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It's my turn again!!!!!

moyboy said:
All flat grassy land. The only problem i will have is it can get pretty windy at times.

Shadecloth makes a great wind fence. You can bang in a few Warratahs (or what ever you call metal fense posts over there) and it will keep your plants safe from the worst of it

You should set up a few compost heaps as well. Grass clippings, food waste, everything can go on it - next year you wont need to buy topsoil - you will have made your own.
Ok update time....

This is the garden after a few chilli/capsicums/tomatos have been planted. and heaps of vegies that have only just sprouted so can't be seen....

Lots of weeds cause i have been working hugh hours and we took the kids away for the weekend...



My first chilli for the season. Hungarian hot wax

This is all my herbs, some baby water melon and a row of ornimental chills and a fattali on the left..

I put all the herbs in pots cause we might be moving in the coming months so i didn't want to put them in the ground... and the main garden is in the in laws place so they are safe....
Good looking plants Mo...one lesson learned I had this year from growing in containers is that the large superhots in 5 gallon containers will get rootbound and stop producing...The plants look healthy but just don't produce as well as the ones where the roots have grown out the bottom of the containers...it is good to see you have a plot of ground to plant in...
I'm gonna find that pepper patch and do me a little midnight pepper-napping! especially now I know that barking dog is just a recording... hehehe

I'm only 2 hours away from you moyboy make sure you plant plenty of chinenses. I like chinenses.
Hey Pip that is some great work you have done there, i hope to do something like that one day, how are you going to control soil moisture? We are in for some wet weather i think..

Update.....I have had serious problems with the above garden at my inlaws place. The area is a water course and 8 inches under the grass the soil is always water logged so all the chillis and tomatos I planted have not enjoyed their new home...

So over the past week I have pulled my finger out and moved most of the chillis and capsicums (sweet peppers) from the garden into pots (already had some chillis in pots).

This is now garden corner..It has most of my chillis, all of my herds, 3 capsicum plants and 4 tomato plants.

From right to left: Star burst, Bolivian Rainbow, Numex Twilight & Fatalli.

These are some babies that I started a little late but with the aussie summer I should get some pods out of all of them. Their is 3 Bhut Jolokia, 2 7 pots, 2 rat turds, 2 white habs, 1 hot lemon & 1 golden gem Hybrid tomato.

This is a side growing Dorset that was given to me by Novacastrian (thx mate). He made the box as well.

More to come.
FRome closest to furthest: Siam, Lillac Cayenne, Chocolate Beauty Capsicum, Golden Cayenne and Orange capsicum Hybrid.

Black Pearl and Yellow Habanero.

My goats weed...With it first pod...

Lillac Cayenne. Chills start out purple then go to black then red. Haven't tried one yet but one of thoses ripe ones will be sampled in the next day.
Bugger about the garden bed mate, live and learn i suppose:)
Your new grow corner looks good, how many hours of sun do you get there?

Here one for ya, get some sand and some Hydro nutes and do a stillmanz, sounds like fun.. glad you like your Dorset:)
Naga Morich, which has one pod at 1/4 inch size....Woot....

My Tepin which which hasn't got any sign of giving me any fruit yet.

The Hot Lemon which has a few small pods on it.

A Devil's Tounge from Tony05. I have 2 of them

P.S. All the plants in the 7 inch pots are getting transplanted in the next week.
next year buy in some soil and get some raised beds going. Too easy to fix. Raised beds always seem to do better in my experience.
Something different, My Pineapple Sage plant. It grows bigger when in the ground and the flavour is out of this world.

and a close up of its flowers which a super sweet and I uses them in salads cause they have a pineapple flavour as well.. The flowering stem can grow up to a foot in lenght with hundreds of those flowers on it, and the plant can have 10 of those stems on it at any one time....

This is a yellow pear Tomato, Good for pots and is very prolific in nature. And the fruit is super sweet. the kids cut them up and grill them on toast for breakfast.

And last is a cactus I got for one of the kids 12 months ago. Pretty cool.

Thanks for looking.....
Novacastrian said:
Bugger about the garden bed mate, live and learn i suppose:)
Your new grow corner looks good, how many hours of sun do you get there?

Here one for ya, get some sand and some Hydro nutes and do a stillmanz, sounds like fun.. glad you like your Dorset:)

The herbs and plants on the right side get sun from 7am till 2pm and the left gets sun from 11am till sun set. I am limited for space so this is something that I have no control over.

stillmanz said:
next year buy in some soil and get some raised beds going. Too easy to fix. Raised beds always seem to do better in my experience.

By the time I am ready for next season I will be in my own House and not renting so that won't be a problem. I own a house and have people renting it and I moved in with the g/f cause her place was bigger for the kids....We are buying a house within 6 months. The inlaws garden was a temperary fix to try and get me though the summer.
yep, definitely raised beds to fix the high water table problem - one of the reasons I like container growing, though you can only use containers if you don't have an enormous crop - unless your name is Potawie!

with regards your side growing Dorset, I have read about growers lying their plants down and then rotating them 90deg every few weeks in order to encourage branching and lateral growth which leads (hopefully) to more pods - is that the plan for the Dorset? do you have any other pics?

EDIT: I'll see if I can find the link where I read it
I can lay the plant over but I will have to fill the tub up to the top with soil so that when I sit it straight up the roots don't become exposed.....I will look at doing that soon....

I will take some more pics of the box this afternoon....Some of us are still at work......Even though it's bloody christmas eve :rolleyes::(
chilliman64 said:
it must be tough being at work on Christmas Eve but still able to get on THP - poor moyboy :P

I sent all my contractors home at 10am and I'm out of here at 1pm so we are pretty relaxed here at the moment:party:, and just finished off some fruit cake......I'm going to put on far to much weight over the next week.....:lol:

I only get the public holidays off this year.....BOO HOO
I can't find a link for the article despite searching for the last half hour. it read something like 'lay your plant on its side, once side shoots develop and start growing upwards rotate the plant 180 degrees, once the same growth occurs rotate a further 90 degrees and again later another 180 degrees. this will result in a more compact, dense plant with lots of lateral branches allowing a greater number of pods'. that's the gist of it, I have paraphrased the article from memory so if someone does find it and it reads nothing like my version, blame it on my aging grey cells.