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review JHR's Big Bad Video Review Thread

Hi guys, this thread will contain all of the reviews I post to youtube. I will be reviewing powders, pastes, sauces, pods, pretty much whatever I feel like. Feel free to like, dislike, comment, subscribe.

Will be posting them in order of release. You should note a marked improvement.


wow - you braved the Pure Evil - you're one bad little HS dude.

gonna watch now - thanks!

damn dude - good tolerance! impressive you managed to keep your composure.

you had to stop & come back - you look like you got punched in the lips at the end!

"you actually have to listen to the warning label" :rofl:

Annie got another one! hahaha
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Yeah - I'm sure it's excellent as a supplement - I'm just always surprised to see reviews of extracts where the reviewer is eating it straight. I don't understand the point I guess.

It's like reviewing a Porche 9-11 based on driving it on a 1 lane pot-holed dirt road.

I'd rather see an extract reviewed as intended - couple drops in a pot of chili. How much hotter did X dish get from 1 drop in the pot? 2 drops? Etc.

5 drops on the tongue really doesn't tell me much about the product other than "wow, it's hot!" - it tells me more about how you, Scott R or Ted reacted to something most (sane) folks will never do. Giving a rating for flavor is kind of beyond silly at that point.

I do enjoy your reviews though - and despite lack of practicality I also hope thet people continue to review extracts in exactly this manner, mostly for entertainment purposes.
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Hey man, I agree with every word. I will do a practical review when I get home, eh?

Picked up not 1, not 2, but 4 new sauces today. I think you guys will love the reviews I post on these, a mix of high profile and obscure. They will be up Monday,

Also, if you have anything you would like me to review, let me know in this thread or via PM, and I will see if there is any way for me to get ahold of it.

Cajohn's Black Mamba. Enjoy, guys.

Just a couple corrections- I had seen this vid on youtube, but didn't realize it was posted here by JHR-

Yeah - I'm sure it's excellent as a supplement - I'm just always surprised to see reviews of extracts (IT'S NOT AN EXTRACT! ) where the reviewer is eating it straight. I don't understand the point I guess.

It's like reviewing a Porche 9-11 based on driving it on a 1 lane pot-holed dirt road.

I'd rather see an extract (it's not an extract) reviewed as intended - couple drops in a pot of chili. How much hotter did X dish get from 1 drop in the pot? 2 drops? Etc.

5 drops on the tongue really doesn't tell me much about the product other than "wow, it's hot!" - it tells me more about how you, Scott R or Ted reacted to something most (sane) folks will never do. Giving a rating for flavor is kind of beyond silly at that point. (At the very end of the vid, he says it's "5 out of 5 for heat, zero out of 5 for flavor, cuz there is no flavor")

I do enjoy your reviews though - and despite lack of practicality I also hope thet people continue to review extracts (sigh...[sub]it's not an extract[/sub]...) in exactly this manner, mostly for entertainment purposes.

Other online vids also comment on the lack of flavor. Pure Evil's a totally unique product and people seem to be having a hard time calling something other than "extract". I said it 2000 times at Zestfest....."it's not an extract..." Extracts typically have that nasty taste, and Pure Evil doesn't have that.

JHR, I'm glad you recovered OK. That's a pretty good dose and you handled it well. Thanks for sharing. I'm going to view the Black Mamba video now....this should be good....


Nice reviews, JHR, that Ladybird sauce sounds yummy. I'll keep an eye out for that one.
JHR, I'm glad you recovered OK. That's a pretty good dose and you handled it well. Thanks for sharing. I'm going to view the Black Mamba video now....this should be good....


Anytime, SL. I love doing these reviews. I somehow managed to get some of the condensed capsaicin at the bottom, which made it a whole lot worse.