• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

JoynersHotPepper 2015 Pepper Party

So far behind this year, have not even made a list for 2015. This shall be the week to shed the lazy!
Plantguy76 said:
Hey Chris your plants are looking great ;) 
How are your mystery wine doing this year?
Not as good as I hoped so far but they should improve. The largest plant is perfect and in 100% isolation and yet to set a pod. I am hoping ti will self pollinate soon!
Those are some really sweet looking pods there Chris! Sounds like you've had a heck of a time with it this year. Hoping things turn around for you soon. Sending some good karma your way.
Happy 4th Brother!
    Chris things look great as always.I have had nothing but trouble trying to get my Jays Reds to take off for me in Iowa like the rest of my plants.But I keep trying.
Your family and you have a great 4rth of july weekend Buddy :dance:
randyp said:
    Chris things look great as always.I have had nothing but trouble trying to get my Jays Reds to take off for me in Iowa like the rest of my plants.But I keep trying.
Your family and you have a great 4rth of july weekend Buddy :dance:
Thanks Randy, if my reds do OK I could always send you a few freshies  :hell:
Happy 4th to you as well!