Just de-seeded tons of super hots bare handed

Once I rub my eye I get past it and kind of enjoy it. After deseeding 3 fatallis I had a glowing ache for a day and a half. It felt theurapeutic(sp?). Next year I will be growing those seeds and am thinking about how to get the oil out to mix into my hand lotion.
I use latex gloves -- I have had my fingers stinging for days under my nails from deseeding and chopping - and never mind the itchy nose, itchy eye, or itchy ballsac :mouthonfire: and learned not to play with wifey after eating or touching anything hot even if I cant feel it. So I take no chances and wrap the rascals in latex for everyones protection :cool:
I use latex gloves -- I have had my fingers stinging for days under my nails from deseeding and chopping - and never mind the itchy nose, itchy eye, or itchy ballsac :mouthonfire: and learned not to play with wifey after eating or touching anything hot even if I cant feel it. So I take no chances and wrap the rascals in latex for everyones protection :cool:
I was wondering when that was going to come up. Funny.
I dont use gloves either, just try to be careful when cutting and deseeding. I like the idea of rubbing alcohol and salt though, might thave to try that.
I, like Buddy, am a wimp...I use gloves all the time when handle pods...

NOTE: Latex will NOT stop the capsaicin molecule from penetrating it because the molecule size is very small, however, nitrile will.

If you use nitrile gloves, you can single glove...

Chris...I feel for you and your poor little girl...
This condition actually has a name that I did not know until just recently.

It's called Hunan Hands and it is quite painful. I know this from the HUNDREDS of orange habs I've cut in half (not seeded) in the past week or so. Once the pain starts, no amount of hand washing will kill the burn.....in other words.....it's too late. What's worse is that you usually don't notice the burn or pain right away which allows the capsaicin to work deep into your skin.

So, now your hands are on fire and have basically become a harbinger of evil to everything (including other people) you touch.

I will wear gloves from now on. :rofl:
I, like Buddy, am a wimp...I use gloves all the time when handle pods...

NOTE: Latex will NOT stop the capsaicin molecule from penetrating it, however, nitrile will.

If you use nitrile gloves, you can single glove...

Chris...I feel for you and your poor little girl...
Your right nitrile - my bad for not being specific and leading down the wrong path
I use those for my hobby woodworking and such. Other than washing your hands in them, before handling food, are you concerned with the unknown "powder" in them?
I just deseeded a carribean red, I am sporting a mild cold and accidently wiped my nose with my holding fingers, thought the snawze was dripping before, now its pouring.

I remember in college my dad gave me a small basket of small cherry tomatoes, I took them back to my apartment to wash them but every once and a while as I was picking through the tomatoes I would get a prickly feeling on my fingers and hand, I always kept moving that round fruit because it looked different than the other tomatoes and thought I would leave it to last. After stewing over this hard tomato I called my dad to ask if he put any kind of chemical on the tomatoes because one was burning to touch. He laughed and said his East Indian neighbour(who had recently returned from Indian in the spring) gave it to him and he tossed it into the mix as a joke to see if I would pick up. I did!

Funny, I never knew what kind of pepper it was, I remember it was round, red and the size of a golf ball, I have searched pepper databases and have never found what type of pepper this was, I thought rocoto but I couldn't find any reports that its skin was hot to touch.
hunan hands. i've heard of this. however i've forgotten about it and now remember it again. lol. sorry just blabbering about.
I have been reading and responding in this thread and you would think I would have gotten the hint about the gloves. I had a 7pot the other day (Oh my Flipping GAH!!!:mouthonfire:) and had set the seeds out in a filter to dry. I was putting the seeds away and of course fingered the seeds around on the filter, before bagging them. Well I just rubbed my eyes and I am now squinting to see. Gloves it is.
I peeled 50lb of roasted Hatch chilies once w/o gloves. My hands burned for 2 days.
I never wear gloves for regular de-seeding, but I will consider wearing nitrile gloves(latrex won't really protect you) next time I peel and de-seed a batch of Numex/Anaheim type peppers. De-seeding these gets oils all over the back of the finger which are quite sensitive
I never wear gloves... I see no real need to. I often get a minor eye or nose burn (usually after washing my hands like 3-5 times), but nothing major. Well, usually.

The worst eye burn was (ironically) from the Biker Billy jalapeno,, which I felt the after effects of for two or three days. I think it's from two things: I cut a lot more peppers when I'm cutting jalapenos than when cutting chinenses, and when cutting jalapenos I underestimate them and handle them with less care. I think, "pshhh.... jalapenos, those aren't that hot..." and just carelessly start cutting away. I might not have properly washed my hands yet when cutting the BB though and had an eye itch; can't really remember. All I know is, it kinda sucked (but strangely, after the pain went away it felt like it was literally being suppressed, like a painkiller or something... in a way, it kinda felt good at the end...).

With my experience of the Biker Billy so far, I think the carelessness will come to an end... or at least I'll start making sure I wash my hands better (10 times with Dawn maybe?). Lesson learned though: Never estimate the jalapeno.
UZ...if you just wear nitrile gloves when working with the peppers, you won't have to do anything else...

I, also, was one of the ones that said I don't need gloves...then after a couple times getting the capsaicin on my privates, I said, there's got to be a better way...
All I know is, it kinda sucked (but strangely, after the pain went away it felt like it was literally being suppressed, like a painkiller or something... in a way, it kinda felt good at the end...).
The endorphins cause the painkiller feeling. You get it while eating the hot ones too, but it is funny how the brain uses the endorphins depending on where the pain is.
I just deseeded a carribean red, I am sporting a mild cold and accidently wiped my nose with my holding fingers, thought the snawze was dripping before, now its pouring.

I remember in college my dad gave me a small basket of small cherry tomatoes, I took them back to my apartment to wash them but every once and a while as I was picking through the tomatoes I would get a prickly feeling on my fingers and hand, I always kept moving that round fruit because it looked different than the other tomatoes and thought I would leave it to last. After stewing over this hard tomato I called my dad to ask if he put any kind of chemical on the tomatoes because one was burning to touch. He laughed and said his East Indian neighbour(who had recently returned from Indian in the spring) gave it to him and he tossed it into the mix as a joke to see if I would pick up. I did!

Funny, I never knew what kind of pepper it was, I remember it was round, red and the size of a golf ball, I have searched pepper databases and have never found what type of pepper this was, I thought rocoto but I couldn't find any reports that its skin was hot to touch.
I picked up a package of chili seeds at the local chinese market and they were showing cherry looking peppers. Name is all in chinese though. They've germinated pretty quick. Waiting for some fruit.
UZ...if you just wear nitrile gloves when working with the peppers, you won't have to do anything else...

I, also, was one of the ones that said I don't need gloves...then after a couple times getting the capsaicin on my privates, I said, there's got to be a better way...
So far, I haven't got any capsaicin down there, other than the next day when the peppers' remains are on their way out, which is unavoidable... heh... I usually just get minor burns in my nose and eyes after cutting. I wash my hands so much throughout the day, by the time I go to the bathroom for anything, they're already clean... otherwise, I make sure not to touch any... eh... "over-sensitive" locations.

If I do ever decide to start using gloves though, I'll take your advice and try to find nitrile gloves. So thanks for that, in case I do need to get some gloves some day. I probably will eventually... right now I just don't see a minor burn here and there as too bad, when the burns caused by the foods themselves are usually a hell of a lot worse... :hell:
The endorphins cause the painkiller feeling. You get it while eating the hot ones too, but it is funny how the brain uses the endorphins depending on where the pain is.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking... I knew for sure the endorphins get to work when eating them, but I was surprised to get similar, relaxing effects just from an eye burn. That's what shocked me.