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It's my turn again!!!!!

chilliman64 said:
I can't find a link for the article despite searching for the last half hour. it read something like 'lay your plant on its side, once side shoots develop and start growing upwards rotate the plant 180 degrees, once the same growth occurs rotate a further 90 degrees and again later another 180 degrees. this will result in a more compact, dense plant with lots of lateral branches allowing a greater number of pods'. that's the gist of it, I have paraphrased the article from memory so if someone does find it and it reads nothing like my version

I will have to try this....sounds like a good plan...

chilliman64 said:
blame it on my aging grey cells.

Blame it on to much AC/DC and the alcohol that goes with it....:lol:
And this is my miracle fruit that I got from ebay....

It survived a long shipping process due to the sender getting my address wrong, but it looks to be in good health.

Now I just have to wait a few years to get some fruit from it....
tony05 said:
God damn thats a good looking Devils Tongue plant!

Yeah, it's not as good as the ones I'm raised from seed but I sure I can get it to that quality now it is at my place....:D
moyboy said:
Yeah, it's not as good as the ones I'm raised from seed but I sure I can get it to that quality now it is at my place....:D

Well they did sprout a while after your other scrawny looking specimans. We will see if it can catch up to mine hey :cool:
moyboy said:

Update.....I have had serious problems with the above garden at my inlaws place. The area is a water course and 8 inches under the grass the soil is always water logged so all the chillis and tomatos I planted have not enjoyed their new home...

So over the past week I have pulled my finger out and moved most of the chillis and capsicums (sweet peppers) from the garden into pots (already had some chillis in pots).

sorry to hear that the garden wont work for you/chile plants, after all the hard work you put into it thats a bummer.
nonetheless the plants still look healthy.
that cactus looks cool I've never seen ones with the yellowish top.