• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

IXII 2011, packing more heat than a summer blockbuster

Seeds just planted
12 choc habs
12 zimbabwe bird
12 thai dragon
4 fatali
12 scotch bonnet jamaican red
12 black pearl
12 mayan love
12 scotch bonnet orange
12 white hab
12 tabasco
6 big sun hab
6 aji amarillo
3 datil yellow
8 scotch bonnet

8 ghost
5 butch t
4 naga viper

6 ghost

Wish me luck!

Glad to see that your drip system is dialed in now. That should
make your life a little easier; now you can just sit around and
eat bon-bons peppers!
Awesome! I can see pods on some of the plants from a pretty good distance! I thought about ripping out the landlord's hedges and putting in peppers instead, but that got vetoed by the spousal unit...
We can put it to a vote, i vote for rippen the useless shrubs out!

Glad to see that your drip system is dialed in now. That should
make your life a little easier; now you can just sit around and
eat bon-bons peppers!
ph yeah drip helps alot, cant imagine watering 70 some plants!
Note to self may not be a good idea to give clients who sre trying to hook u up ghost. Peppers to try.

Ill just have to tell her that after eating it she just reduced her chances at getting prostate cancer or something like that once she stops rolling on the ground crying