• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

So this is my first year growing hot peppers, sure I had grown some Jalapeno (2) and Cayanne (1) last year but this year is diff. I had bought those plants at the store when they were buy 1 get 2 free deal. They were already about 2 ft tall and were producing peppers. The only knowledge I needed was how to put them in the car, take them out, dig a hole, put the plant in and then put some dirt around it. Whew hard work, but those plants got me started with peppers. From there I met JAG and he gave me a bunch of super hots, Scorpion, Fatalii, Ghost, Douglah and many more.
I got the seeds from them pods and saved them for this year with the thinking I am going to grow my own plants.
Which brings me to my first grow log.
I had started some seeds in a planter back around Thanksgiving but they all grew to about 2 inches tall, never got bigger, never produced leaves and eventually died. So I started some more and started asking questions about what I can do/try etc. needless to say the info has been invaluable.
These first pics show what i started with early this week


this next pic is what I had a day after the above pics and after potting up some seeds I had germinating in a wet paper towel
Thanks. I liked that pic as well.

I wrapped pretty much the whole thing in aluminum foil 2 days ago to try and get it warmer so they grow more. Not sure if it will help. I did notice that alot of the plants are starting to get their first true leaves on them now.
Also had 4 more Thai Fires pop through. Need to get the Scorpions aprouted now. I started them in a wet paper towel inside a baggie. I potted them up once they started to hook inside the paper towel. None of them have come through the soil yet. Think I might dig one up tonight to see what is going on with it, see if I have to start some more right quick.

Wow, a big turnaround. Looking good K, I noticed you potted up some. You forgot to bury the stem, I mean it was/is a recommendation. If you pot up again I recommend you bury most of the stem up to the cotyledons. When you have em indoors do you put a fan on them?

If not try this. Get a used/new 80mm CPU fan and take a cell phone charger and wire it to the fan. That's what I use for both my CPU fans. I have one to cool my LEDs and one to blow on the plants under my T5's.
Don't worry man we'll help you get those pods :D. Just keep it up everything is coming along nicely.


How do you wire the fans up? I have a bunch of old cell charges that I can use but hey I am no electrician LOL

I do have one plant in the above pics that has some very bad curl to the cotyledon.

Wanted to give an update on this guy here. After getting it under the lights and not watering for a few days, he came back nice and stong and is actually starting to get first set of true leaves. Not as big as the other plants but he is a fighter. Will have to keep this one off by himself to see how well it does with pods.
Plants are doing nice, most have started to get true leaves and a bunch of those you dont need a magnifying glass to see em LOL.

Took the ones that did not sprout yet and checked them lastnight. I had started these seeds in a wet paper towel insdie a baggie. None of them had popped through the soil yet so i took a toothpick and gently moved the dirt around so I could see if they were actually growing., All of them are but just havent made it through yet. I decided to pull them from under the lights, cover weith seran wrap and put em on top of the freezer to see if that helps.

Basically everything I have planted this year, germinated so I had a 100% germination rate. I didnt think it was going to be that high. I also did some math stuffs lastnight and figured I would have room for about 24 plants along the side of the yard. Will be 2 rows of 12 each but staggared like a zig zag. Another 9-12 in the flower bed on one side, have enough 5 gal buckets for 9 so would need another 10 buckets or so to have enough room for all of the plants. Plus still have room for the GF's verggies
To wire the fans is just cake man. I mean if you want me to guide you post up the fans capacity like how many volts and amp it is. Same for the charger/s you have and I'll let you know. Basically it's color with color and ignore the yellow wire which is for the RPM control I think. Lmk and I'll tell you how to hook up all this jazz.

Sounds good and might have to hit you up. I did see a small fan at walmart that would work and it was under $20 buck. Will let you know though. thanks again
Sounds good and might have to hit you up. I did see a small fan at walmart that would work and it was under $20 buck. Will let you know though. thanks again

That's good too. It would all be free at no cost if you already have a CPU fan. I'd say if you got the bucks get the Walmart one, easier to mount or relocate later.

If this was 2-3 yrs ago I would have a boat load of fans, unfortuantely I got rid of all my extra PC components. We do have a computer store here that might have them pretty cheap. Will have to give them a call see what they have.
So went to walmart over the weekend looking for a small desk fan, they have them advertised on their site as in stock in store. I get there and they have not one single fan. So I am using a large box fan but have it sitting away from the plants a bit so it isnt too strong of a breeze.
I replanted some of the seedlings this weekend, basically so I could bury them more. I think I had to do about 9 or 10, did the first 3 and realized I didnt mark on the containers which was which. Good thin that the plants were a Yellow Bhut, Ghost and Caribbean Red hab. Easy to distinguish once the pods start.
Everything else is going great, pretty much everything has their first set of leaves and doing well. I do have about 12 that I am still waiting to pop through the soil. Getting everything lineup for the garden now. Was supposed to get a truck load of horse manure to mix in the garden before I plant. plus got a small load of mulch to put around them once I plant.
Put that fan on high, and it will duplicate what my seedlings have been experiencing outside...LOL

Good stuff, sounds like its all going great now. :)
Looking good. Yes a fan is def needed indoors. I have mine blowing 24/7 oh high. Makes em nice and strong! Outside in PA already, wow. We are still getting negative windchill around here! Must be nice! Good job!
Looking good. Yes a fan is def needed indoors. I have mine blowing 24/7 oh high. Makes em nice and strong! Outside in PA already, wow. We are still getting negative windchill around here! Must be nice! Good job!

It was only 2 days where it got over 50, although it is supposed to be around 50 this weekend so I might have them out for a few hrs again. Sunday is supposed to be 49 for the high and sunny, so will deff have them out for a few hrs then. Sat is still up in the air.
I got a small load of horse manure yesterday so will be spreading that around in the garden this weekend
So I decided to keep my plants inside this weekend, was just a bit too cold for em
Was checking them out and have about 1/2 or a bit more working on their 2nd set of leaves now. Have 3 or 4 that have started on the 3rd set. Have pictures and will try and get them uploaded in a bit.

Got a load of horse menure over the weekend and spread that out where I will be planting this year. Need to get a roto tiller, need to get the ground tilled and the manure worked into the soil. Wanted to get the manure spread out as we were supposed to get some snow yesterday. We ended up getting it today.
Still working on getting the new pics uploaded.

decided that I was going to check out what was going on under the soil for a few of my plants that didnt sprout. Had 5 Scorpions, 1 Ghost and 1 Douglah that didnt. The Scorpions I germinated in a paper towel and they did start to sprout in there, not sure what happened other than it was too soon to go from paper towel to soil. The Ghost and Douglah, well there was nothing seeds never germinated. They were the only 2 out of 55 that did not germinate. So after digging them out last night I started the same back in the pots, covered with seran wrap and put ontop of the freezer. Time will tell if they come up this time.
Had a Choc Bhut pop through the soil last night, gave it an extra day covered in seran warp as it was still half in the soil half out. He will be going under the light tonight
Took these pics the other day as I was watering them. Not sure which plant is which as I didnt take ntes. Do have it marked on the pots though so no worries there LOL

Since the lights are not level but dip about an inch from one side to the other i put the taller plants where it is higher and the smaller where it is lower. Here is the lower end. Cant see em but there are plants in all of the containers.

A few close ups

transplanted 6 Thai Fires last night along with 2 Fataliis that came up in the same pot.
Couldnt believe the roots when I took them out of the pot. Was very hard to get them seperated and could feel some of the roots breaking when I tried to take them apart. Was very careful and removed as much dirt as need so I could gently seperate them. Transplanted into larger pots of their own. Time will tell if I did it right.

Noticed a yellow 7-pot that was starting to droop a bit the other day. Put him upstairs where I germinate, for the day. Looked at him lastnight and he had perked back up so put it back under the lights in the basement.

Still waiting on 5 scorpions, 1 ghost, 2 choco bhuts and Douglah to germ. All of these are replants except for the Chocolate bhuts, those are for a friend. All the others had either germiniated and then died or didnt germinate the first go round.

Was going to transplant the Thai Fires into pint sized JD bottles but just getting the soil into the bottle was a PITA. The more I thought about it the more I started thinking how in the hell am I going to get water to them through this small opening, so I tossed that idea and put them into regular pots.

Will have to get a list of everything I have that is sprouted now and post it. Should be close to 55 total for my first year of growing.
that is my guess also. even though i have them on top of the freezer.
The others that have sprouted take a bit longer to really take hold, or maybe that is my impatience coming out LOL. I do have them in the basement and it isnt the warmest. Wish i could have an area in the house that could grow them in but it is small house with 6 people living in it so space is at a premium.

Supposed to be nice this weekend so they will be going outside for a bit to get some fresh air and sunshine.
Checked on my seeds that i am germinating and had both of my Choc bhuts pop through lastnight. Got them both under lights already. Was told that Chocolate Bhuts are hard to germinate. I had all 3 of the ones I started germinate, only keeping one for myself. Started the other 2 for a friend.

BGoing to leave them under the lights for a week or 3 before giving them away.
Good work. I haven't had much luck with either brown or chocolate bhuts (is there a difference?) I've got one healthy plant and some more seeds sown, but no action on those yet.
Good work. I haven't had much luck with either brown or chocolate bhuts (is there a difference?) I've got one healthy plant and some more seeds sown, but no action on those yet.

The Chocolates sent to me by StupidJerk germed in 5 days
The Browns from pepperlover.com are at 0% after 9 days....I hope they pop.

I was also wondering if there is a difference, or does pepperlover just call them brown?