• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Jamison's "Red Dirt Grow" PLANTOUT 5/4/14

It's that time of year again, although a couple weeks behind. I just arrived in Tennessee, moving from Wisconsin not even two weeks ago. The fam and I are all settled in and I'm officially ready to start some seeds! Being in a completely different part of the country, and growing in completely different soil than I'm used to, I still have high hopes. I'm sure I'll be able to whip a garden into shape in no time. I'm def gonna have to get out there very soon and till a large plot. Enough blabberin, I'll get to a list. I'll also list the seed source if I'm sure of where I got them. Seeds are going to soak in distilled water for 20-24 hours starting tonight or tomorrow morning and most will be put into Rapid Rooters soaked in a weak solution of Kangaroots and water, and a few in soil with a heat mat underneath the germ tray. I have a few Manzanos sprouted already, a couple Rennie clones, and a White Devils Tongue sprouted and working on it's first true set of leaves. I'll try to fill this with as much useful info, pics, and hopefully vids as I can. Thanks for checkin this out!

Added 1/21/14:

Brown Moruga - PepperLover
7 Pod Lava - PepperLover
Pink Tiger - Denniz via Enrico
Yaki Blue - Denniz via Enrico


Hungarian Hot Wax - Grocery Store find
Jalapeno "Cracked" - PepperLover
Giant Jalapeno - PepperLover
Urfa Biber - Buckeye Peppers
Bells > Red, Yellow, Orange
Goat's Weed - from my 2013 grow


7 Pots:
White - PepperLover
Yellow - PepperLover
Bubblegum - Bjarnes, CMPMAN
Primo - Pepper Lover, and from saved seeds from my 2013 grow
Large Red - PepperLover
Original - PepperLover
SR Strain - RFC
Rennie Red - Cloned from last years plant
Rennie Brown - Buckeye Peppers

Fatalii Gourmet Jigsaw - Bakers via Fatalii.net
Chocolate Scorpion - from my 2013 grow
Red Bhut Jolokia - PepperLover
White Bhut Jolokia - Coheed
Bhut Orange Copenhagen - GaGrowhead
Jay's Peach Ghost Scorp - RFC
Moruga Caramel - JungleRain
Moruga Chocolate - JungleRain
Carolina Reaper - from my 2013 grow
MoA Scotch Bonnet - from my 2013 grow
Bahamian Goat - JungleRain
Jamaican Hab - Walkgood
Habanero Cappuccino - JungleRain
Primo x Chocolate Hab - JungleRain
Chocolate Scotch Bonnet - AjiJoe
White Devil's Tongue - GaGrowhead
Red Habanero - Buckeye Peppers
Trinidad Congo Red - Buckeye Peppers

Thai Orange - Buckeye Peppers

Manzano - Seed Train (Arkennon?)
Thanks Charles!!
4 Pink Tigers

Jay's Red Ghost Scorpion

7Pod Yellow

Large Red 7Pod

Some more stretched out along the porch and stairs.

Planted a couple more MoA's.  2 on the left are the original seeds from the Ministry of Agriculture in Jamaica and the other two on the right are 2nd Generation Isolated MoA's from plants I grew last year.

2 White not Yellow Bhuts from Sawyers seeds.

Top view of most of the plants on the table now hardened off for the second time.  Had to bring em in due to some cold nights earlier this month.

The garden all tilled up and ready to go.  Can't decide if I want to make raised rows or not.  Had a buddy bring a tractor over the other day and disc it for me to fluff it up for me before I planted out.  Was a lot easier than that damned front tine tiller I've been using,  and a whole hell of a lot faster may I add.  Here's a pic facing south.

Picture facing west.  Gonna be a ton of sun hitting this garden all year.   

Thanks for checking in!  Next update will hopefully have the entire garden planted out.  Keeping my fingers crossed.

GA Growhead said:
Hell yeah! That manzano is huge already!
Dude,  that thing is gonna be a wide load man.  Definitely growing wider than tall.  It's gonna get a 7 gallon Root Pouch and sit on the front porch all summer.  Might get it a jar of shine and a radio with some country music playing and set it in the rocking chair so it fits in 'round here! 
LMFAO, def have a shotgun for him to keep guard with!!  Well,  raised rows it is.  Then I just need to find a good source for some mulch around here.  I kinda miss the compost facility that I use to have back up north.  Not use to paying for that kinda stuff,  I know,  I know, I was spoiled!  Might just go cut some branches and what not and rent a chipper for the day.  Betcha I could make a gigantic pile then :crazy:
Jamison said:
LMFAO, def have a shotgun for him to keep guard with!! Well, raised rows it is. Then I just need to find a good source for some mulch around here. I kinda miss the compost facility that I use to have back up north. Not use to paying for that kinda stuff, I know, I know, I was spoiled! Might just go cut some branches and what not and rent a chipper for the day. Betcha I could make a gigantic pile then :crazy:
There is no free mulch around here anymore. They privatized in one county by me, meaning $$$, & shut down the facility in the county I'm in. It's all forest ( the wooded area on my property ;) ) floor for me. :cool:
Plenty of pine straw and leaves to go around, just gotta collect them.

How far apart are you going to make your rows?
GA Growhead said:
There is no free mulch around here anymore. They privatized in one county by me, meaning $$$, & shut down the facility in the county I'm in. It's all forest ( the wooded area on my property ;) ) floor for me. :cool:
Plenty of pine straw and leaves to go around, just gotta collect them.

How far apart are you going to make your rows?
Yea I know what you mean.  $$ makes the world go round!  I'm thinking I'll do about 2' maybe 3' apart from the middle top of the row to the next middle top of the parallel row.  Should be plenty I'd imagine.  I have lots of woods around me but mostly hardwoods.  Lots of oak trees and the like.  Not much for pine straw behind the house here unfortunately.  I'm sure I'll find something.  I'm pretty sure I can get the back of my truck loaded with mulch for around $30,  but that could get quite spendy quite fast.  Might see if I can get a dump truck full delivered for a better price.  
Looks Great , Jamison.
I'm anxious to see the Pink Tigers and Red Lava get going.
I'd say raising the row a little would be good, especially if you've been seeing some standing water this winter.
You might talk to the local tree trimming services and get a few loads of their chips dropped off for free, thou youmay want to let it mellow a year especially if if it has a high percentage of pine.
The non-conifer material breaks down to some pretty good stuff in less than 2 years. One of my little piles also got a generous
application of yeast/hop sludge from the brewery. If you can talk them outta the spent grain so much the better, but they usually cater to the hog farmers for that.
Love the lineup photos of the plants Jamison. I bet some of those are siblings of the guys you sent me. That is so cool.

Pink tigers are definitely the lookers in the bunch. Have you grown em out before? How do their pods taste?

Looking forward to red dirt plantout!
Smart move waiting for the chance of severe weather to play out.
I agree with Jason, raised rows. Al least the first year until you learn more about you weather patterns..
Plot and plants look great!
Can't wait to see pods on those gals!
JJJessee said:
Looks Great , Jamison.
I'm anxious to see the Pink Tigers and Red Lava get going.
I'd say raising the row a little would be good, especially if you've been seeing some standing water this winter.
You might talk to the local tree trimming services and get a few loads of their chips dropped off for free, thou youmay want to let it mellow a year especially if if it has a high percentage of pine.
The non-conifer material breaks down to some pretty good stuff in less than 2 years. One of my little piles also got a generous
application of yeast/hop sludge from the brewery. If you can talk them outta the spent grain so much the better, but they usually cater to the hog farmers for that.
Thanks Jesse!  I'm really excited to see if I get at least one correct pheno on them Pink Tiger's.  Not a bad idea about calling the tree trimming service,  I'm gonna have to get on that for sure.  I really wish we had a brewery around here,  but there might be one that I don't know about yet.  I knew where tons of them were up in WI!!  Seems as if the only beer these folks know about around here is Bud Light,  yukkkkkkkkk!   
maximumcapsicum said:
Love the lineup photos of the plants Jamison. I bet some of those are siblings of the guys you sent me. That is so cool.

Pink tigers are definitely the lookers in the bunch. Have you grown em out before? How do their pods taste?

Looking forward to red dirt plantout!
Hey Adam!  Thanks for checking in.  Yea I'm sure we have a couple twins together this year.  I've never grown the Pink Tigers out before.  Denniz sent me some of those seeds earlier this year along with the Yaki Blue and this is the first year I grew em.  Def gonna isolate a few branches of both so I can share some seeds with whoever wants them.  Wish I knew how they were gonna taste.  I have a wild guess that they are gonna taste a lot like a Bhut.  But then again I'm just guessing.  Glad you stopped by man!
Devv said:
Smart move waiting for the chance of severe weather to play out.
I agree with Jason, raised rows. Al least the first year until you learn more about you weather patterns..
Plot and plants look great!
Can't wait to see pods on those gals!
Scotty2Hottie!  Yup you guys twisted my arm.  I did raised rows last year and enjoyed the results.  The plot seems to drain extremely fast.  It poured rain the night before I went and raked it out.  By the mid morning it was dryer than a popcorn fart already.  Def gonna need some mulch to keep a little moisture in.  I figured that would be smart to let the weather pass before sticking em out there for good.  Thanks for the reassurance!  Now to find what kinda of corn to grow this year. Did Peaches N' Cream last year.  It was alright but not as I expected.  Gonna go to the co-op this afternoon and see what they have.
Yup I had some put away that I just found again.  Been looking for them for a couple 6 months now.  7 Pot Lava is from Judy.  Not yet released but soon to be I'm sure.

Got to rake a couple of rows up before the rain started this morning.  


Got a ton more to do.  Lots of work starting a new garden.  It'll be nice for next year.  Probably about half the work.
Looking good!
The G90 I found at the local yocal feed store. I went local because the seed from Gurney's was struggling in our oppressive heat. Bad thing is we found worms eating the tassels before they even came out. I used some Dipel dust which is power form BT. Hope we caught them early enough.
Devv said:
Looking good!
The G90 I found at the local yocal feed store. I went local because the seed from Gurney's was struggling in our oppressive heat. Bad thing is we found worms eating the tassels before they even came out. I used some Dipel dust which is power form BT. Hope we caught them early enough.
Local is usually the best way to go for sure.  Damn worms!  I think they were put here just to test our patience.  I have a local co-op and another kinda country feed/garden store called Stockman's the next big town over that I'm gonna have to check out.  
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
Cool. Mine is growing well. Actually the yellow ones are not sure where I put my reds are
I figured you of all people knew what they were.  I was a little bit confused when you had a couple ? marks behind it.  Didn't get any yellow ones at all.  Actually just found out a couple months ago that there were yellow Lavas.  
Really interested in the Pink Tigers and Lavas too, Jamison! Good Gawd, man: those things look like they should be setting pods! Pretty plants trees!
Welcome to red clay! Raised rows, fer shure! I mean, since moving back here, I just don't get why folks don't plant everything in raised rows. "My corn seed got washed out. My bean seed got washed out. Dang, after that rain, I had big ole clods." Then, stop planting in furrows? I'm holding off on tilling--had older garden space ripped and new area ripped, to see how the new drains, but won't till yet. Last summer nothing helped the poor maters. Only so much backstroke they can do even if in raised rows, but peppers did great, ironically. I doubt we have another of those soggy, prolonged spring/early summers this year.
Wise move to wait out the wet week and chilly high pressure behind the deluge(s) forecast. I know mine want in ground, but they'll have to wait. If winds get too high and rain too much for that little greenhouse, mine will get a 3rd hardening off, as will bring them in. 
Everybody in the path of this mess, stay safe, please!
annie57 said:
Really interested in the Pink Tigers and Lavas too, Jamison! Good Gawd, man: those things look like they should be setting pods! Pretty plants trees!
Welcome to red clay! Raised rows, fer shure! I mean, since moving back here, I just don't get why folks don't plant everything in raised rows. "My corn seed got washed out. My bean seed got washed out. Dang, after that rain, I had big ole clods." Then, stop planting in furrows? I'm holding off on tilling--had older garden space ripped and new area ripped, to see how the new drains, but won't till yet. Last summer nothing helped the poor maters. Only so much backstroke they can do even if in raised rows, but peppers did great, ironically. I doubt we have another of those soggy, prolonged spring/early summers this year.
Wise move to wait out the wet week and chilly high pressure behind the deluge(s) forecast. I know mine want in ground, but they'll have to wait. If winds get too high and rain too much for that little greenhouse, mine will get a 3rd hardening off, as will bring them in. 
Everybody in the path of this mess, stay safe, please!
Hi Annie!  Glad you stopped by with some southern advice!  I wanted to do raised rows but didn't feel like putting the effort into it.  Got a good jump on it today before this weather set in.  Probably could have raked one more in but parenting duties ensued.  Gotta take care of my lil girl.  My boy is almost 7 now and pretty much takes care of himself for the most part.  I really didn't want to till it at all but I dug a few spots up with a spade shovel and didn't find 1 worm.  So I figured the hell with it and gave er the old heave hoe so to speak.  Raised rows def look better and do serve their purposes for sure.  Def wanted to wait to see how this weather plays out.  Rain all the way through Tuesday its reading unfortunately so probably next weekend the plants will go in ground for the year except for a couple that I'm gonna put in root pouches.  Manzano's for sure in the root pouches.  I cannot wait to try one.  Never had one at all.  Other than this storm the weather has been amazing.  A little hot for this Sconnie (WI) native but I'll get used to it I hope.  Thanks again for the advice and reassurance!  Y'all come back now!
maximumcapsicum said:
Can't wait to find out. How do the lavas compare to the standard 7 pots? That red lava looks evil.
Me either buddy.  The Lavas are another first time grow for me.  I'm guessing their gonna be up their with the Primo's and other high heat 7's.  7 pot flavor and terrifying heat is hard to beat IMO.  Not crazy at all about Bhuts to tell you the truth.  Kinda putrid if you ask me,  but they do make a nice smoked powder, especially the chocolate Bhuts.  I agree man,  the Lavas do look absolutely sinister.  Can't wait to harvest some.  I'll make sure to send some your way once I harvest some!!