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Its official I HATE WINTER

the latest storm we are having I go down my stairs the snow is up to my knees..I forgot about daylight savings time So I walk to the local watering hole for last call (side streets arent cleaned) and the snow is insanely high had a hard time walking in it..damn bar is closed lol..my buick and my old blazer are pretty much burried you cant see the buick and the snow is 3/4 to hood level on the old blazer..guarenteed when the plow passes in the morning the banks here will be taller than car level lol I told the wife to do herself a favor and leave by the front door when she walks to work tomorow lol..Guess its time to get the tracter in to clean the driveway tomorow...I dont own a ski-doo so I have no use for this white stuff..mind my little one loves it all she does these days is snowboard lol even my dog wont stay outside lol cant say I blame her lol.I just bought a snowblower but I wont have it for a few weeks..
bentalphanerd said:
Theres a 'winter'...what is that exactly :shocked:

Careful Bent, taunting the snow bound this time of year is very, very dangerous. You could find yourself hogtied, hiney in the air, and surrounded by frost bitten northerners about to give you Naga enema.

Or would you like that?
Pam said:
Careful Bent, taunting the snow bound this time of year is very, very dangerous. You could find yourself hogtied, hiney in the air, and surrounded by frost bitten northerners about to give you Naga enema.
Or would you like that?

No, that would be warm...we'd use slushies...
Nope, not me...I know about cabin fever....it's time to sound the alarm...
chile today...hot tomale?
DevilDuck said:
This is why I live in the desert southwest. If/when we get snow, it's usually gone in a day or two.

That's what our snow "storms" are like. We have about an inch of snow, then it's melted by noon the next day. As I drive home, I get to admire all these sad little snowmen sitting in the middle of the pine straw where the snow has already melted.
It's actually been a VERY good snow year in Michigan this year. I've got cabin fever right now, but that's because honestly I'm sick of icefishing. It's not bad when your in a heated shanty drinking beer I must admit though. I went fishing last weekend and there were trucks parked out on the lake. You southerners are spoiled with warm weather.:lol::lol:
After spending my first summer in the big dry ditch known as Las Vegas, when the temp is only 110 F...it's known as a "cooling trend."

Cheers, TB.
Pam said:
Remind me of that in August.

Good point Pam. It's not as hot up here, but it can get pretty muggy with the Great Lakes and all. On the lakes in the summer are really nice I must admit. :)
After 2 hours of snow blowing(ive got another driveway in front)a tractor showed up..25.00 later wooohooo
http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee292/_Canuk_Pepperhead/Picture021.jpg my buddy mike and my wife with all cars in the road in the front you can see my buick slammed in the snowbank lol
http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee292/_Canuk_Pepperhead/Picture022-1.jpg one of my snow banks
http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee292/_Canuk_Pepperhead/Picture019.jpg proof my snow is being dumped in the neighbors yard lol
had no winshield full of snow and sucessfully planted my buick in the snow bank lol