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Just ate a goat pepper

I gave a cop some of my Quadraphenia yesterday there was abig group of them in the shop. He was in trouble, his eyes watered he kinda went beetroot coloured and he was hiccuping. so pulls his cap spray from his belt. I thought I was gonna get blasted lol. He put it to his own mouth and jokingly said he needed something to cool his mouth down. Wish I caught it on camera he's a big mean looking fella. He took it all in good fun all the other cops were having a chuckle.
So yep enbrace it. It won't kill u its all conditioning. Check out the indian lady she ate 51 bhuts that would leave me very close to death lol in fact IO waould rather die than have that hot morning after lol
go drink some milk and lay down for a few hours.....

:runs in and grabs 'goat peepers':

hehe....they're all mine.....
Hey I thought you were talking about goats weed at first but damn bet that was hot lol. Worst experience ever was trying to eat a scorpion. I ate like a pretty small chunk about a quarter and it burned like hell. Then my stomach started hurting and felt like I swallowed charcoal. Ended up puking and then my whole face burned. It was pretty awesome though.
Txclosetgrower said:
Hey I thought you were talking about goats weed at first but damn bet that was hot lol. Worst experience ever was trying to eat a scorpion. I ate like a pretty small chunk about a quarter and it burned like hell. Then my stomach started hurting and felt like I swallowed charcoal. Ended up puking and then my whole face burned. It was pretty awesome though.


I was the same when I had a medium size chunk of one of tony05's 7 pot......

My main problem was that when i puked it went up my nose......:shocked:

One of the most painful experiences ever, and my sinuses never fully recovered
thast sounds horrific moyboy. god what must have been running throw you mind at that exact moment lol. that beets any burning willi experience.
moyboy said:

I was the same when I had a medium size chunk of one of tony05's 7 pot......

My main problem was that when i puked it went up my nose......:shocked:

One of the most painful experiences ever, and my sinuses never fully recovered

:lol: sorry Moyboy couldn't help myself, couldn't stop laughing when I read this :lol:
JungleRain said:
:lol: sorry Moyboy couldn't help myself, couldn't stop laughing when I read this :lol:

Youll like this Jungle! Last year at our chilli eating comp it came down to me, my partner and her brother. After downing a whole twilight (chew and hold) then to half a rocotto, half a hab, half a fatali to then 1/4 of a naga, half a dorset. My partner gave up! Her stupid stubborn mother of a brother hung in, forced a draw!!!! 4 hours later Tuff scorpion Dave was in the toilet hurling his guts up. I held on as long as I could....I new it was gonna be bad! The spew flew! A bit bounced off the bowl hit me on the cheek, mannnnnn it burned my face off throat was on fire, argh!!!! I was laughing and spewing so much....Sat down hands in face oh man it was bad and funny! This year I believe its a conflict of interest if i enter, truly it is lol!:mouthonfire:
I love those pics, looks like mini evil pumkins...

peppermanbaha said:
what r u crazyy. i spat the first one out. Why eat another.To much heat i swear hotter than a naga.

Hhahahahaha, you make me laugh Leslie...... come on start again drop another one in...this time video it..we want to seeeeeee