• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

KiNGDeNNiZ's 2013 still with a few healthy plants and pods

so last years grow came with ups.. and a LOT of downs....but it shall not slow me down... since being introduced to the AEROGARDEN (thanks alot PINOYPRIDE) i have yet to stop sowing seeds... so my early starts have already began for next year... i will do my best to label and keep track....Aerogarden #1---sowed 11/6/121Red FDA SB ( PIC1-seeds from this years pods)2. Red FDA SB ( PIC1-seeds from this years pods)3. Red FDA SB ( PIC1-seeds from this years pods)4.5. Mustard Habanero (seeds from Pulpiteers pods)6. Fatalii-yellow (seeds from JAGs pods)7. Mustard Habanero (seeds from Pulpiteers pods)Aerogarden #2 sowed 11/01/121. Bubblegum 7 pot---- Slater1980 0/22. Malaysian goronong (tucabil) 0/33, Red Brain strain (romy6) 1/34. Jamaican Scotch bonnet (midwestchilihead) 0/25. Scotch Bonnet (jamison) 0/26. Mustard Habanero (bakers creek-rareseeds.com) 2/37. Red FDA SB ( PIC1-seeds from this years pods)Aero garden #3---sowed 10/30/12--- intially seeds thrown in soil then moved to aeropods 11/51-6----. Fatalii-yellow (seeds from JAGs pods) 6/6more pics and updates to follow
as you can see in the aerogarden... that lil clear cup was filled with about 20 seeds from JAGs fataliis.. =Dits only been 11 hrs.. and it already looks like this...alakan humus...alfalfa... worm castings.... molasses...mushroom compost...and mycoblast packet
also will take a chance on cloning... thanks to PaulG and other thread who did cloning..
this reaper was dampening in my aero.. so i snipped it...dipped in in rooting hormone (MG)the healthier reaper i moved from aero - soil due to aphid infestation
will find a way to utilize all these goodies from the indoor garden expo
who needs some pectin.. i scored all these at $.54ea due to albertsons grocery closing..
this hot sauce thing is kinda fun... although the jelly seems easier
and with regards to HOW young is too young to start them with peppers... heres my answer.. 4 years old
I'd toss that stunted one...and the one above it is not a pepper...everything above those two look pretty kick-a$$! You got enough plants...just ditch that one in case it has bigger issues than the ones you can see.

Done. Tossed the stunted. Love the MG soil. I put 12oz water in 2 gal growbag nothing came out. Wow. Does retain!!
Damn, $5 is almost cheap enough for me to sell my soul to Monsanto ;)

I saw those at my neighborhood Wal-Mart for ~$12, which made me feel justified in buying the 2 cu ft Happy Frog at Green Thumb for $17(only 25 cents more per cu ft). I think if I saw it at $5 I wouldn't have felt so good.

Plants look great, and I agree with STC, toss that stunted guy and give the love to a plant that has more promise.
Deep green leaves on those "aero grads" - looking awesome! Every time I check in on your grow I'm amazed by the different plants in various stages of growth. I'll be curious to see how those bubblegum 7's go for you and what you think of them. They seem interesting...
Deep green leaves on those "aero grads" - looking awesome! Every time I check in on your grow I'm amazed by the different plants in various stages of growth. I'll be curious to see how those bubblegum 7's go for you and what you think of them. They seem interesting...

Thanks for dropping by pastor andy. Yes the ones in aerogarden take off after week 3. Only bad thing is the sister aero is aphid bound so need to transfer them out soon. And as far as the stages. It's due to me not stopping with the Dow since march of 2012!!! That why there are a ton of stages. Here's to a good year
I've been too busy to stop in here for a week, but am just blown away with your progress in that amount of time. I wish there was a place locally where I could buy some Manzano plants like you did, but oh well...

It's all looking really green DeNNiZ... keep up the good work!
Hey Denniz, do you know what generation the butch t x douglah seeds you gave me are? Just curious.

Have No idea. Those are silver surfers pods. Umm. Find his thread on them and you'll see there.

Glad you cut that one! It will pull thru!
Checked it out this am. Didn't look so good. Preey much left with just the cotys :(.

I've been too busy to stop in here for a week, but am just blown away with your progress in that amount of time. I wish there was a place locally where I could buy some Manzano plants like you did, but oh well...

It's all looking really green DeNNiZ... keep up the good work!

Thanks a lot Rick. All is well wih some problems. Aphids have come inside the house. And with the plants inside. No predators cept me. You'll have manzanos. We have faith In you !!

I got my greenhouse in the mail yesterday. 12x7x7. So will set it up Monday and put the plants there and let lose some lady bugs!!
I got my greenhouse in the mail yesterday. 12x7x7. So will set it up Monday and put the plants there and let lose some lady bugs!!

Most excellent! Doc's got you sold, eh? He and Paul both said that it's a 2 person job setting it up, so I hope you have help lined up. Cheers!
Most excellent! Doc's got you sold, eh? He and Paul both said that it's a 2 person job setting it up, so I hope you have help lined up. Cheers!

No choice. Grow inside is getting bigger and have some aphid issue so need to get them in the Ghouse and toss some lady bugs. I didn't get the metal ones like the doc and Paul have. I'm ghetto like that. Budget was $100. But it's all good. We got high 70s and low 80s all week. Can't wait. Have a few buds and flowers on gochu. :)
Nice Denniz! That thing's gonna help out a ton! You should be able to overwinter in there too I bet.

Sure will I'm being evicted. Well the plants are. Having a party next month so my indoors will need to be out by then. Hardened and all. As for the OW. Should help. Now how about If I keep containers in there. How to attract bees to go there. Don't think I'd be able to had pollinate once they go off !!

Nice Denniz! That thing's gonna help out a ton! You should be able to overwinter in there too I bet.

Sure will I'm being evicted. Well the plants are. Having a party next month so my indoors will need to be out by then. Hardened and all. As for the OW. Should help. Now how about If I keep containers in there. How to attract bees to go there. Don't think I'd be able to had pollinate once they go off !!

wow, that looks like a pretty sweet set up. That'll look good filled with pepper plants...
Sure will. Only a matters time.

And for the NON

"indigo" or OSU tomatoes. What the sun hits will be purple. The hidden fruit will ripen red. :)
Explosive Ember

SBJ7 (Patrick via Romy6)---to the right is FDA scotch bonnet (PIC1)

JA Habs (walkgood)

SBJ7 moved into his new home

Aerogarden mystery grads getting a dose of what 80s is...good bounce back

FDA scotch bonnet (PIC1 or Windchicken)


my friends been growing this 3 ft pepper for a year now.. he says its SILING LABUYO.. can anyone give us an idea.. i know labuyo aint pube


and finally cleared it out for my wife's herbs...