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Joyner's Hot Pepper Powders 2014 GLOG

As of now here is the somewhat final list for the 2014 growing season...the 7 pot red has a question mark because I am waiting to see if I can use a 1/2 acre in Va of my uncles and isolate. It is very hard to leave over 100 different varieties in the seed bin and not grow them all out!
Best of luck to everyone and I plan to get seeds started in the next few days.
pvpaul7 said:
Awesome! Wish I had a volunteer problem. How'd that happen do you think? A pod fell down the crack last year?
Yes, the black fabric is there because I was tired of pulling them out after roughly 1000+. Since the cloth I have pulled 3 to 400 from the cracks :) It was mainly a Thai garden last season, I might save one and pot it.
All this rain mixed with spotty sun had really helped the Thai Blend square foot garden!
Hi Chris, It doesn't look like too many flowers yet in the sq. ft. garden, but looking at all that growth, anybody can see they're gonna get get seriously loaded when they really start to pop! Keep up the good work!
stickman said:
Hi Chris, It doesn't look like too many flowers yet in the sq. ft. garden, but looking at all that growth, anybody can see they're gonna get get seriously loaded when they really start to pop! Keep up the good work!
About 1/2 have pods and now the plants are focused on growth. In a few weeks it is going to explode with flowers! looking forward to fresh Thai's in dishes.
AaronRiot said:
The Thais are looking fantastic Chris, won't be long before your up to your ears in pods. Looking forward to seeing photos of the rest of your grow!
Thanks Aaron and I agree...for now I'll pick and cook with them but soon it will be out of control. 95% of all plants have flowers and 40% have pods...