar yellow - Trinidad
PI 281317 - Trinidad
PI 437475 - Trinidad
Yellow Trinidad - Trinidad
7 molhos - Brazil
Adalberto - Brazil
Cabacã - Brazil
Focinho de Porco (Pigs Nose) - Brazil
Macapã red - Brazil
Murici - Brazil
Pickergill orange - Brazil
Tshololo - Brazil
Batasa Morich - India/Bangladesh
Bombay Morich - India/Bangladesh
Lotabih Jolokia - India/Bangladesh (Frutescens maybe??)
Potka Morich - India/Bangladesh
Morado - Mexico
Oxkutzcabian orange (PI 438629) - Mexico
Aji de Guioso - Panama
PI 406987 - Panama
Mishme (PI 315029) - Peru
Panco (PI 315015) - Peru
Pucumaucho (PI 260516) - Peru
Santa Rosa blanco (PI 257142) - Peru
Guadeloupe black - Guadeloupe
Piment Lampion - Guadeloupe
Ecuador brown - Ecuador
Ecuadorian Devil - Ecuador
Ecuadorian Devil Breath (PI 257132) - Ecuador
Manabi - Ecuador
Aceituno (PI 281443) - Venezuela
Chirel Grande (PI 281440) - Venezuela
Vinagrito (PI 281441) - venezuela
Alajuela (GRIF 9227) - Costa Rica
Tucurrique yellow - Costa Rica
Krasnyi (CGN 23092) - Sudan
Ning Feng (PI 419133) - China
Ose Utoro - Nigeria
PI 439431 - Fiji
PI 640899 - Tanzania
Roatan - Honduras
Senegal - Senegal
Arabian Scorpion
Black Habanero
Black Stinger
Brown Egg (CGN 22856)
Green Habanero
Habanero Sucutuba
Punta Giallo
Purple Haze
Snow White

For the rest of the seasons varieties, I don't know yet. But one thing I do know... IT'S GONNA BE GREAT!!! :lol:
Here's what I'm gonna start germinating here pretty soon. It'll be my first year growing from seed, so I'm just doing a few.
Fatali (from HSC)
Aji Lemon (from HSC)
Pequin (from HSC)
Bishops Crown (from HSC)
Wicked Peach Hab (from Peppermanbaha)
Might also add a couple more once the local greenhouses get some in.
peppermanbaha said:
i'm growing soooo much pubes this year it aint funny

Thanks for the laugh!

I've kept a few plants around so far.

From '08 Season:
-Orange Manzano
-Seven Pod

From '09 Season:
-Trinidad Scorpion

And started some seeds already.

Started in December:
-Orange Manzano
-Bhut Jolokia (Orange)
-Thai #1

Started 1/1/10
-Bhut Jolokia (2 sources)
-Lemon Bhut
-Chocolate Bhut
-Dorset Naga
-Naga Morich

-Trinidad Scorpion (3 sources)
-TS Moruga Blend
-Yellow Scorpion CARDI

That's not all I'm growing this year, just the first planting. I have seeds for peppers, eggplants, tomatoes, basil and more on deck. Good luck to everyone in 2010!
First year growing peppers, and we're going big. Going to sow 144 chinense seeds, hoping to get 100 plants in the end. Plants will be split between my house and my brother in law's to spread the workload and in case of disease or pest outbreak that wipes one set of plants out.

Bhut Jolokia (2 sources)
Bih Jolokia
Dorset Naga
Naga Morich
Trinidad Scorpion (2 sources)
Yellow 7 pot (2 sources)
Red Savina (2 sources)
Chocolate Habs (2 sources)
Bonda ma Jacque
Jalapeno (maybe)
Tabasco (maybe)
Cayenne (maybe)
Poblano (maybe)

All the chinense varieties will go into the germination flats either the weekend of the 16th or 23rd, the annuums will likely be started in late Feb or early March.
I broke down and sowed some wild capsicums tonight...Flexuosum, Buforum, 5-6 Praetermissum strains, 3 Galapagoense types, and 1 seed of Parvifolium. Luckily I have three Tovarii seedlings up now. I'm excited!!! I hit success finally when I calibrated my heat mats to 86 deg C. Stupid me thought they were at 85 deg the last two years when actually they never got above 75 deg. Don't trust thermostats on heat mats!!

That is why I got a digital thermostat. Of course, for me it was the other way. They were well over 100 F. Now I have a digital thermostat and a temperature probe to verify that is correct. I just don't have enough seeds to lose another tray like last year. I have some seeds for some interesting tomatoes and peppers that I can't wait to try.

These are the seeds I have available but I'm sure I wont be attempting to grow them all. I also have one 7 Pot Brain Strain being overwintered and a few cuttings off of it and a Bhut Jolokia plant.

7 Pot Barrackpore
7 Pot Brown
7 Pot Brain Strain
7 Pot Yellow
7 Pot Jonah
7 Pot
7 Pot Douglah
7 Pot Primo Strain
Aji Dulce Yellow
Aji Limon
Aji Pineapple
Ancient Sweet
Aussie Black
Bhut Jolokia
Big Red
Bishops Crown
Black Scorpion Tongue
Cayenne Long Slim
Cayenne Gold
Cayenne Turkish
Cayenne Hot Portugal
Chapeau de Frade
Chilly Chili Hybrid
Congo Trinidad
Cumari ou Passarinho
Dorset Naga
Douglah nonisold
Douglah isold
Espelette Basque
Fatalii Hybrid
Fruit Basket
Georgia Flame
Golden Cayenne
Grenada Seasoning Yellow
Grenada Seasoning Red
Habanero Chocolate
Habanero Red w/tail
Habanero Adalberto
Habanero Caribbean Red
Habanero Hotazel
Hungarian Wax Sweet Yellow
Inca Berry
Jamaican Hot Chocolate
Jimmy Nardello
Lombok Orange
Mexican Black Cobra
Mini Sweet Nine Botinelska
Monster ? Orange
Naga Morich
NuMex Bailey Piquin
NuMex Big Jim
NuMex Sunse/Sunrise
Paprika Szentesi Csereszynze
Peter Pepper Yellow
Pubescens Bulk
Ramiro Red
Red Pequin
Red Pumpkin Sweet
Red Savina
Rocotto Yellow
Royal Black
Scotch Bonnet Foodarama
Scotch Bonnet Chocolate
St. Lucia Seasoning
Sweet Banana
Sweet Chocolate
Sweet Pickle
Tequila Sunrise
Thai Dragon
Thai Hot
Thai Orange
Trinidad Congo
Trinidad Douglah
Trinidad Scorpion Congo
Trinidad Scorpion Yellow CARDI
Trinidad Scorpion Cross
Trinidad Scorpion
Unk Mystery origin
Unk Kashmir