Kangaroo Meat

working in the kitchen at work last night, one of the other cooks brought in some very nice kangaroo meat, was marinated and seared on the grill to medium rare was delicious. i know theyre ar ealot of aussie here do you guys eat kangaroo in australia alot? or did i just eat like a dolphin or something (just comparing) sorry no pics was a busy night.:idea:
Kangaroo is finally taking off in Austyralia it can be found in alot of supermarkets. But its always premarinated which is a shame.
I try to eat it reguliarly.
thinly sliced and seared in stir frys or with salads its great
a mate makes a mean slow cooked curry with it.
was it expensive over there do you know?
Its pretty cheap here and I think it shpould become even cheaper as it becomes more used.
my friend got it from a friend who works in a fine dining restaurant. i never asked how much it was. but i have never heard or known of that had eaten it. but was awesome prob really expensive. will find out.
i'd do almost anything to try some 'Roo. I wish fossil farms wasn't so damn expensive and unwilling to have local pickup. i'd just take a drive up and grab some. boooooo i want my 'roo.

Russia Bans Australian Kangaroo Meat
By Phil Mercer
03 August 2009

Russia has banned the importation of kangaroo meat from Australia. Producers fear the decision will decimate their industry. Russia was the main market for the Australian kangaroo trade, accounting for about 70% of international demand.

Russia is worried about the bacterial contamination of kangaroo meat. Officials in Moscow have said that several recent consignments have been tainted with E-coli bacteria and will not allow further shipments into the country.

The import ban is a major blow to Australian producers. Russia was their biggest international customer and hundreds of jobs are now at risk. Already a handful of meat processing plants have closed down.

There are also invironmental concerns. The kangaroo industry believes that if the marsupials are not hunted commercially their numbers will sharply increase, causing damage to farms as well as depleting valuable water supplies.

Brent Finlay from AgForce, which represents farmers in the northern state of Queensland, says Russia's decision could have far-reaching consequences...

"When the harvesting ceases, the population of the 'roos gets to an extent where they're actually in plague proportions and they have eaten themselves to death," he said. "I think a resolution, from what I hear, is a long way away unfortunately. And we'd urge the Australian government to work vigilantly. There's a lot at stake for rural and regional communities. We need these exports income to keep young Australians in jobs.'

China has emerged as a possible alternative market for Australia's kangaroo exports. Senior members of the Australian government led a trade delegation to Beijing earlier this year to spur interest in kangaroo products, although overcoming China's strict quarantine regulations is likely to problematic.

Australia's kangaroo population is estimated at 25 million animals. Government rules allow for about 15% of the population to be killed by professional marksmen.

Despite concerns from animal rights groups that the annual hunt is barbaric, industry representatives have insisted it is humane.

Before the Russians imposed a ban on imports, Australia's kangaroo trade was $225 million annually. It produces steaks and sausages for domestic and international consumers overseas, as well as for pet food manufacturers, while soft kangaroo leather has been used to make sports shoes.
Kangaroo is delicious like an extremely tender beef steak, supposed to be served medium-rare in thick slabs at least 1 - 1 & 1/2 inches thick. Goes very well with red wine or cranberry based sauce and buttery mashed potatoes. It's very similar to reindeer in terms of texture and taste.

Hmmm I'm hungry
Bringing back memories i was just telling someone about this the other day the meat was incredinly like filet mingnon but with a little game flavor was perfect!
For anyone wanting to try it Jungle Jim's in Cincinnati has Kangaroo meat, not to mention any other types of meat you can imagine. I think they will ship too.
Pepperfreak said:
For anyone wanting to try it Jungle Jim's in Cincinnati has Kangaroo meat, not to mention any other types of meat you can imagine. I think they will ship too.

just google exotic meats - there are a whole host of sites that have every type of meat you can think of. not cheap, but you can get it.
I wanted to fix it for Thanksgiving since my kids didn't want traditional American food like Turkey or Ham, but did not have time to run up and get it. Not cheap - $14/lb. on sale but I still want to try some. It will be a while - I have to get use to wearing dentures first!
