• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Jeff H's 2014 glog- Season ending harvest pics.

Okay, time to kick this growing year off. First a pic from last year of the hydroponic scorpion right before I added it to the compost pile. The plant was so productive with 4 gallon freezer bags stuffed plus more already dried that not only did I decide to not overwinter it, but TSBTs won't be on the grow list next year. This was truly a beast and by far my most productive plant. IIRC, it was over 5' tall and just about as wide when hte branches were heavy with pods.
It was started about this time last year, so it is about time to start some of those pesky slower growing plants if I want them this big next year.

All good things come to an end. The plants will be chopped up and mixed with the leaves for compost.

Okay, with that out of the way, let's get started on next year.
First, a shot of some of the over winter plants in the upstairs window sill. I just plan on keeping them alive here with no real growth expected until I put them outside next year. The two small plants are scorpion clones from the monster. I still don't think they will make the grow next year, but I just couldn't kill it without taking a couple clones. Other overwinters in this pic include a ghost pepper, hot paper lantern hab, tabasco pepper, my largest and most productive giant jalapeno and a couple of others.

Now down into the grow room for an overall shot of what I am doing this year. The flood table is new, but everything else is the same from last year. Same 600W MH light and same mylar on the walls.

Now at this point, let me take a minute to explain that there is no organic soil in anything I brought inside, nor anything that I plan to plant this year. Everything will be hydroponic in one way or another. Even the plants upstairs. My soil for all plants not in the flood table is 50/50 perlite and peat moss. I water them with hydro nutes every few days, but probably can get away with once a week or so. Soil drains really well but the peat moss holds a decent amount of moisture. I'm hoping that we have no issues with root rot this year. I'm also betting that fungus gnats won't like this fast drying soil either. Well that and the mosquito dunks that will be in the hydro water if those bastards do show up again this year.
A close up of the "soil". Look at all that great perlite.


Now, looking at the plants in the flood table, the perlite/pete moss is about 80/20 and I flood hte table once a day. As it is, there is probably too much pete in the soil because the grow bags stay soaked all the time and I'm going to have mold issues. I need to rethink this, but this is what I have for now.
Here they are the day it was installed on Oct 21st.

Here they are a week later (last night). You can't really see it, but there are a couple of tiny growth nodes on the ghost pepper (big pot on the left) and the paper lantern in the black pot. No sign of growth on the monzano yet, but if you look close at the pot, you can see what looks like mold starting. I tossed a cup of H2O2 into the rez last night to kill it if it was mold. We'll see. Maybe plastic air pruning pots would be better suited, or giant net cups.

That is all for now. Join me back on the next update. I'm working hot and heavy on some clones and other projects that aren't quite ready to be photographed yet. Soon though.
Thanks for the bump and kind words guys, here is the rest of the pics I took last night.
Various annuums. Jals, cayenne, thick cayenne, orange thai and probably some others I don't remember.

A little of everything in this tray, including an Aji Lemon and Brazilian starfish that both are just one step above dead. I keep nursing them along and they haven't died yet. We'll see if they survive.

Purple jalapeno, tam jalapeno and 6 tomatillos.

Another tray of various annuums. Mostly sweets in this tray.

last tray of various annuums. mostly milds in here. Pablano, mirasol, bajio, etc.

The last tray of baby plants (mostly restarts of more cayenne, giant jal, jalmundo,  and the contest plant) will get potted up today or tomorrow into more 4" round pots. I should have at least two more trays of peppers and a few onions to take pics of them.
Penny said:
Those look great....well done!! ;)
Devv said:
Looking good from my house Jeff!
I have a few that could look better, just a hangin' and not growing.
I'm sure they will kick in, you have plenty of time.
maximumcapsicum said:
Annuums looking ready to rock! Keep on growin Jeff!
OhioGrown said:
Everything's looking really healthy!!!
Thanks for the nice comments and good vibes everyone.
Comfrey arrived yesterday. Coe's Comfrey threw in some extras and a hand written note.

Close up of the note.

This guy is a hoot, and he sure is excited about my small order. I wish he sold something else other than comfrey. I would buy something from him just because of his enthusiasm.
I was busy last night and only got a second to look at the DVD titles that Coe sent for free. I'll get photos later, but from memory, one was about how we are destroying the environment and our planet and another was about how someone wants to take our guns. That is an interesting mix of titles that I can best describe as a hippy-gun nut. There aren't that many of those types of people in the world. 
I have to get a tooth pulled today, so as I lay on the couch full of Vicadin, these should provide some entertainment. :high: :high: :high:
The comfrey crown cuttings were planted in some potting soil and stuck in the corner of the grow room. I want to get them growing a bit before I plant them outside along the fence line.
Well, the tooth pulling thing was a big nonevent. I had made plans for laying on the couch slipping vicadin and floating through my weekend :high: , but that didn't really happen. Oral surgeon did such a good job that the fully impacted wisdom tooth that had to be surgically removed in two pieces is just mildly uncomfortable now. Nothing a couple advil aren't helping. :rolleyes:
So against the better judgement from the wife,  wen back downstairs and did some more potting up.
6 giant jals, 6 Numex Jalumondo and 3 of the growdown plants.

3 more pulled out of the 4" pots and into the 5.5" pots. I love these pots. Perfect for the big ones.

Closeup of the contest winner. He had a rough time in the starting tray. He'll perk right up with more room for his rots.

So, about those CD's I mentioned that Coe's Comfrey sent. Here they are:



This guy is a hoot. I watched part of them while the sedatives from the doctor were wearing off. Don't know if I have the patience to watch them sober or not. Monster conspiracy theory isn't my strong suit.
LOL on the CD's! I guess he's a "tell me how you really feel" kind of guy.
Glad the wisdom tooth went well, LB had all 4 pulled in one visit several years ago, it was a tough day for her.
Plants are looking well, and I'm sure they want outside badly!
Those growdown plants are small, slow growers that have issues with light I'm finding. They're happy under the T8, but under the T5 the leaves curl up. I brought one out yesterday afternoon and put it in diffused light and it curled too. Going to work on getting them hardened off if they will let me.
Enjoy the weekend!
Dang, Jeff: almost glad don't have hydro near me!
Your plants look lush, green, and podding?! I think the Starfish and others will pull through for you. Nice!
Love the beds (a lot), and food. And am with ya on mega and meta-world conspiracy crowd. "Don't take my guns; I need them to shoot down 1000 drones."  :think:  Well, I do own guns but . . . never. mind. (I really do like those beds a lot!!) Well done! :clap:
Jeff H said:
Well, the tooth pulling thing was a big nonevent. I had made plans for laying on the couch slipping vicadin and floating through my weekend :high: , but that didn't really happen. Oral surgeon did such a good job that the fully impacted wisdom tooth that had to be surgically removed in two pieces is just mildly uncomfortable now. Nothing a couple advil aren't helping. :rolleyes:
So against the better judgement from the wife,  wen back downstairs and did some more potting up.
6 giant jals, 6 Numex Jalumondo and 3 of the growdown plants.

3 more pulled out of the 4" pots and into the 5.5" pots. I love these pots. Perfect for the big ones.

Closeup of the contest winner. He had a rough time in the starting tray. He'll perk right up with more room for his rots.

So, about those CD's I mentioned that Coe's Comfrey sent. Here they are:



This guy is a hoot. I watched part of them while the sedatives from the doctor were wearing off. Don't know if I have the patience to watch them sober or not. Monster conspiracy theory isn't my strong suit.
Will you be pinching the flowers off, or let them go?
Devv said:
LOL on the CD's! I guess he's a "tell me how you really feel" kind of guy.
Glad the wisdom tooth went well, LB had all 4 pulled in one visit several years ago, it was a tough day for her.
Plants are looking well, and I'm sure they want outside badly!
Those growdown plants are small, slow growers that have issues with light I'm finding. They're happy under the T8, but under the T5 the leaves curl up. I brought one out yesterday afternoon and put it in diffused light and it curled too. Going to work on getting them hardened off if they will let me.
Enjoy the weekend!
The growdown plant is slow, but I put mine under the brightest part of the MH bulb. Put up or shut up. Time to start growing.
maximumcapsicum said:
Lol! Glad to hear the wisdom tooth is gone, and it's always good to get the seedlings potted up! Bet they're really enjoying their new shoes.
Adam, the little guys seem to be enjoying the new room to spread their roots, and my tooth no longer has a home for its roots. Strange but true.
annie57 said:
Dang, Jeff: almost glad don't have hydro near me!
Your plants look lush, green, and podding?! I think the Starfish and others will pull through for you. Nice!
Love the beds (a lot), and food. And am with ya on mega and meta-world conspiracy crowd. "Don't take my guns; I need them to shoot down 1000 drones."  :think:  Well, I do own guns but . . . never. mind. (I really do like those beds a lot!!) Well done! :clap:
Glad to see you back Annie. I wish your brother a speedy recovery. Thanks for stopping in, we do talk guns here from time to time too. ;)
Roguejim said:
Will you be pinching the flowers off, or let them go?
For the most part I will let them go. Most will drop anyway. If a particular plant does get burdoned with too many small peppers, I will pull them off though.
HillBilly Jeff said:
Plants are looking good bud.  Two days until April!!!
Right around the corner my friend. Speaking of April, when do you think it is time for onions in the ground? I was thinking about 4/15.
That sounds about right.  Mine are running a little small so it might be May 1st.  I know they can tolerate some cold weather, but as tiny as mine are, they need to be adjusted to it slowly I think.
Weather could play into it too.  Might have 2 feet of snow on the ground then lol
I found this cool planting calendar. The frost free shaded area is accurate for where I am in zone 6. It is also telling me what I already knew. I start pepper plants way too early. :rolleyes: Next year I vow to not start anything until some time in Feb for the Chinense and pubes. Maybe March 1 for the annuums.

HillBilly Jeff said:
That sounds about right.  Mine are running a little small so it might be May 1st.  I know they can tolerate some cold weather, but as tiny as mine are, they need to be adjusted to it slowly I think.
Weather could play into it too.  Might have 2 feet of snow on the ground then lol
Based on the reading I have been doing, I can probably hit the dirt now and be fine, but right now I have the bed tarped to kill as much of the grass as I can. If the weather is good, maybe next weekend. I need the 72 cell tray freed up to get some beets, cucumber, zucchini and some melons going sooner or later. Actually, looking at my chart above, I need to get moving on beets and carrots.
I feel the same as you on starting peppers.  If I didn't have most of them in gallons, I'd have tons of room.  Mid February for the chinense and March 1st for all the others.  Pubes will be planted mucho early.
I have some not white yellow bhuts I am growing out for someone and I didn't start them until March 1st, so that will be my barometer.  
I did have a ton of pods I had to pick early last year for the frost, so I will see how that goes this year.  I might have even more pods that I need to pick off, but I might get more ripened on the plant too.
I have two shelves that the plants are taking up two shelves in height and I might have to take the top off to raise the lights even more.  That's half the shelving unit used for one shelf worth of plants...nuts.
Later start means more OW too.  Definitely added pubes to that list.
If you plant out in April, you're a solid month ahead of me.  I gotta add though.  Planting peppers that are over knee high will make the garden look sweet right off the bat.
maximumcapsicum said:
Once you start sowing, it's hard to stop! I am going to wait till close to feb next year as well. Where's lunch Jeff?
Lunch tomorrow is for the throwdown. Here is a teaser for you.

And thanks to HBJ for pointing out the sale. You gave me some more work to do.

I'll get some photos of the plants soon. Not a whole lot of action going on though. Just a little bigger than the last photo update.
Counting down until Mother's Day (dirt day).
Onions are going next week though.