• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

So this is my first year growing hot peppers, sure I had grown some Jalapeno (2) and Cayanne (1) last year but this year is diff. I had bought those plants at the store when they were buy 1 get 2 free deal. They were already about 2 ft tall and were producing peppers. The only knowledge I needed was how to put them in the car, take them out, dig a hole, put the plant in and then put some dirt around it. Whew hard work, but those plants got me started with peppers. From there I met JAG and he gave me a bunch of super hots, Scorpion, Fatalii, Ghost, Douglah and many more.
I got the seeds from them pods and saved them for this year with the thinking I am going to grow my own plants.
Which brings me to my first grow log.
I had started some seeds in a planter back around Thanksgiving but they all grew to about 2 inches tall, never got bigger, never produced leaves and eventually died. So I started some more and started asking questions about what I can do/try etc. needless to say the info has been invaluable.
These first pics show what i started with early this week


this next pic is what I had a day after the above pics and after potting up some seeds I had germinating in a wet paper towel
Have been putting the peppers outside as much as possible over the last few days. Have seen a noticable differance between the ones that I am putting outside and leaving in the kitchen over night and the ones that are still downstairs under lights. Thinking about trying to make some room so I can bring the ones in teh basement upto the first floor where it is warmer.
Have already taken over the kitchen table during the day. I move them outside once I get home from work so we can eat and then back inside as the sun is setting. Not sure where I can put the other 15-20 that are still in the basement. Might have to clean a shelf off somewhere in the lifing room LOL.

Edit: will have some pics as soon as I remember to bring my USB cord in to work.
Thanks. Now that you say that I think I might just have to try and measure how big around that tree was/is.

One thing I though about doing was cutting it the rest of the way down but leave a few feet of the trunk there. then doing one of the following.

1) make a table out of it, just leave the trunk where it is and put some varnish on it.
2) hollow the trunk out, coat with tar or some other waterproofing stuff and use it as a pool/hot tub
3) hollow it out and, coat with waterproffing and use it as a giant flower bed.

I just measured the third largest we have as I can’t get around the other two that are bigger (long story) and it measured 10 feet around the trunk 3 ft above the ground. It’s probably a foot or more larger down by the ground. I'm guessing one of the others is around 16+ feet around the trunk and the largest I have no idea.

While any of your 3 ideas may work, they would have a short life here as the sub-terrain termites would show up to chow down your prized hot tub :(

Now pull that SD card out of the camera, use a card reader (built into most laptops now a days) and let's see some chili porn :D
Forgot to measure the tree, set a reminder to take a mesaurement when I get home tonight.
Will also try and jump on the computer or bring my cable in so I can upload the pics LOL for all the chili porn fanactics

I hear ya about the temites but hey it would be cool for a little while. I was looking at the tree lastnight and you can tell that it is offically dead. The bark is starting to fall off right at the base exposing the roots where they enter the ground. I hate to cut it down now as there is a dove nest in the one nook. I tried to scare them away with a stick. The one flew out of the nest but didnt go far, as soon as I walked away it came back, picked up an egg and flew away. I was thinking ok cool they will leave, nope, went back out about 2 hrs later and there it was nestled back into the little nook.
Not strange about your doves returning, here birds are like a ship captain that goes down with the ship. Unlike captain francesco schettino of the 'Costa Concordia' cruise ship which is a chicken MoFo IMHO, ROFLMAO. I had a mama bird that stayed on a small tree we had that never left even after the tree fell over, both she & babies were fine
They'll leave after the babies fledge. That shouldn't take too long.

Not strange about your doves returning, here birds are like a ship captain that goes down with the ship. Unlike captain francesco schettino of the 'Costa Concordia' cruise ship which is a chicken MoFo IMHO, ROFLMAO. I had a mama bird that stayed on a small tree we had that never left even after the tree fell over, both she & babies were fine

I hear ya. I tried to chase them away because there is just a small nook in the tree where 2 trunks seperate (I say trunks because they were each 12 + inches across) there is another trunk that completes the "back" part of the nook that wasnt cut. Other than that one trunk in the back there is no protection from rain, wind, sun etc.
I think if the tree is still there at the end of the year I will build a little house with a roof for them, so they are protected from the elements.
... I think if the tree is still there at the end of the year I will build a little house with a roof for them, so they are protected from the elements.
Once they fly the coup you can cut it down or make one of your ideas there. I'm not sure about normal birds but the water birds around where I live always come back to the same tree. It's almost eerie cause their last nest is long gone from the storms/wind and they rebuild on the same branch or spot.
I rent the property so cutting the tree down would be the landlords call and his expense, my guess is that the tree will be there till it falls down. He didnt want to cut any of it down but caved under the pressure of the neighbors. I can understand their concern because if it would have fell it would have taken out the back part of their house and deck. I just dont think they should have cut it back as far as they did.
Good news is if they do cut it down I will get the wood, keep some for my firepit and sell the rest. When they cut it down the previous times they paid to have it cut down/back. I kept the wood and sold it. With the money I got from it I didnt have to pay rent out of my pocket for 2 mths :party: :dance:
I just measured the third largest we have as I can’t get around the other two that are bigger (long story) and it measured 10 feet around the trunk 3 ft above the ground. It’s probably a foot or more larger down by the ground. I'm guessing one of the others is around 16+ feet around the trunk and the largest I have no idea.

While any of your 3 ideas may work, they would have a short life here as the sub-terrain termites would show up to chow down your prized hot tub :(

Now pull that SD card out of the camera, use a card reader (built into most laptops now a days) and let's see some chili porn :D

Measured the tree last night, took an extension cord (couldnt find any string) wrapped it around the trunk about 3 ft up, was 19' 8" around.

Also decided that since the plants that I have in the basement were not growing as fast as I wanted to, that I would bring them upstairs to the living room and bring one of the lights along with them. Well I had no room to put them. Decided to redo the "grow" area in the basement. I had the area wrapped in aluminum foil on 3 of the sides plus the top. I dont think it was staying warm enough for them to really take off. I took all of the foil down, flattened it out and started over. Was going to wrap all fo the side but then I wouldnt be able to get into check things. Ended up wrapping all the top left and right sides with a little bit of the front open. Then took some cardboard, wrapped that in foil and set it at the opening. Could tell a diff in the temp after only a few mins. Gave them all some water and closed it up for the night. Hope it helps the little ones start to grow more.

Hopeing that the weather pattern keeps going the way that it is, It is supposed to be in the 60's all week into next with lows in the 50's. Plant out is only a few weeks away. I hope
Measured the tree last night, took an extension cord (couldnt find any string) wrapped it around the trunk about 3 ft up, was 19' 8" around.
Wow that's a big one!
Also decided that since the plants that I have in the basement were not growing as fast as I wanted to, that I would bring them upstairs to the living room and bring one of the lights along with them. Well I had no room to put them. Decided to redo the "grow" area in the basement. I had the area wrapped in aluminum foil on 3 of the sides plus the top. I dont think it was staying warm enough for them to really take off. I took all of the foil down, flattened it out and started over. Was going to wrap all fo the side but then I wouldnt be able to get into check things. Ended up wrapping all the top left and right sides with a little bit of the front open. Then took some cardboard, wrapped that in foil and set it at the opening. Could tell a diff in the temp after only a few mins. Gave them all some water and closed it up for the night. Hope it helps the little ones start to grow more.

Hopeing that the weather pattern keeps going the way that it is, It is supposed to be in the 60's all week into next with lows in the 50's. Plant out is only a few weeks away. I hope
Sounds warmer and that's definitely better, surprised you didn't use any insulation to keep more warmth in. That said, it won't be long before you can take them outside to catch rays ... but hey didn't you forget something? You promised pics, lol.
Sounds warmer and that's definitely better, surprised you didn't use any insulation to keep more warmth in. That said, it won't be long before you can take them outside to catch rays ... but hey didn't you forget something? You promised pics, lol.

LOL yes and here they are. Sorry for the crappy pics and lighting,
First 2 are of the ones that I have been taking outside during the day

Thai Fire, If the pic was better you would be able to see that it is starting to grow out right at the base of the leaves

Yellow 7- Pot

Carribean Red Hab

Same Carribean Red, diff angle

Made chicken Fajitas, when cutting up the sweet peppers I threw a few into pots to germinate. Here they are about a week later

Little ones that dont go outside just yet

Another shot of the ones that dont go outside just yet

On another note, the gf tells me last night that we now have a groundhog living under the shed. I knew rabbits were under there before and didnt really pay them any mind, ground hog is a diff story. One of the holes where it comes out is about 5 ft from the edge of where my garden is at.
As I am sitting there eating dinner I am thinking how can i get rid of this thing. Came up with the idea of meaking a dead fall out of a 4x4. Figured i could cut one end of the 4x4 part of the way out, driving some 16 penny nails through it, strapping a heavy paving stone to it and setting up. Block all other exits out so he has to come through the deadfall area. Called the land lord to let him know and to tell him about my idea, he says no dont kill it, I have a live trap I will bring up. DAMN
-Boat load of peppers ... awesome!
-Peppers look great, thanks for sharing some pictures with us ^_^
-If you pull back the camera just a little you should get less blur, common mistake as I do it too. If you have a macro/close up setting try that too.
-I own a have a hart trap like click here. You can rent one cheap VS buying, but if you have to capture animals frequently it's well worth the price. Rental places will sell used ones also. Just bait with what groundhogs like to eat (IDK), capture and relocate to far away woods. This type of trap is awesome, I never miss and the animal does not get injured.
-Have a great day!
That is the kind of trap my landlord is going to bring over. An apple cut in half should do the trick for bait. I will probably keep it around the house or in the shed for him, that way I have it handy if needed. We also have alot of stray cats around. Need to take care of them since they decided to use the one area of my yard for a litterbox. One of them is the neighbors cat that they let out all the time. Already gave a warning to them so if I happen to catch it, I will give back the first time, after that, well it is getting relocated to another area or the SPCA.
Hoping for a boat load of peppers this year. First year growing so we will see. I have everything ready to go except for one grow area and fencing around the one. Will be getting that right around the time I plant out.
I took the pics with my phone and in poor light. All the others that I took had better lighting like the last two above. Thanks for the advice will have to keep it mind when taking in poor light.
Wow, man! I'm impressed. Keep it up and you'll be having a massive load of peppers on your first season. Now that's awesome.

, Vegas
Use some home made pepper spray for cats and other animals to keep them at bay. That's what I do ...

Went out and looked around to see if I could find the ground hog lastnight. Couldnt find it but did see where it made hole that some rabbits started bigger. I filled it back in at about 5:30 last night. Checked before bed and again this morning and it was still filled in. Hopeing it decided that under the shed wasnt a good spot and left. Will find out tonight when I get home for sure.
Will have to give the pepper spray a shot, damn cats are pissing me off. I have little ones that play in the yard and I dont need them comming in smelling like cat poop.

Wow, man! I'm impressed. Keep it up and you'll be having a massive load of peppers on your first season. Now that's awesome.

, Vegas
Thanks Vegas. I am looking forward to a good/great grow for my first season and alot of peppers.
I started reading here last night, and am impressed with your progress! Plants look healthy and I'm sure your dying to get them in the dirt.

Sad reading about that monster tree. I have quite a few Live Oaks on the place, one in particular is huge ( left tree in my pic) it's got to be close to 6' across....anyways rambling here. The droughts been terrible and it dropped all of it's leaves two years ago in the summer but then it rained nicely in Sept. and it's been doing OK. The pic is crappy shrunk down, but the full sized version was taken the day of an ice storm and is way cool.

Don't know what to say about the critters as you live in town, our pit/bull mastiff mix takes care of anything he can catch, yeah, skunks, porcupines (uh they catch him), cats, rabbit, you name it. Watch for the wabbits, bad wabbits.

Good luck this year!

Thanks Scott,
I look back as what I started with and where I am now and see a huge improvement but still along way to go. If it wasnt for all the help, knowledge and info from THP I am sure my plants would not look like they do now. Come the end of the season I will be bringing some of the plants indoors and also going ot make a bonzia out of one of them. Well try to anyway LOL

you nailed it though, I wish I could get them in the dirt today, Nights are still a bit to cold though. I am guessing in about 2-3 weeks I should be planting out. Fingers crossed.
Will be putting most of the plants outside again today to harden off some more. Not sure if I will have anymore pics or not as there isnt much change since the last I posted.
Beautiful day out on Saturday, got some errands ran and got my plants outside for a few hrs. No new pics with them as it would just be more of the same. Did get the grill out and clean it up a bit. Well and had to test it out :dance:

Threw some burgers and dogs on.

Broke out my bacon hotsauce with a little bit of ketchup for the burgers and spicy brown mustard for the dogs

After dinner I transfered the coals over to the firepit, cracked open a cold one and relaxed

During dinner my 2 yr old daughter wanted to sit on my lap and "share" my food with me LOL I was giving her little bites from my burger, you know the one with the hot sauce on it. The bites I was giving her were just bread so I wasnt worried about her getting any of the hotsauce. Well she got a bigger bite than what i was expecting and she got a bit of the hotsauce. She handled it very well. She finished the bite she had, got some small tears in her eyes, but they never flowed down her cheeks, her little face turned a bit red, picked up her juice, drank some and then went in for my chips. Never cried, never fussed. My GF was like, awwww, she has tears in her eyes. I gave my daughter a big hug and kiss, said that my girl and smiled. Her first taste of hotsauce and she passed with flying colors. The bacon hotsauce I make is make with smoked fatalii's, just and FYI on the heat level

Just wanted to add that I didnt intend for her to eat any of the hot sauce. I was letting her bite into the burger but only where there was just bread. She bit a little more than what I thought she would and got a small taste of the hot sauce.
Future chilehead in the making. My son bit into a Super Chile last year. He was even 2 yet. He cried for a minute but took it pretty well. A few months later he tasted a Short Yellow Tabasco he panted a few times and said it was too hot. I keep asking him if he want to eat pepper this year and he always answers with an excited "Yes". I can't wait to see him try.