• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Jeff H's 2014 glog- Season ending harvest pics.

Okay, time to kick this growing year off. First a pic from last year of the hydroponic scorpion right before I added it to the compost pile. The plant was so productive with 4 gallon freezer bags stuffed plus more already dried that not only did I decide to not overwinter it, but TSBTs won't be on the grow list next year. This was truly a beast and by far my most productive plant. IIRC, it was over 5' tall and just about as wide when hte branches were heavy with pods.
It was started about this time last year, so it is about time to start some of those pesky slower growing plants if I want them this big next year.

All good things come to an end. The plants will be chopped up and mixed with the leaves for compost.

Okay, with that out of the way, let's get started on next year.
First, a shot of some of the over winter plants in the upstairs window sill. I just plan on keeping them alive here with no real growth expected until I put them outside next year. The two small plants are scorpion clones from the monster. I still don't think they will make the grow next year, but I just couldn't kill it without taking a couple clones. Other overwinters in this pic include a ghost pepper, hot paper lantern hab, tabasco pepper, my largest and most productive giant jalapeno and a couple of others.

Now down into the grow room for an overall shot of what I am doing this year. The flood table is new, but everything else is the same from last year. Same 600W MH light and same mylar on the walls.

Now at this point, let me take a minute to explain that there is no organic soil in anything I brought inside, nor anything that I plan to plant this year. Everything will be hydroponic in one way or another. Even the plants upstairs. My soil for all plants not in the flood table is 50/50 perlite and peat moss. I water them with hydro nutes every few days, but probably can get away with once a week or so. Soil drains really well but the peat moss holds a decent amount of moisture. I'm hoping that we have no issues with root rot this year. I'm also betting that fungus gnats won't like this fast drying soil either. Well that and the mosquito dunks that will be in the hydro water if those bastards do show up again this year.
A close up of the "soil". Look at all that great perlite.


Now, looking at the plants in the flood table, the perlite/pete moss is about 80/20 and I flood hte table once a day. As it is, there is probably too much pete in the soil because the grow bags stay soaked all the time and I'm going to have mold issues. I need to rethink this, but this is what I have for now.
Here they are the day it was installed on Oct 21st.

Here they are a week later (last night). You can't really see it, but there are a couple of tiny growth nodes on the ghost pepper (big pot on the left) and the paper lantern in the black pot. No sign of growth on the monzano yet, but if you look close at the pot, you can see what looks like mold starting. I tossed a cup of H2O2 into the rez last night to kill it if it was mold. We'll see. Maybe plastic air pruning pots would be better suited, or giant net cups.

That is all for now. Join me back on the next update. I'm working hot and heavy on some clones and other projects that aren't quite ready to be photographed yet. Soon though.
Jeff H said:
Lunch tomorrow is for the throwdown. Here is a teaser for you.

And thanks to HBJ for pointing out the sale. You gave me some more work to do.

I'll get some photos of the plants soon. Not a whole lot of action going on though. Just a little bigger than the last photo update.
Counting down until Mother's Day (dirt day).
Onions are going next week though.
Glad I could help out.
maximumcapsicum said:
Good thing I just enjoyed some eggs with your scorp powder for lunch, or I may be insane with hunger right now.
If you don't want to be hungry, do not visit the throwdown thread. Everyone is stepping up to the plate. All the food looks delicious. Pic1 looks to be up to something especially good.
Here is a few photos I didn't use in my entry.
Got those totopos perfected now. Cook them on the CI skillet before you deep fry them. They turn out much better and don't absorb tons of oil.

Shrimp and flounder.

Lemon chutney

Nice job on the totopos Jeff, and the rest to boot! We've been having Mexican quite a lot here lately too... especially since I was gifted with about 8 pounds of Pinto Beans... ;)
miguelovic said:
God damnit, I wasen't even hungry five minutes ago :D
Devv said:
That looks delicious!
stickman said:
Nice job on the totopos Jeff, and the rest to boot! We've been having Mexican quite a lot here lately too... especially since I was gifted with about 8 pounds of Pinto Beans... ;)
Thanks for the good vibes guys.
As I am sitting in the office today, I just had a thought. You know, pubes like cool weather, right? I think it might be time to start hardening off the pubes as long as it doesn't dip down to freezing. What do you guys think about this idea? Good? Bad?
Right now, we are only dipping into the mid 30s a couple of times in the 10day, so the plants could spend much of the time outside soaking up the sun.
Sorry for being so absent on the glog thing, life has been busy lately.
Pot up day for tomatoes and tomatillos. All in 5" pots now. Wow that took a bunch of soil.
1 tomato, 6 tomatillos and a jalapeno.


and more

Pics of the comfrey. So far 9 out of 10 have sprouted and are growing nicely. I'll get them outside in the next week or two.

The mites are back. Found damage on about 1/2 of the monzanos and rocotos. Typical for the pubes.


One Chinense, don't remember which one though.

Gave them all a bath in my secret mite killer.

All of the plants in the general vicinity got a bath. Hate those damn mites.

and for some comic relief, my son did the dishes tonight, just like he has done 100 times (he's 13). Dish washer started to overflow with soap suds so we asked him what happened. "son, how much of the powdered dish soap did you use?" "I didn't dad, I used the liquid dawn"..........Another life lesson learned.
Nice color on your plants.
I hope my maters can make it in 3 1/2s.  I think mine were planted later so they should be okay. 
Interesting story on the dish soap.  I played with my star wars figures when I did the dishes and made a bit of a mess.  Never had to do them again lol.
Good luck on the bugs!!!
HillBilly Jeff said:
Nice color on your plants.
I hope my maters can make it in 3 1/2s.  I think mine were planted later so they should be okay. 
Interesting story on the dish soap.  I played with my star wars figures when I did the dishes and made a bit of a mess.  Never had to do them again lol.
Good luck on the bugs!!!
You were a few weeks behind me IIRC with the tomatoes. You should be fine, but it will be close. My plants were roughly 8" +/- and the pot was full or roots. Not root bound, but very close.
maximumcapsicum said:
Lol, liquid dawn. Did he clean it up?

Sucks about the mites. The dawn suds could help out, right?

What did you decide on the pubes? Gonna start moving them out?
Clean up wasn't bad, we just ran the rinse cycle 4-5 times. Lesson learned (I hope)..
Interesting thought about the dawn suds. I'm sure it would kill the mites, but not su sure the plant would survive the trip through the dishwasher. :confused:
The pubes were going out this weekend, well, that was the plan. They may go out for some sun, but they won't stay. Low 30s in the forecast for Mon-Wed nights. Onions will go out though. I need the room.
Best stuff I have used. Bonide fruit and nut works well too. As for the dish soap...when I use it I stuff a rag around the stem to keep the soil in, invert and dunk them in a strong dish soap solution in the sink. Leave them for about 15 or 20 minutes then a dunk in clean water. Works very well...but you'll probably have to repeat every couple weeks. 

Oh...and that is just a random site, I actually picked my bonide up local at the nursery.
Been busy working out in the gardens and in the yard, but there is so much to do and I feel like I'm a month behind due to the weather. <sigh>
Spent some time building new steps in the back yard to get down to the new raised beds. Also did a little expanding of one of the beds, so now there is (3) beds that are a full 4'x20'. Also picked up more peat, compost and manure for the two other gardens. A work in progress. Photos tomorrow.
Brought some of the larger plants outside to enjoy the nice weather. They can stay until Monday when we are supposed to see temps down in the mid 30's again.
Monzanos, and a dog who doesn't know when to get out of the picture.


Reaper left, Indian Carbon right .

Paper Lantern and my other Reaper.

Got some motivation yesterday for pizza. For toppings ,I Got the idea that chicken shredded mixed with adobo sauce and chipotles would be just the ticket. Add some tomato, sweet peppers, onion, and hot pepper powder.



More pics of the pizza in my flog
Pizza looks tasty! I'm nuts for pizza!
I've been lucky so far (maybe I should shut up) no mites so far. Last year they hammered me; I feel they came here via a store purchase of Poblano's. Now when I have to buy a variety that didn't germ I isolate and treat them before they mingle with the clan..
Some progress shots of the weekend's work.
Future home of the pubescence bed. 3 red rocotos and 3 monzanos most likely. It gets afternoon shade from that tree in the left of the picture.

Ground in the garden is only a couple inches of worn out topsoil on top of good old Ohio clay. The soil was chopped up good and amended with some peatmoss, perlite (to keep the clay broken up) and compost. I'll have to do a little rearanging of the irrigation lines, but you get the idea.
Found some grubs while I was turning over the soil. From what little I know about them, I think they eat roots. Grub killer is next on the list at Home Depot.

Overall shot of the back gardens. These get full sun until 3-4 in the afternoon. Should be great for peppers and tomatoes. In the foreground you can see this weekend's project about 1/2 done. Steps. The wife said it was too hard to walk down the hillside so if I was putting gardens down there, we needed steps.

Close up shot of the top bed. I also made this one longer than i was originally. It is a full 20'+ in length just like the other ones now.

I was going to plant onions today, but I ran out of time and we are supposed to get a god storm tomorrow and the temps will fall into the low 30's so I'll just wait until later in the week.