• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Jedisushi06 2014 Grow, Return of the JEDI

I started fairly early this year of 2013 for 2014.  I had a good garden season this summer and grew lots of super hots and non super hots.  I produced over 200 pounds of tomatoes for canning, and lots of cucumbers for pickles.  I used my last big tomato and pepper harvest to can salsa.  I plan on growing more plants this year and trying to grow some types i did not get around to this summer.  I also plan on growing peas, tomatoes, rhubarb, mixed greens, pumpkins, and non super hot peppers and thai chiles for drying.  Here's an updated list of what i'm growing so far.  I have plans for lots more peppers so stay tuned.  I want to thank all the great people on here that taken their time to send me seeds to grow, i want to give a shout out to Romy 6, Bhut Camp, megahot, Jack Superhot, Tmudder, Spicegeist, Colorado Ronin, Judy at pepperlover, silver surfer, Semilnas, Nigel Carter, Bill Moore, chile beast, Brian Seal, lucky dog hot sauce, Chris Joyner, my favorite cowboy, old barn nursery, and old dirty bastard.
7 pot 007
7 pot merlot
7 pot yellow
7 pot red
7 pot brain strain yellow
7 pot brain strain red
7 pot brain strain orange
7 pot brain strain chocolate
7 pot douglah x 3
7 pot douglah Billy Boy
7 pot madballz
7 pot rennie red
7 pot rennie brown
7 pot primo yellow X 2
7 pot primo red
7 pot primo orange
7 pot savanah long
7 pot bubblegum
7 pot barrakapore red
Carolina Reaper X Red Brain Strain
Jays peach ghost scorpion
Jays red ghost scorpion
Chocolate Naga Brain
Chocolate Bhut Jolokia
Chocolate Brakapore
Brown Naglah
Black Naga
Defcon 7
Congo brown
Yellow Bhut Jolokia
Bhut Jolokia chocolate X douglah
Sepia Serpent
Bhut jolokia chocolate x Trinidad Scorpion Red
Chocolate Fatallii
Trinidad Scorpion Cardi Yellow
Trinidad Scorpion Green
Trinidad scorpion chocolate
Trinidad Scorpion Yellow
Rocoto Inca 
MOA scotch bonnet
Red Mourga
Red Mourga Satan
Yellow Mourga
Brown Mourga
Carmel Mourga
Chocolate Mourga
Chocolate Bhut X yellow 7 pot
Carolina Reaper
Carolina Reaper long phenotype
Red Naglah
Yellow Douglah
Red Douglah
Mustard Habanero
Bonda Ma Jaques
Ice Scream Scorpion
Red Habanero
Majah X= Red Bhut Jolokia X Red Mourga Scorpion
Paper Lantern
Peach Habalokia
Peach Scorpanero
M.A. Daisy Cutter yellow
Devil's tongue yellow
Devil's tongue red
Red Lightning Habanero
Caribbean Red Habanero
Numex Barker Green Chile
Thai hot
Orange Thai
Black Thai
Geon La Do
Mustard Bhut Jolokia



got the late starts outside today.  This spot works really well for getting them used to being outside, they get no sun till late in the day.  

Tomatoes are planted finally, i put them closer together than last season and packed more in.

girls are enjoying the sun!

got the kohlrabi planted and a zucchini plant.  Cabbage plants will go in front of the kohlrabi.




Recently found out that i could dry out frozen pods from my buddy Romy6.  Thanks James!  Iv'e got big bags from judy to dry out too.  A lot of work ahead of me.




Just made the hottest sauce iv'e ever created.  I call it Chocolate Thunder!!!!!
Red and brown douglahs from pepperlover, organic cherry juice, vinegar, salt, dark chocolate, cherries, woodford reserve bourbon, coconut sugar.  
Honestly this is the hottest non extract sauce iv'e every had.  I took a spoonful and it gave me stomach cramps and my mouth burned for a good ten mins.  
Can't wait to see how it tastes when it's cool.
GA Growhead said:
That is looking :hot:
Shit is brutal hot.  All i can taste is cherries up front and pure douglah pain after that!  My buddy is going to be reviewing this one on youtube as soon as he gets a bottle!    I'm going to go back and adjust this one if i have to this weekend.  I'm having a hard time picking up the bourbon and chocolate because it's so hot!!!!!
:hot:  :hotsauce:  :fire:  :fire:  :censored:


left to right, green bell, two rows of nu mex barker, nu mex big jim, and nursery ghost pepper plants.
Hell yeah Jedi. That's some damn good looking sauce. A spoon full and cramps. That's what I'm talking about. Cherries? Interesting. Ok I'm calming down. I think I'll try drying out chiles from last year that are frozen. How long and what temp for drying? The plants are looking good Mikey. Going to have a kickass garden there in a couple months. Thanks for sharing
OCD Chilehead said:
Hell yeah Jedi. That's some damn good looking sauce. A spoon full and cramps. That's what I'm talking about. Cherries? Interesting. Ok I'm calming down. I think I'll try drying out chiles from last year that are frozen. How long and what temp for drying? The plants are looking good Mikey. Going to have a kickass garden there in a couple months. Thanks for sharing
95 degrees.  they should be done tomorrow or the next day.
OCD Chilehead said:
Nice to here. When I was in San Diego. I was given a dehydrator. Heavy wood one from the 80s I believe. Has thermostat, and fan built in it. Going to give it a try.
might take up to a week with that older model.  Make you sure u cut them in half. You can also cut them into pieces to make it go faster.  
chile_freak said:
I think he was trying to say: it was brave of you to have tried it! Btw, greatest glog name EVER!
brave?  More like i'm an idiot.
so the sauce balanced out the next morning and i could pick up the cherries and bourbon and heat .  I'm having trouble finishing two tablespoons with my meal.  Youtube review coming next week.

the chocolate and Capsaicin are up front on the smell too.  This sauce is CRAZY!

with a hint of cherry in the background smell.  Hard to pick up the bourbon but i love this sauce with apple wood smoked chicken with my own cowboy coffee rub! 