• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

IXII 2011, packing more heat than a summer blockbuster

Seeds just planted
12 choc habs
12 zimbabwe bird
12 thai dragon
4 fatali
12 scotch bonnet jamaican red
12 black pearl
12 mayan love
12 scotch bonnet orange
12 white hab
12 tabasco
6 big sun hab
6 aji amarillo
3 datil yellow
8 scotch bonnet

8 ghost
5 butch t
4 naga viper

6 ghost

Wish me luck!

Seedling timz
5gal pot foshizzle

Aji amarrilo


Tabaso lol


Mayan love


Black pearl an thai dragon


Scotch bonnet



Missed a couple but work calls
Well called in sick when they decided to give me a bad route on my day off in my area. So cough cough cambells soup for reference.


Black pearl flowering

All the others are filling out well. The runts are starting to pop so yay habs shown

And a few ghost fruit rippening

Man the frit on all my peppers are getting big but taking forever to ripen. I dont recall it taking this long to ripen last year.

Anywho mayan love and zimbabwe bird have started to fruit. Mayan love shown.
Mine are slow to ripen too. Finally getting 1 here and there. When they hit it will be the mother load for us both!

Ya finally getting some color on the peppers. Still alot of green but yellow green lol
overview of the seedlings.

Scotch bonnets

See the ripening. Yellow green lol. Scotch bonnet

Decided to plant strawberries, orange and chocolate mint, italian oregano, and stevia between the peppers. Basically ground cover
Well hell. Guess i will have to start spraying my ghost with soap or something. Lost about 10 peppers to these bastards.

Holy help batman. Just had one of 6 runt ghost that decided to ripen. 5 pepperheads tried a cut up one and oh my gosh i think i may have a good crop this yr. I was totally expecting them to be mild. Had a nice sweet tast to them though but it had heat!
Yay getting some color! Scotch bonnet

The ghost we had last night. Very sweet taste which was different than the woody flavor last year. Kinda refreshing really but much hotter than last yr. Really a great mix like vegas baby.
Picked two scotch bonnet jamacain reds and a few mayan loves and tried them at Churchills. Ok i thought the scotch bonnet like a bell pepper with a very mild kick. Ya there are now 3 customers and a very cute server dying. Note to self i dont know what mild is kinda feel bad
hahahahaha....same thing happened when I shared one of my Jamaican Hot Yellows at work. Poor guy ended up in the restroom puking. Felt horrible, but at least I told him it had a little kick to it!
hahahahaha....same thing happened when I shared one of my Jamaican Hot Yellows at work. Poor guy ended up in the restroom puking. Felt horrible, but at least I told him it had a little kick to it!
ya i guess we be a strange breed lol.

More ripe ghost and the big ones are starting to color. Rumor has it churchills will have ivan hates you wings tonight made from my ghost peppers. Try them if you are around

Your garden is really going great guns, Rich. Looks
like the drip system is working just great - with your
work schedule, auto fertigation is not a luxury!

Glad to see some color in them there pods, brah!
Awesome! I can see pods on some of the plants from a pretty good distance! I thought about ripping out the landlord's hedges and putting in peppers instead, but that got vetoed by the spousal unit...
Your garden is really going great guns, Rich. Looks
like the drip system is working just great - with your
work schedule, auto fertigation is not a luxury!

Glad to see some color in them there pods, brah!
Thanks! Worked out some minor bugs with the drip such as no water getting to some end plants. Amazing how resilient plants can be with no water. Increased pressure from 25 to 40 psi at source and all are happy now. Fert every couple of weeks about 1/2 gal for 70 gal of water using dr earth 333 liquid.

Awesome! I can see pods on some of the plants from a pretty good distance! I thought about ripping out the landlord's hedges and putting in peppers instead, but that got vetoed by the spousal unit...
Sold 9.5 oz of ghost to churchills this week for ivan hates you wings on wed. Been popping mayan love like candy i really like the things
Ghost seedlings as well as most all varieties are popping in the seedling world. Why do peppers have to be so good? Been picking and snacking on mayan love for the last couple of days.

Ghost seedlings poppin

very nice chiles. looks like all of your plants are doing well. good luck with the rest of the season.
had a way different experience this year with gophers and catapillers this year but got a handle on everything and only losing a couple of fruit every week vs 30 or so and still organic so yay. Last yr had none of those issues and i was at a supply store today and noticed a pesticide that was made from ghost...made me laugh. Some plants are struggling but for the most part im happy and most seedings are now waste high and those that arnt are starting to grow. Yay