• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

KiNGDeNNiZ... keep moving forward!!

Actually more of a journal for me. Just like to see all the progressions.

This year 2013 I got hit with what was believed to be thrips. They consumed one plant after another. My veggies were all destroyed by spider mites. And now my struggling in ground plants are being consumed by aphids. So many buds and flowers. Too bad they won't make it. But hey. I did t have grubs this year

Thanks to all that sent pods. Powders. Hot sauces. And seeds. Although I wasn't able to do fresh pod giveaways. I was and still doing powder and seed giveaways.

I've started some new ones late in the summer and plan to go into full swing in a week.

Here are the big boys.


From this

To this. Soil is roots organic. And some coco

I've also give hydro a shot. Jamaican scotch bonnet MoA

And made this my ghetto aerogarden utilizing clay balls. Lol ... Using aerogarden nutes for now


Thanks to THP and Facebook for sharing with me the pods powders and seeds.

I met some nice folks on the FB spectrum...and for some cool varieties to grow. My In ground will be nuked and dedicated solely to the Jamaican scotch bonnet MoA. I have some you've heard of and some you haven't like the "peanut" Lucy and Katie. Bubblegum orange and a few others. Here's to a head-start

Oh yeah! My wife and I have been getting into the cider thing. Officially joined the CCCP(Clinch Cider Collective Peasantry) last fall.
We own shares in  a press, scrounge up and beg apples all over the county and typically run anywhere from 10-40gal of cider per family in the fall. 
It will almost ruin you for store bought cider. 
What yeast are you pitchin'?
The cider and greenhouse look yummy. What is are your average temp swings in the greenghouse this time of year, min, and max? 
It looks like you've got your garden figured out and fine tuned. Plants look great, hopefully you'll get some "grade A" MoA's.
JJJessee said:
The cider and greenhouse look yummy. What is are your average temp swings in the greenghouse this time of year, min, and max?
 made another batch of cider... really loving it.. today will be bottling time for the beer....

as for the greenhouse with it being only 70s to 80s.. the temps are getting to 80s to high 90s and they are loving it... the greenhouse was poorly designed as they put the windows on the side and put no vents on top...so come the real summer time.. it gets super hot in their unless i keep the door open.. if not temps get to triple digits...and with the door being open defeats the purpose of trying to keep it bug free... i feel like slicing and rigging up a vent system on the top part.. but with it being a ghetto Ghouse im sure it will only create its breakdown..

the bars are also flimsy... and poorly made.. when it rained a couple times.. there were little pockets on top and collected water.. and collapsed the Ghouse... so now i have to reinforce the greenhouse with some pvc..during the real summers here in socal i have to move it to a more shaded area.. because the spot it is at gets sun from 830am-4pm.. one day i will have my real greenhouse...
Penny said:
Love the greenhouse, and that cider does look yummy!! :)
 thanks penny... hope to mass produce it with a buddy of mine..
PIC 1 said:
It looks like you've got your garden figured out and fine tuned. Plants look great, hopefully you'll get some "grade A" MoA's.
 still tuning mr greg... learn new things everyday.. last semester i took horticultural science.. in two weeks i learn plant propagation. although i will probably know as much as they do... i want to learn the language and see more new things to fine tune my garden and be able to succeed as you have.

as for the MoAs they are doing great.. wish i still had seeds from the fist batch steve brought over.. but its okay.. 2nd generations are okay ...if i dont get any pods.. my local THPer Melissa will help provide for me.. hahah

how is the red MoA you have.. are you growing any this season?
HillBilly Jeff said:
Really love the greenhouse.  One of these days I will have to get me one of them.  Temp swing scares me that I will kill some plants lol.
yes.. make sure it have ventilation on top.. otherwise youll need to improvise
Everything looks nice king. I planted the black pearl seeds you sent me this year. Looks like I should try my hand at cider. I usually make gallons of applesauce and give it away. I bet cider would be a nicer gift.