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Jalapeno hot sauce

Got a stack of jalapenos and a big bag of coriander/cilantro and I'm gonna make me a green hot sauce. :dance:

Been searching for a recipe and there doesn't seem to be much out there. There are plenty of recipes for green chilli sauce but they don't include coriander/cilantro. The ones that do seem to be more of a pesto or creamy salsa or dressing, for serving immediately and not bottling.

So I'm just going to have at it. :D

I was going to roast them, peel the skins and deseed but its late in the day and can't be bothered :P Might just deseed then everything in the blender and cooked up.

I'll take pictures during and post when I'm done.

Edit: I'll post half the pics in this post.
This is what I used.

First gave them a wash

Deseeded. Was only one bad chilli. This is about half.

Whizzed them up.

Did the rest and chopped up a leek and garlic.

Toasted some cumin and coriander seeds.

Ground them up.
Yeah I know about cilantro disappearing in cooking, its happenned to me before... thats why I used so much of it!

Juice of two limes wasn't enough, I had to add some lemon juice. Also grated ginger, vinegar.

In with the cilantro. I used leaves and stems, and blended them up before adding to the pot. Only cut off the roots.


Let it simmer for a while and it was still pretty lumpy. Probably because of the green chillies. If the chillies were roasted and skins removed, or if I'd used red ones I'm sure they would have mushed up quicker.
Got out the motor boat.

and after....

Better but after some more time simmering still didn't look good enough. So I transferred it to the stand up blender in batches. I managed to avoid blasting it all over the ceiling too. I've done that before :P
It's a cheap blender but it did enough.

Bottled up.

I had some immediately mixed through pasta. It was really really really good! It wasn't super hot but the flavours were incredible. I didn't expect it to be so tasty, and I thought it would be a bit hotter but I bought the jalapenos at a supermarket and you never know how hot they'll turn out. When I make it again I'll try to sneak an unripe superhot pod in there.
i had some also on pasta a few years back, it was a roasted tomatillo, cilantro, jalapeño, onion, and vinegar sauce. I ran out of tomato sauce and poured fresh super-hot green sauce on it, it was so good, but a little too spicy. Though it didn't work so well when i tried it on pizza as a replacement for the tomato sace, i will try it again though.
Mega, that sounds like a really tasty sauce. Adding some Tomatillo and some Rosemary crossed my mind as I was reading it. The ginger was a masterful touch.

Well done sir, well done!
Looks delicious! And the fact you have a pug as your pic makes you even cooler in my book :)
Thanks for all the positive comments :)

It has lost a bit of heat after being stored but its still really tasty. I have only two big and one small jars left.

At last count I have 20 open bottles of chilli sauce in my fridge :P
You're brave mega! I'm afraid to even start counting the bottles in the fridge! One whole shelf is nothing but! I'd love to invent some sort of countertop cooler with a glass door - just for storing hot sauces. Wouldn't that be awesome!!! But my brain just isn't wired that way.

Anyway...sounds like you'd better start scheming for Round 2 of your jalapeno hot sauce!!!!!
I still have a few jars left. Just took a quick taste and the lime/ginger/chilli/garlic comes through strong and stings your throat. There is a definite aftertaste or aroma of cilantro! I should hope so too because I used a ton of it :P With the low heat and all the other stuff going on it's more like a pasta sauce that a hot sauce.

The 20 bottles in the fridge are the open ones. I have 23 unopened ones of my own making.
I lined them all up and took a picture because I'm a bit proud that I learned how to make and bottle hot sauce :D It's really not that hard when you know how :P

The ones on the right are brand new still hot, the little pop tops haven't sucked down yet :D
Posted its making in a new thread.