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It's my turn again!!!!!

nice plot to plant in MoBoy...If I had that much area, I would have to retire early and plant...only got 360 days to work left

Thats just unreal mate...I'm gonna have to live there I think..lol

Nice job on the box too, I like inventive folks. :)
Thanks guys, I am over the moon. I am going to get a bobcat in to dig up all the grass and a few inches of soil, and my dad has an electric rotery ho to plough the ground. Then i am going to get a few loads of good soil, some horse poo, and bob's your uncle....

My only problem is, the area is a bit exposed so i have to think of a way to stop intruders taking the 'fruits of my labour'.

Many an electric fence..... I'm serious...:D
4' Chicken wire fence with a strand of electrified barb wire on top....that oughta do the trick...you should put in a surveilance system...one camera that shows the whole garden area and records it all...use motion sensor/detector for on off switch...
stillmanz said:
looks great,
ask your bro about the devils tongue seeds, try and get someoff him excellent plants, great flavour.


I have already planned a few plants to let stretch their legs in some open ground.

Going to sprout a devil tongue, a TD scorpion and a hot cherry for the mega garden.

Good idea aboout the babcat boy :lol:

I recon electric fence wont work. Trip wires with shot guns, anti personel mines, attack dogs.

that will work!

this may not be very cost effective for the pepper gardener, but it works...

Boeing Press Release


ST. LOUIS, May 19, 2008 – The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] has fired a high-energy chemical laser aboard a C-130H aircraft in ground tests for the first time, achieving a key milestone for the Advanced Tactical Laser (ATL) Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration program.

The successful laser firing occurred May 13 at Kirtland Air Force Base, N.M.

“First firing of the high-energy laser aboard the ATL aircraft shows that the program continues to make good progress toward giving the warfighter an ultra-precision engagement capability that will dramatically reduce collateral damage,” said Scott Fancher, vice president and general manager of Boeing Missile Defense Systems.

After conducting a series of additional laser tests on the ground and in the air, the program will fire the chemical laser in-flight at mission-representative ground targets. The test team will fire the laser through a rotating turret that extends through the aircraft’s belly.

“Later this year, we will fire the laser in-flight at ground targets, demonstrating the military utility of this transformational directed energy weapon,” Fancher said.

Last year, the high-energy laser concluded laboratory testing at Kirtland, demonstrating reliable operations in more than 50 firings.

ATL, which Boeing is developing for the U.S. Department of Defense, will destroy, damage or disable targets with little to no collateral damage, supporting missions on the battlefield and in urban operations. Boeing’s ATL industry team includes L-3 Communications/Brashear, which made the laser turret, and HYTEC Inc., which made various structural elements of the weapon system.
congrats on getting a great piece of property for your garden, you'll have a bunch of chiles next season.
I'd forget about using a electric tiller & use a gas powered tiller instead since the ground has never been worked. unless its some kind of super duper heavy duty electric tiller :lol: the ones in usa are just small weak tillers, you'll need the power gas tillers give ya for a good packed soil.
And a pitchfork..

In my experience, if there's big rocks, ya can break that expensive rented tiller in a heartbeat. Not to mention hurt yourself. ;)

I'd also see what if anything it's been used for before. Soil history is pretty important IMO. Would suck to find it has pesticides, bad minerals, or what have you in it. Growing grass that you don't eat is far different than produce that you will.

A pH test would be good too. :)

GL with the awesome plot!

I dunno but I always wanted to try this:

put a big dog house up the back corner with movement sensor activated spot lights on it & inside put a tape player with the sound of a dog barking hooked up to the same sensor.
I'm thinking by the time the lights come on & they hear the dog they're not going to hang around long.
That's a great idea Bent. I like your style.:)

And in regards to the soil Quadshotz, The area was a dairy farm for 100 years and the people who own it now are 3rd genaration from the original owner. So i have been told that the only thing ever done to this patch was a race horse training track about 40 years ago.

That's for bringing it up though Quadshotz, it was good to find out.;)
Awesome. Lotta poop up in that I bet..good deal.

The 'farm' I grew up on had been a dairy farm liek 40 yrs b4, but was weeds and thistles and waste. We carved out an acre of the purdiest garden tho..took dad and I 3 weeks of tillin', pitch forking out rocks the size of a softball and icky manure compost..from the old stalls that I had to dig out no less....18" of semi-composted 'stuff' from 30+ yrs...needed a pick and mattock....ugh. Was Gold in the garden though.

Oh, but it was heaven once we got it going.

Gedder Done...:)
I just spent the weekend and today (pulled a sickie) setting up the new garden at the in-laws place, and holy snapping dog Sh*t, it was a massive task that isn't finished...

The garden is done but still have to do the plant thing...

Some pic's

Just started to use the turf cutter..

The family helping me roll up the turf. Not as easy as i thought it would be...

All the grass gone and the kids looking for worms

Next day and spreading the soil (organic garden soil). We put a layer of grass clipping under the soil to let it rot down and add to the soil...
And finally i thought i throw in my car getting bloody bogged while trying to dump the soil at the bottom of the property....hehe.


Took me 2 hours to get it out and wasn't I a happy camper by the time i got it out....everyone knew to give me some space...:oops: :banghead:

the combination of lack of sleep and being so sore had me forget to take a photo of the garden all finished without plants...:rolleyes:

The garden ended up a little smaller than i was hoping but i can't afford anymore soil, but i'm pretty happy and it will still fit the 17 chilli plant, 5 capsicum plants, 10 tomato plants and heaps of vegies and fruit....

More phot's to come in a few days....
I hate it when stuff like that happens! I can understand that you were "slightly upset". I got stuck in mud once with a hailstorm raging outside and on top of it all it was in the middle of nowhere! Trust me - I understand!!! :)
Garden is looking good man and don't worry about the size you can just keep expanding in the upcoming years.
the garden will look great once finished, & hope you get a great harvest this season.
but I'm slightly confused as to why you took the top layer of grass off by shovel, & then only to put back grass clippings into the garden soil. IMO sounds like way to much work, I'd just till up the soil really good then add the other soil & till again (maybe) & call it good.

as for you being stuck :lol:
been there & the buddys that were there (for 1 of the times) will bring it up & razz me about it every once in awhile, or say something like "oh oh lookout he's got a shovel" :lol:
Thanks Chilehunter, I had to get rid of the origanal layer of grass cause the type of grass that was there is very invasive and i had to make sure i got the root system out as well...

The grass clipping was my father in laws idea. he did it while i was off getting a drink, and as it is his place i couldn't really argue... hehe..he was a great help so i just let it ride.....
Good effort MB, when I first read about this garden I didnt know what to expect. Cheers for the pics! I think you're gonna need a guard dog with all those houses around..

I guess you can alays get a big sheet of black plastic to put over the top (that size, cost prolly 40 bucks) and just punch holes in it where you want the plants. Mulch over the top too. That would take care of the grass. Just put some good soaker hose under it, or water only where the plants are.
moyboy said:
And finally i thought i throw in my car getting bloody bogged while trying to dump the soil at the bottom of the property....hehe.

I'll bet you won't try to drive the car in the mud again.......