gnslngr said:
I got a lotta dead sticks! Roger the glog, earlier then last year....trying get the grow list together.
Thanks for stopping in Dave.
Devv said:
Maybe that dead stick will surprise you
Nope. Not looking like it will. Still one dead stick. The two upstairs look the same. - dead. No real loss though. With so many supers in the freezer this year, I'm not all that upset that a few O/w supers didn't make it.
randyp said:
I am back on board Jeff,and like you am twiddling my thumbs with it still in January.The weather has got in the 50's(southwest Iowa)and that has been nice,but it will not last.Good luck this year.
Welcome aboard this crazy train.
roper2008 said:
Another good luck on the pubes. Hope your season goes well this year.
Thanks for the good luck wishes, I'll take all I can get.
HillBilly Jeff said:
Glad to see you're off and running. My pubes aren't up yet either. Still have a bag full in the freezer waiting on a sauce idea.
Good luck with your grow.
Thanks for stopping in Jeff.
Bigwelshprop said:
Only got one dead stick this winter - Bonnet plant, not MOA, so not heartbroken. The other 12 o/w are all weirdly healthy and most are even flowering!
Got plenty of seeds germing too, so I have to get finishing the greenhouse as Welsh summers aren't massively different from Welsh Springs or Autumns.
Thanks for stopping by. Good luck on your grow.
Pulpiteer said:
How old is that Red Rocoto? My produced so much better the second year. Almost all of my overwinters are Pubes, since they seem to take so long. But they are so tasty. I wanted to grow the golden rocotos one year, but the seed didn't work. I'll be curious to see how those do for you, and how different they are from like a yellow Manzano.
Good luck this season!
Andy, that red rocoto is just entering it's second year. I did have a 3 year old monzano that I just let die over the winter. It never really produced anything and was just annoying me. Here is to hoping that you are right about the 2nd year rocoto. Yes, they are tasty. That is why I keep trying with them.
PaulG said:
Any success with Manzanos is awesome! Keep up the good work, fellas!!
Well very limited success so far.
Just checked on the seeds last night and the only rocoto that has sprouted since I started this glog is a helmet head.
I do have a few chinense and baccys sprouting. I'll give them a few more days and then do a photo update.
Well, since there isn't really anything to photograph as far as plants go, what else to discuss...
Haven't bought any new guns lately, so nothing new there.
Although, feel free to discuss if you want.
Anyone who missed the guitar porn thread probably missed pics of my new Stratocaster. That is about the only new thing around here this winter so here is a couple of pics: