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Joyner's Hot Pepper Powders 2014 GLOG

As of now here is the somewhat final list for the 2014 growing season...the 7 pot red has a question mark because I am waiting to see if I can use a 1/2 acre in Va of my uncles and isolate. It is very hard to leave over 100 different varieties in the seed bin and not grow them all out!
Best of luck to everyone and I plan to get seeds started in the next few days.
Here is what is in the 8 x 4.
stickman said:
What makes you say your plants can't handle southern exposure Chris? They look great to me...
90% of the leaves that were there at plant out are now burned and have fallen or been pulled. The plants do look pretty good now but makes me feel like 2 weeks of hardening off was a waste. :) In the end I'll have more fruit as a result I am sure and I should have known since it happens every year! 
JoynersHotPeppers said:
90% of the leaves that were there at plant out are now burned and have fallen or been pulled. The plants do look pretty good now but makes me feel like 2 weeks of hardening off was a waste. :) In the end I'll have more fruit as a result I am sure and I should have known since it happens every year! 
Yeah... I think what's happening is that the leaves under artificial  light grow more surface area so they can grab as much of that weaker light as they can. When we plant outside in the stronger natural light they aren't tough enough to keep from crisping and the larger surface area on the leaves is more of a liability than an asset because they make better sails and the wind can beat the plant up pretty good while it's still young and tender... so our plants jettison them as soon as possible. I'm beginning to wonder if it isn't the best strategy to strip the large leaves off just before planting out like Spicy Chicken does.
That is pretty much I what I did after planting out so they could get all the new growth in full sun. Stripped almost all the large leaves off after new growth started everywhere. These plants might be out of control again in the squarefoot garden style. :)
JoynersHotPeppers said:
That is pretty much I what I did after planting out so they could get all the new growth in full sun. Stripped almost all the large leaves off after new growth started everywhere. These plants might be out of control again in the squarefoot garden style. :)
Good enough... continued success Chris!
I agree with Rick, those large leaves go by the way side rather quickly once outdoors. I just let them be, let the plant use them up as it makes the change. ;)
Devv said:
I agree with Rick, those large leaves go by the way side rather quickly once outdoors. I just let them be, let the plant use them up as it makes the change. ;)
Yeah but the funny thing is they were hardened off for 17 days in direct south sun, same place they are now planted :) 
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Yeah but the funny thing is they were hardened off for 17 days in direct south sun, same place they are now planted :)
Being we have a few mild days in January and February I start putting them outside as soon as daytime temps are 50° and above. This year I used shade cloth to help them out some. It's an in and out hassle until a mid March plant out carrying the boxes. They look a little rough by dirt day; but after dirt day they always look terrible for 2 weeks or so, sometimes longer. Bad enough where I'm reluctant to takes any pics. I also believe soil temps have a major influence, learned that this season trying to push the supers. ;) I have another thought, they may be putting all their initial energy into root growth. When mine decided to grow (finally) they kicked in nicely.
I saw your grow last season, they looked great from my house!
Keep it green!