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JoynersHotPepper 2015 Pepper Party

So far behind this year, have not even made a list for 2015. This shall be the week to shed the lazy!
Ozzy2001 said:
These purple tomatillos are crazy. I cut some branches off of mine. They are like 5'tall and were close to 5' wide. They were really intruding on my tomatos. I should have taken some pictures.
Same, I just cut off 50% after a storm, still not a single fruit set however. 
JoynersHotPeppers said:
How is shipping seeds to your country? Do they get confiscated like many other countries? 
I orderedseeds from pepperlover and they arrived. I've never had anything confiscated. Had a friend once post me perfume (alcoholic content) but she labelled them as spice vials and that came through too. 
Comptine said:
I orderedseeds from pepperlover and they arrived. I've never had anything confiscated. Had a friend once post me perfume (alcoholic content) but she labelled them as spice vials and that came through too. 
Ok good to know, if everything grows true I'll be passing along more seeds this year. Still waiting for pods to set in the 100% isolated container but it is the best looking of the 4 plants by far. 
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Ok good to know, if everything grows true I'll be passing along more seeds this year. Still waiting for pods to set in the 100% isolated container but it is the best looking of the 4 plants by far. 
Awesome! I've been following your grow since I joined the forum, and the Mystery Wine caught my eye quickly. Looking forward to see how it works out. 
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Same, I just cut off 50% after a storm, still not a single fruit set however. 
I have a bunch of them set. I squeezed a couple of the husk the other day. Most are about golf ball sized right now.
I had a lot fall off before a few set. The bees seem to love them. There were a couple out there yesterday while I was pulling weeds. We've had an assload of rain this month. Not sure how humid it is for you, but it's pretty swampy here. Although it's always humid here.
Ozzy2001 said:
I had a lot fall off before a few set. The bees seem to love them. There were a couple out there yesterday while I was pulling weeds. We've had an assload of rain this month. Not sure how humid it is for you, but it's pretty swampy here. Although it's always humid here.
Swamp ass comes to mind, 90% or greater for last week!  Today at 45% it is hard to believe it is 91....
JoynersHotPeppers said:
:mope: I have no idea why mine are not setting fruit, bees all over them. 
hmmm. Mine are similar to Ozzy's. Not sure why yours aren't setting fruit yet. Maybe the purple are just slower.
tctenten said:
Does my avatar look familiar?
Looking forward to seeing it change! I have 0 set pods on the isolated plant :( Have about 10 pods on 2 other plants and the one in the container is huge but no pods and little flowers. All this rain has hurt the one in the container...need to feed it
I have 1 in a 25 gal root pouch and 3 in ground.  The root pouch one is the biggest, but was the last to get some pods.  They seem to be exploding right now, both in growth and flowers/pods.  