• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

KiNGDeNNiZ... keep moving forward!!

Actually more of a journal for me. Just like to see all the progressions.

This year 2013 I got hit with what was believed to be thrips. They consumed one plant after another. My veggies were all destroyed by spider mites. And now my struggling in ground plants are being consumed by aphids. So many buds and flowers. Too bad they won't make it. But hey. I did t have grubs this year

Thanks to all that sent pods. Powders. Hot sauces. And seeds. Although I wasn't able to do fresh pod giveaways. I was and still doing powder and seed giveaways.

I've started some new ones late in the summer and plan to go into full swing in a week.

Here are the big boys.


From this

To this. Soil is roots organic. And some coco

I've also give hydro a shot. Jamaican scotch bonnet MoA

And made this my ghetto aerogarden utilizing clay balls. Lol ... Using aerogarden nutes for now


Thanks to THP and Facebook for sharing with me the pods powders and seeds.

I met some nice folks on the FB spectrum...and for some cool varieties to grow. My In ground will be nuked and dedicated solely to the Jamaican scotch bonnet MoA. I have some you've heard of and some you haven't like the "peanut" Lucy and Katie. Bubblegum orange and a few others. Here's to a head-start

Kudos on the saints pot. I wish my pepper plot was that big. Does the wall help heat the area. Pretty cool idea with the orange. I've seen people use eggs but never an orange.
Hey Denniz. I'm looking to get a similar polytunnel to yours. How does yours stand up to strong winds? Is the frame anchored or is it just a matter of burying the bottom of the cover?
What kind of cichlids do you breed? I've had cichlids for 14 years or so. Right now we've got a red devil in a 90 gallon tank, but we've had Africans before as well.
Scarecrw said:
Kudos on the saints pot. I wish my pepper plot was that big. Does the wall help heat the area. Pretty cool idea with the orange. I've seen people use eggs but never an orange.
im sure it does.. but doesnt get much sun in the afternoon... but 2 or 3 years ago. my tomatoes took off in that area so i putting it back there.. last year i had peppers
ronniedeb said:
Hey Denniz. I'm looking to get a similar polytunnel to yours. How does yours stand up to strong winds? Is the frame anchored or is it just a matter of burying the bottom of the cover?
strong winds..lol.. its a joke.. i dont like the design.. they werent smart by putting "windows" on the bottom side... shouldve put them on top.. so the warm / hot air rises .. otherwise i have to open the zipper door...to keep it cool... as for the bars.. flimsy.. i have to reinforce a few of them because the top isnt stretched out as much and so when  it rains.. pockets form.. and the weight of the water bent a few bars...  but they are from what i hear good for 2-4 years.. lol .. at best..
Pulpiteer said:
What kind of cichlids do you breed? I've had cichlids for 14 years or so. Right now we've got a red devil in a 90 gallon tank, but we've had Africans before as well.
i only have firemouths.. friends got them for us due to us not being able to keep the water clean..they are hardy.. then long and behold.. they had FRYS... and from there.. more and more and more.. another buddy hooked me up with about 30-40 convicts... and the rest i added....
i love my 135gallon.. going to take a few of the convicts out as they make the tank too dark

tray of new soldiers are getting stronger....

harvested some NOT red inca berries... the plant has survived our cali winter and is still making pods..

got some cool seeds from a FB buddy...

first WILD ever.. galapagoense pepper from Melissa.. and more likely from smokemaster




i love my plant propagation class.. here.. we just prepped 60 flats.. 80% perilite and 20% peat moss
I raised Cichlids for years.
Mostly rare stuff that were hard to bread.
I had a pare of Cuban Cichlids that laid eggs AND a very low number hatched.
Cubans are VERY hard to bread.
You are VERY lucky IF you find a male and female that will bread.
Most times Cubans would rather kill each other than bread.
I sold about every variety I could raise at the time.
I raised a LOT of stuff for Aquarium shops for several years.
The earthquake closed most shops here in the valley.
I lost ALL my breading stock when the electricity was cut off after the quake happened.
I lost 1  800gal. tank,2 300 gal. tanks,2 650 gal. tanks,15 ,25 gal. tanks and a lot of 10 gal. tanks that I used as shrimp tanks,baby tanks and sick tanks.
I also raised Pacus,Arowanas(Yellow,Silver mostly).
I Bread some Royal clown Knife fish and there are a couple versions.
Mine grew 24in. + before it bread with a silver colored one.
Broke my heart when the yellow died.
Was only 7 inches long.
My Royal Clown Knife took care of it as if it was her baby - both died after the earthquake-no power to run the air pumps.
Earthquake killed all my fish...
Lost Elmer Fud,my Pacu.
It was over 2 ft in diameter.
Silver Arowana 4 ft long.
All my big stuff was in a 2ft.X2ft.X 8ft. aquarium.
smokemaster said:
I raised Cichlids for years.
Mostly rare stuff that were hard to bread.
I had a pare of Cuban Cichlids that laid eggs AND a very low number hatched.
Cubans are VERY hard to bread.
You are VERY lucky IF you find a male and female that will bread.
Most times Cubans would rather kill each other than bread.
I sold about every variety I could raise at the time.
I raised a LOT of stuff for Aquarium shops for several years.
The earthquake closed most shops here in the valley.
I lost ALL my breading stock when the electricity was cut off after the quake happened.
I lost 1  800gal. tank,2 300 gal. tanks,2 650 gal. tanks,15 ,25 gal. tanks and a lot of 10 gal. tanks that I used as shrimp tanks,baby tanks and sick tanks.
I also raised Pacus,Arowanas(Yellow,Silver mostly).
I Bread some Royal clown Knife fish and there are a couple versions.
Mine grew 24in. + before it bread with a silver colored one.
Broke my heart when the yellow died.
Was only 7 inches long.
My Royal Clown Knife took care of it as if it was her baby - both died after the earthquake-no power to run the air pumps.
Earthquake killed all my fish...
Lost Elmer Fud,my Pacu.
It was over 2 ft in diameter.
Silver Arowana 4 ft long.
All my big stuff was in a 2ft.X2ft.X 8ft. aquarium.
ahh pacu.. love them.. we had about 6 of them and had to let them go because it was hard to keep them in 90gal tank at the time .. i believe they were about 8-10"  each and feeding them was a hassle.. right now i have 3 pacu that ive kept with the rest of the aggressive fishes.. ive only fed them flakes and have not grown much from when i got them 2 years ago.. i want arowana!!!!
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
strong winds..lol.. its a joke.. i dont like the design.. they werent smart by putting "windows" on the bottom side... shouldve put them on top.. so the warm / hot air rises .. otherwise i have to open the zipper door...to keep it cool... as for the bars.. flimsy.. i have to reinforce a few of them because the top isnt stretched out as much and so when  it rains.. pockets form.. and the weight of the water bent a few bars...  but they are from what i hear good for 2-4 years.. lol .. at best..
Thanks for your reply Denniz. I will look for another option then.
I love all those fish. I never had a Cuban but had all the others. I used to feed my pacu peas, chick peas all types of fruits and veggies and even a few crickets when I picked them up for my frog. My biggest tank was a 125 with my pacu, Florida gar, snakehead and south American catfish.
I Like reading your glog because you mention melissa. Glad to see her still gardening. I'm growing some peach habs and Tobago seeds she sent me last year. Tell her scarecrw says hi
Things are looking good here Denniz!
You have plants everywhere!
So how are you going to prep the plot?
You're young and strong, get a pitchfork and turn that stuff over and pull all that Bermuda out you can. And mulch to surpress.
Hoping you have a fantastic, successful year!
We just bought a little firemouth to evenually put in our rain barrel when it warms up. We've enjoyed raising fish.  I really enjoy the personality of the Red Devils, but the beauty of the malawian cichlids, especially the haps and alunocaras are amazing. 
That plant propagation class looks serious! That's a lot of seed starting material!
Devv said:
Things are looking good here Denniz!
You have plants everywhere!
So how are you going to prep the plot?
You're young and strong, get a pitchfork and turn that stuff over and pull all that Bermuda out you can. And mulch to surpress.
Hoping you have a fantastic, successful year!
young yes.. healthy and fit.. not at all..lol ill be hiring help to hill and weed.. with this rain we are getting.. it will need to happen soon.. and my compost is ready to go in the mix
Pulpiteer said:
We just bought a little firemouth to evenually put in our rain barrel when it warms up. We've enjoyed raising fish.  I really enjoy the personality of the Red Devils, but the beauty of the malawian cichlids, especially the haps and alunocaras are amazing. 
That plant propagation class looks serious! That's a lot of seed starting material!
hmmm.. wonder where i can get those other cichlids at...
Pinoy83 said:
u got tons of helper there buddy
wish they can come over and til  my yard....
Pink Tigers budding and flowering



Aleppos needing new homes

along with one of the Urfas

My Orange Habanero (scotch bonnet shaped) looking better and bigger

7 pot mustards and Yaki Blues finally separated and on their own

XoXo podding up.. 

NOT inca berry still giving me pods

thanks melissa for the fresh pods... including some MoAs
also sent my aussie buddy seeds from my 2013 bubblegum pods and the results are here



babies indeed are bigger

more MoA's in bigger homes



if not the rain bearing down and snapping the frame... i took of the tarp due to the strong winds and sheltered the babies in the gazebo


dogs strike again.. 2nd year my bubblegums get attacked 

moving the grow area to a smaller area...

B.O.C setting more pods...

stil waiting for this one to change colors

rain snapped a few of my air layering INDIGO tomoto

time to reinforce

BOnda Me JAques and on top is bubblegum 7 pot LONG

hoping these SBJ7s in aussie stay yellow

and finally sharing the heat with a local buddy.. hope this plants produce well for him