• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

KiDDc's Grow Log

After 6 months of joining THP, i've finally decided to start my grow log here.
Why so long? For one, i am a big lazy slob, and maintaining a grow log seems like an awful lot of work.

But its seems that i can learn faster and grow more if i have a grow log, which others seemed to be doing.

Without further delay, my grow list this year (subject to change):-

- Chili Padi (Bird's eye chili)
- Orange Habanero
- Large brown habanero
- Chocolate Habanero
- Peruvian White Hab
- Aji Cristal
- Hungarian Hot Wax
- Stripe (Baccatum)
- Tabasco
- 7pod
- Trinidad Scorpion
- Bhut Jolokia
- Pimenta De Neyde
- Scotch Bonnet (patrick)
- Short Yellow tabasco (fatalii.net)


Aji Cristal seedlings and PND on the top left hand side


Hungarian Hot Wax - this is the second plant i have, the first one died from stem rot
and this plant is from the seeds of the first plant. Question: How do i avoid stem rot?


Chocolate Habanero
Without further delay, my grow list this year (subject to change):-

- Chili Padi (Bird's eye chili)
- Orange Habanero
- Large brown habanero
- Chocolate Habanero
- Peruvian White Hab
- Aji Cristal
- Hungarian Hot Wax
- Stripe (Baccatum)
- Tabasco
- 7pod
- Trinidad Scorpion
- Bhut Jolokia
- Pimenta De Neyde
- Scotch Bonnet (patrick)
- Short Yellow tabasco (fatalii.net)

I get envious of people growing rocotos, coz in my side of the worlds, its just too hot for rocotos.

I saw your post in the Hombre 2013 Pubescens ,Pubescens and Pubescens thread by Hombre's.

Do you have any records of which Rocoto varieties you had trouble with in the past? My plants are doing well in dry hot weather. A key difference may be the humidity.
Whoa, epic thread necro.

I have problems even with the turbo pube, it would grow for a month and then die off. All the other plants were doing great, same soil, same watering, same ferts, but the pubes all died off after a month of growth. I will try again this year for a complete research.

Thanks for the reply, harry!
Whoa, epic thread necro.

I have problems even with the turbo pube, it would grow for a month and then die off. All the other plants were doing great, same soil, same watering, same ferts, but the pubes all died off after a month of growth. I will try again this year for a complete research.

Thanks for the reply, harry!

I haven't grown the Turbo Pube though I do have one Not that throws out similarly bottle-necked pods (Not Locato). One issue I have come across is the lack of specific naming of Capsicum Pubescens varieties.

There does appear to be a difference in performance depending on the strain. The Not Locato plants are thriving (maybe partially due to hybrid vigour) whereas an orange Manzana Yellow prefers cooler weather. The later fruited heavily in autumn last season.

My experience here is the Capsicum Pubescens varieties thrive on less fertiliser. I found last season that a combination of a fertiliser with NPK 10.5:2.3:6.8 plus 1.68% Calcium (Amgrow Nitrosol in Australia) with some rather questionable potting mix worked wonders on plants that are likely Locato hybrids. I have witnessed what appears to be leaf burn when you give too much fertiliser to the plants (growth tips turn brown, dry off and die). Do you recall the details of the fertiliser?

This season I added Rocoto Aji Largo (originating from semillas.de), Canario and Sukanya (both from JungleRain), plus seed from the Red Rocoto pod shown in this post (sourced through a family friend).

Edit: I should clarify that I was fertilising at 1/8 the full dose (5 mL to ~10 L of water of the concentrate) with every watering in my dry climate. On very hot days I water the plants at least twice rather than soaking them through to keep the roots better aerated. Aeration may be an issue in your location.
I haven't grown the Turbo Pube though I do have one Not that throws out similarly bottle-necked pods (Not Locato). One issue I have come across is the lack of specific naming of Capsicum Pubescens varieties.

There does appear to be a difference in performance depending on the strain. The Not Locato plants are thriving (maybe partially due to hybrid vigour) whereas an orange Manzana Yellow prefers cooler weather. The later fruited heavily in autumn last season.

My experience here is the Capsicum Pubescens varieties thrive on less fertiliser. I found last season that a combination of a fertiliser with NPK 10.5:2.3:6.8 plus 1.68% Calcium (Amgrow Nitrosol in Australia) with some rather questionable potting mix worked wonders on plants that are likely Locato hybrids. I have witnessed what appears to be leaf burn when you give too much fertiliser to the plants (growth tips turn brown, dry off and die). Do you recall the details of the fertiliser?

This season I added Rocoto Aji Largo (originating from semillas.de), Canario and Sukanya (both from JungleRain), plus seed from the Red Rocoto pod shown in this post (sourced through a family friend).

Edit: I should clarify that I was fertilising at 1/8 the full dose (5 mL to ~10 L of water of the concentrate) with every watering in my dry climate. On very hot days I water the plants at least twice rather than soaking them through to keep the roots better aerated. Aeration may be an issue in your location.

Ok thanks for the tips, Harry. Less ferts, you say? Probably thats what killed it together with the heat and humidity.

Will start some pube this year to try. Always wanted one.