• Start a personal food blog, or, start a community food thread for all.

Keep your hands to yourself :))))))))))

That is exactly what my guys like to say when homemade pepperoni pizza with douglah,onion and mushrooms is on lunch menu.:lol:


Thanks HB,that what my teenage boys( the other half and son) said today with faces covered with pizza sauce. :lol:
that's a nice little sprinkle of douglahs I see on there. Chops to the boys for eating a :mouthonfire: HOT pizza.

Oh, and the pizza looks yummy in it's own right~~~ :drool:
Thanks Salsalady :)
The boys LOVE heath and cant get enough of it. It is nice to see them munching on good homemade food.
Superhot is one lucky guy.

I'm going to copy and frame this and every thime he complain about my cooking I'll have it to show him. :lol:

PS Vanilla/pineapple,fatali mix for ice-cream is in fridge cooling. I'll have pics and recipe for you ready for ya tomorrow. :)