• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Jamison's "Red Dirt Grow" PLANTOUT 5/4/14

It's that time of year again, although a couple weeks behind. I just arrived in Tennessee, moving from Wisconsin not even two weeks ago. The fam and I are all settled in and I'm officially ready to start some seeds! Being in a completely different part of the country, and growing in completely different soil than I'm used to, I still have high hopes. I'm sure I'll be able to whip a garden into shape in no time. I'm def gonna have to get out there very soon and till a large plot. Enough blabberin, I'll get to a list. I'll also list the seed source if I'm sure of where I got them. Seeds are going to soak in distilled water for 20-24 hours starting tonight or tomorrow morning and most will be put into Rapid Rooters soaked in a weak solution of Kangaroots and water, and a few in soil with a heat mat underneath the germ tray. I have a few Manzanos sprouted already, a couple Rennie clones, and a White Devils Tongue sprouted and working on it's first true set of leaves. I'll try to fill this with as much useful info, pics, and hopefully vids as I can. Thanks for checkin this out!

Added 1/21/14:

Brown Moruga - PepperLover
7 Pod Lava - PepperLover
Pink Tiger - Denniz via Enrico
Yaki Blue - Denniz via Enrico


Hungarian Hot Wax - Grocery Store find
Jalapeno "Cracked" - PepperLover
Giant Jalapeno - PepperLover
Urfa Biber - Buckeye Peppers
Bells > Red, Yellow, Orange
Goat's Weed - from my 2013 grow


7 Pots:
White - PepperLover
Yellow - PepperLover
Bubblegum - Bjarnes, CMPMAN
Primo - Pepper Lover, and from saved seeds from my 2013 grow
Large Red - PepperLover
Original - PepperLover
SR Strain - RFC
Rennie Red - Cloned from last years plant
Rennie Brown - Buckeye Peppers

Fatalii Gourmet Jigsaw - Bakers via Fatalii.net
Chocolate Scorpion - from my 2013 grow
Red Bhut Jolokia - PepperLover
White Bhut Jolokia - Coheed
Bhut Orange Copenhagen - GaGrowhead
Jay's Peach Ghost Scorp - RFC
Moruga Caramel - JungleRain
Moruga Chocolate - JungleRain
Carolina Reaper - from my 2013 grow
MoA Scotch Bonnet - from my 2013 grow
Bahamian Goat - JungleRain
Jamaican Hab - Walkgood
Habanero Cappuccino - JungleRain
Primo x Chocolate Hab - JungleRain
Chocolate Scotch Bonnet - AjiJoe
White Devil's Tongue - GaGrowhead
Red Habanero - Buckeye Peppers
Trinidad Congo Red - Buckeye Peppers

Thai Orange - Buckeye Peppers

Manzano - Seed Train (Arkennon?)
Yeah, having land is great and all, but a ton of work!
I just keep an acre or so cleaned up.
Now that it doesn't rain anymore, AND I lost my deer lease, I'm letting my place "go native". Well "native" since cattle started running around here 200-250 years ago or so. Before cattle the land was a grassy plain, when they brought cattle from down south they brought the brush seeds with them and as they pooped the brush took over. Hopefully some deer will come on the place as things grow back up. Besides, it's a ton of work keeping it cleared.
Keep it green!
JJJessee said:
Looking great, Jamison!
The real battle will come late summer, keeping  the weeds from going to seed.
I had real good luck with a cover crop of oats and peas. Over time, covers really help with weed control.
That will make the work a little easier ; loose ground, fewer weeds.
Thanks TripleJ!  Well,  I did till it up in January when all the weeds were mostly gone,  hoping that there was no seeds in them at all.  Hopefully none have survived and thrive in there.  Been gettin on the horn trying to get some hardwood mulch.  If so I'll lay a thick layer down and keep em out.  I was thinking before hand that that plot might get a lil bit too much sun.  I just got home right now and notice a lot of them are def wilted.  Waiting for the sun to get behind the trees now to provide some shade and see if they bounce back.  If not,  I think some shade cloth is in order.
GA Growhead said:
I have all mine outside, but not in the ground. Feeling a bit jelly over here. I'm doing this week of hardening off and in ground next weekend... I hope! Hopefully they will be ready.
Looking good my brotha! Prime time to snap a picture for sure! ;)
Don't be jealous J!  You just have about 5 gazillion more plants than I do,  which takes a lot more time.  Plus I didn't amend my beds as you did.  Your plants will be much happier!
maximumcapsicum said:
Plantout WOOO! I drove up your way this weekend. Thought "I wonder if Jamison is planting out." Now I have my answer! Can't wait to see the red dirt bloom!
Damn man,  how close were you?  Would have been awesome to meet up!  Def got er done.  Couldn't take it any longer!
Devv said:
Yeah, having land is great and all, but a ton of work!
I just keep an acre or so cleaned up.
Now that it doesn't rain anymore, AND I lost my deer lease, I'm letting my place "go native". Well "native" since cattle started running around here 200-250 years ago or so. Before cattle the land was a grassy plain, when they brought cattle from down south they brought the brush seeds with them and as they pooped the brush took over. Hopefully some deer will come on the place as things grow back up. Besides, it's a ton of work keeping it cleared.
Keep it green!
That sucks you lost your lease.  I still have to opportunity to hunt in Buffalo Co. WI if I want to thank god.  But that might be a little expensive to drive up there, buy non-resident tags,  and maybe not even shoot a buck.  I can def shoot does around here all day long no problem,  but I haven't seen many decent bucks around at all.  Maybe a little scouting is needed around here.  Be a damn good time right now to get em patterned for an early season buck.  You just let me know once your overran with deer,  I'll come deflate some lungs for ya ;)
You know what they say, hang with the does and a buck will show. From my experience the older bucks let the spikes and young bucks heard the does up and then come in and kick ass and take names. That's when things get interesting.
Every year at this lease in early to mid December I would see bucks bedded down with does; I never once saw a small buck with these does. Always a 18-19" outside spread 8-11 point. I never shot a one of them; let the good genes roll!
Can you legally feed there? If so a corn feeder would keep those does close by. The last 2 years I've been hunting at a local ranch 3 miles away. They let me hunt after Jan 1st. to kill spikes and does. It's hard hunting after their hunters have shot 5-6 times out of a blind, but I do get some meat ;)
Actually shot a 10 point at my place in 2012. Had the flu the week before Christmas and was home all week; the Friday before we left for Az. (and Vegas :drunk: ) I saw him and tried to shoot him from the back porch.
That didn't work.
We came home New Years Eve.; in the morning I snuck out the front door with my coffee and rifle. It was first light, still kinda dark, and I used the wood pile to sneak to my shooting bench.  Took one sip of coffee and thought I saw something. Picked up the 25.06 and glassed the feeder and saw him. I was "hunting" about 3 minutes. It was great fun. Scoring deer on your own place is way cool!
OK enough deer rambling, I could do that ALL night!
Keep it green!
"Hunting" for 3 minutes!   Thats awesome man.  Nice score there.  I got tons of stories too Scott!  Some happy stories and some stories that make me want to cry to this day.  We could talk all damn week about hunting!  I love my .270,  but damn,  It's so much more fun to shoot em with a bow!  You shoot carbons or aluminum?  If you shoot carbons you should send me your arrows so I can wrap and fletch em for ya.  Then I'll send em back to you.  I wouldn't charge you anything either.            2" Blazer veins and my fletching jig puts a wicked helical on em too,  with a white wrap that gets covered red in blood after passing through a deer.
Just checked the map... not close enough it seems. Was on a tight time table thanks to the 14 hour or so road trip with a 10 month old. But still thought of ya. What's the topography like around you? I suspect its warmer than the Eastern side of the state, but not sure if you're clear of the mountains or not. Anyway, glad you got some capsicums in the ground... the more peppers planted the happier the world will be.
Def far from the mountains on the West side where I'm at.  The topography is actually still pretty hilly,  lots of bluffs and some flat farm land.  No big mountains at all.  Mostly hollers and hills.  That reminds me of a song!  Traveling is def tough with a young one.  I've had my fair share for sure.  Drive safely man,  and buckle up!!  Lots of crazy drivers down in the Chi town area.   They def drive to get where they need to go.  Always in a hurry just to sit in some more traffic.  
Good googlie mooglie! Your plant out looks awesome Jamison! The pictures didn't really show how big the plot was. Now that you have your plants and the pots there for reference it's easier to tell.
Wow thanks for the offer!
I may just take you up on that! I switched to carbon some years ago, I feel it made a nice speed improvement with the poundage I was shooting. The Legacy clocked 315 through my cronny, never had a deer jump string with that bow.
You guys talking hunting really makes me want to get out again. I usually get in about 20 days of hunting in a year, but last year I think I put in about 5 days in total. The biggest difference between last year and all the other years was that we got spike eater mule deer at 7am then an eater moose at 9am on our first day out. Once the freezer is full the pressure is off. It's close, but we should be out of moose shortly before the start of the upcoming season.

Not much of a bow man myself, but I can respect the effort that goes into hunting with one.
