It's official, my plants are gone...

cmpman1974 said:
Sorry to hear about this unfortunate incident. I am no expert, but I do believe Bacterial Spot can be transitted through dormant seed. I thought I may have had that issue last year, but it was overfertilization. Again, it shows I'm no expert. :)

I hope you can bounce back and start some more.


Sorry to hear about your plants Omri,...I had this happen to me more than once before...and its really impossible to trace where the plants or soil might have become infected (don't assume that it came from the chilli seeds, if you were handling other seeds or grew something else in that container it could have been infected previously)....the only thing you can do is disinfect everything (wash in a 50:50 beach:water solution) and start again,... also try sterilizing your potting soil by baking it in the oven, it does work

.....I posted a link in the other thread about bacterial spot (I agree with cmpman1974 about it being spot) that might help

Good Luck!
Thats terrible Omri having to go to those extremes.

With my plants inside Im pretty conscious about cleanliness, Ive got a little spray bottle thats always going with a ready mix of bleach (4%) at 3ml to 1 litre. You can also mix up Hydrogen peroxide (3%) at the same rate 3ml to 1 litre, though I dont think the Hydrogen peroxide lasts long when mixed up, maybe someone knows a little more about that. If Im using the bleach youve got to rinse with water throughly, the peroxide I dont bother rinsing.

Daisy7117 said:
Sorry to hear about your plants Omri,...I had this happen to me more than once before...and its really impossible to trace where the plants or soil might have become infected (don't assume that it came from the chilli seeds, if you were handling other seeds or grew something else in that container it could have been infected previously)....the only thing you can do is disinfect everything (wash in a 50:50 beach:water solution) and start again,... also try sterilizing your potting soil by baking it in the oven, it does work

.....I posted a link in the other thread about bacterial spot (I agree with cmpman1974 about it being spot) that might help

Good Luck!
OMG, you did say it might be bacterial spot... damn, you're good. :lol:
Well nice to see someone who share pain (C'mon it's not a REAL PAIN, just not the happiest feeling). :)

billyboy said:
Thats terrible Omri having to go to those extremes.

With my plants inside Im pretty conscious about cleanliness, Ive got a little spray bottle thats always going with a ready mix of bleach (4%) at 3ml to 1 litre. You can also mix up Hydrogen peroxide (3%) at the same rate 3ml to 1 litre, though I dont think the Hydrogen peroxide lasts long when mixed up, maybe someone knows a little more about that. If Im using the bleach youve got to rinse with water throughly, the peroxide I dont bother rinsing.

I'll be even cleaner from now on. ;)

PcolaHot said:
Omri sorry to hear about looseing your plants. Hope you bounce back man real soon.

sdw79 said:
That really sucks
Yes, yes it does. :lol:
billyboy said:
With my plants inside Im pretty conscious about cleanliness, Ive got a little spray bottle thats always going with a ready mix of bleach (4%) at 3ml to 1 litre. You can also mix up Hydrogen peroxide (3%) at the same rate 3ml to 1 litre, though I dont think the Hydrogen peroxide lasts long when mixed up, maybe someone knows a little more about that. If Im using the bleach youve got to rinse with water throughly, the peroxide I dont bother rinsing.


I assume you are talking about spraying your hands or any other implement you use before touching peppers, right?
I assume you are talking about spraying your hands or any other implement you use before touching peppers, right?

Yes AJ, buckets, lids, anything that the plants will be grown in also, you can do walls and floors too. Im doing some cuttings atm & Ive just done a bucket change clean all the bucket etc with bleach, then running hydrogen peroxide in it, ph back to 6.3 and will add Superthrive in the morning to it. Im pretty sure the peroxide only last 2 hours when mixed up.
billyboy said:
will add Superthrive in the morning to it.

You are cleaning with superthrive? I have not used this product...*going to google search*
OK...I like it...just ordered some....
GrumpyBear said:
i've actually heard the magic bleach solution to kill seed borne disease is 3%, but that's sodium hypochlorite not sodiom hydroxide so maybe the 10% is for sodium hydroxide, but i don't know for sure on that one. if its a 5% bleach (like most household bleach is...) you want three parts bleach to two parts water (soak for 20 minutes, but this is not a 'longer is better' scenario) i've also heard 1% for forty minutes, so whatever you're more comfortable
stomata are on the underside of the leaf, and yup thats where they exchange gasses
I suppose it depends upon the setting. In healthcare, 1:100 is the ratio employed to kill all blood-borne pathogens...bacterial and viral.
well the only time you have to be really careful about mixing the bleach is when you soak the seeds cuz too much will kill them, if you go one way or the other when you clean everything else its not the worst thing and really pretty much any concentration of bleach will kill the bad guys (of course high concentrations will also kill the plants...). That hydrogen peroxide rinse sounds like a great idea tho, since it's also effective at killing bacteria and will just turn to water in no time so you don't have to worry about leaving any behind.
The primary trouble with bleach is that it is residual and doesn't go off to atmospere easily. If you add it too frequently, you may get toxic concentrations of bleach, depending on temp, rh, wind velocity and etc.......not so good for plants.

Hydrogen peroxide goes off to atmosphere easily and quickly, even in high concentrations.....completely gone in 2-4 hrs.

One of hydrogen peroxide's breakdown products is oxygen......good for plant roots.
Omri said:
I'm searching for "spots on leaves" pictures on Google, and I see a lot of similar things, but they're not the same and not a "pepper illness".

I Had that same problem a week ago... one of my "Lanterns" got something similar to what u describe... the leaves started to turn yellow with spots... I had to root the plant out a throw away... I did not want it to spread...:(
TriniHottie said:
I Had that same problem a week ago... one of my "Lanterns" got something similar to what u describe... the leaves started to turn yellow with spots... I had to root the plant out a throw away... I did not want it to spread...:(
Smart move, you don't want it to kill your healthy plants. ;)
Just keep an eye open on the other plants.
omri, My internet has been down for a couple of days and this is the first that I have seen this thread but if you need seed to get started again my list is open for you no trade needed, whatever you need from my list i will help where i can.

Omri, how did you have your plants set up. It may sound like a funny question but it may tell alot. How many plants did you have also.

Omri, does this resemble what you had?



No, not really.
I had many little tiny bright spots, then all of them grew a little with yellow color and then they had dead parts inside of them.
So at the end I had plants with so many dead parts with weird dark boarder and yellow color around them.
Maybe the quality of the picture is not high, because I can't really see any of the yellow spots or anything.