• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

So this is my first year growing hot peppers, sure I had grown some Jalapeno (2) and Cayanne (1) last year but this year is diff. I had bought those plants at the store when they were buy 1 get 2 free deal. They were already about 2 ft tall and were producing peppers. The only knowledge I needed was how to put them in the car, take them out, dig a hole, put the plant in and then put some dirt around it. Whew hard work, but those plants got me started with peppers. From there I met JAG and he gave me a bunch of super hots, Scorpion, Fatalii, Ghost, Douglah and many more.
I got the seeds from them pods and saved them for this year with the thinking I am going to grow my own plants.
Which brings me to my first grow log.
I had started some seeds in a planter back around Thanksgiving but they all grew to about 2 inches tall, never got bigger, never produced leaves and eventually died. So I started some more and started asking questions about what I can do/try etc. needless to say the info has been invaluable.
These first pics show what i started with early this week


this next pic is what I had a day after the above pics and after potting up some seeds I had germinating in a wet paper towel
Everyone has different ways of doing things and in the end everyone has pepper plants. Funny how nature seems to find a way to keep on keeping on. Great job on the plants
I got my choco's from Eephus Man. Very happy with the seeds he gave me as all that I planted from him have germed.
Still waiting on a few others from my seeds to germ and then that is it. Not going to start anymore for this year (pphhtttt yeah right) LOL
Had my plants outside for a few hrs on saturday as it had gotten up into the 60's. Also got a small fan and have that blowing on em now. Was using a big box fan, but this is smaller can sit it on the table with them. Cant hit all of the plants at one time so I moved it a little after 24 hrs so that it hit the other plants, will switch it again when I get home from work.
The one that I had done helmut surgery on and accidently tore half of each cot off is going strong. Has its first set of true leaves on it. Is kinda funny to look at because of only having half of each cot.
I did have one that was turning a little yellow last week. Set it outside and it is back to normal. Thinking it was just over watering and sitting outside helped evaporate some of the excess water.
All in all I have to say that it is a successfull grow for my first year. Got the beds where they will be planted almost ready, got the horse manure spread out where I will be digging everything up. Need to get a tiller next weekend, after that they should be good to go and ready for some plants. Still need to get some chicken wire and some bamboo to keep the rabbits out.
I had 3 more Carib Red haps pop through yesterday. Only have 2 more to go along with a Ghost and a Douglah and then I am done trying to germ more. If the remainder dont sprout, well I "think" I will still be done with trying to sow more seeds.

Was down in the basement checking things out, moving the fan, making sure everything had enough water and this giant assed spider ran about 3 inches from my foot. Scared the crap out of me. This things body was the size of a quarter, just dont see house spiders this fricken big. Needless to say it is now dead. LOL
I had 3 more Carib Red haps pop through yesterday. Only have 2 more to go along with a Ghost and a Douglah and then I am done trying to germ more. If the remainder dont sprout, well I "think" I will still be done with trying to sow more seeds.

Was down in the basement checking things out, moving the fan, making sure everything had enough water and this giant assed spider ran about 3 inches from my foot. Scared the crap out of me. This things body was the size of a quarter, just dont see house spiders this fricken big. Needless to say it is now dead. LOL

Out of the habs that I seen or have, the red Caribbean is just a beauty. I love the way it looks. Hope you don't mind the pic :D.


, Vegas
Dont mind at all. Love the pic, just wish mine looked like that now. LOL

I had another 2 pop last night and wouldnt ya know it, one was a double. LOL Have 53 that has now sprouted and with another 3 to go. Total of 56 plants if everything sprouts. Have room for about 40ish plants and that is including some that will be in 5 gal buckets
Had one more pop through yesterday, this time it was a Douglah. Only 2 more to go and the germinating is done..... for now LOL.

Have very little room under my lights right now for new seedlings. Stretching the space out just get the last few under em.
Gave everything some water last night and got a complete list of what has sprouted and growing. Have a few pics but left my USB cord at home so I cant upload them yet. Here is the list
Chocolate Bhut Jolokia - 2
Naga Jolokia - 4
Thai Fire - 6
Scorpion - 13
Fatalii - 4
Yellow Bhut Jolokia - 2
Douglah - 2
Carribean Red Hab - 7
trinadad Scorpion Cardi - 2
Brain Strain - 2
Black Thai - 2
Yellow 7-pot - 2

Still waiting for one more Naga Jalokia and 1 Carrib Red hab to germ.

Will post pics when I get my USB cord

Forgot to add that when I transplanted to larger pots. I forgot to mark 3. Will be easy to tell once they produce pods, One is a Fatalii, one is a Scorpion Cardi, and the other is a Naga Jolokia
Got outside for a few hrs on Sat and Sun. 2 sections of the garden are done and ready to go. The lower section is about 3ft wide and about 20' long. Turn all the soil, took the weeds and grass out, turn the manure in and put up a fence around it. I have a silver maple tree in the yard that is huge, as in if I try and put my arms around it, I do not get 1/4 of the way around. Well the roots of this thing are everywhere. There was a huge root that went through where the garden was going. I had to dig around the root and cut it with the chainsaw to take it out. I had to do this in 3 diff sections, fun fun.
The larger upper section is also done except for a fence and the other upper section isnt even started yet. Have scared to even attempt that section as it is the closest to the tree.

Yes I have pics but cant post them from work. I connect through a VPN and it doesnt recognize my local hard drives, and trying to access photobucket is blocked from my main PC.
Where there is a will there is a way. Had to attach the pics to an email from my main computer and send them to my email on my VPN computer so I could upload them to photobucket.
These first few are of all the plants under the lights



Next 2 are a close up of a Carib Red Hab


The next 2 are what my son and I did this weekend, the first is completely done. The 2nd just needs the fencing put up.


This next one is what needs to be started yet. Needs to be turned, weeds taken out and a fence put up

The next 1 is some of the roots I had to take out. Had to get the chainsaw out. Always a good day when you can use the chainsaw LOL

There were 3 sections that I had to cut the root out, these were the smallest of the 3 that i removed. The other piece I put in the firepit that night as a warning to the rest to not mess with me heheheh

Next post will have what the tree actually looks like and a size comparison for ya

This is what the tree actually looks like. I am 6ft tall and with arms out stretched I can not get 1/4 of the way around this thing. It is huge. It is also dead now because the landlord allowed the neighbors to come in and top the thing last year. No new growth. This this is over 100 yrs old and they killed it.


a little bit of a size comparison. That is a 5 ft tall jungle gym type thing, it is sitting about 3 ft away from the base of the tree.


Here is the pic that still needs to be turned, deweeded and fencing put up
Too bad the maple is dead. Silver maples make a really nice filtered shade. I plan to put a lot of my potted peppers under mine.
Too bad the maple is dead. Silver maples make a really nice filtered shade. I plan to put a lot of my potted peppers under mine.

Tell me about it. One of the reasons that we decided to rent the place was because of that tree. It was huge, provided a nice shade source for the deck. First year in the neighbors complained about it and talked the land lord into cutting some of it back. That wasnt good enough as they cut only one side of the tree. They came back and cut some more from the other side to make it even, still not good enough. Came back a 3rd time and cut it so much that it is now dead. Pissed off about but I will say that some of the branches were starting to rot from the inside. Not sure if the whole tree is like that but the neighbors were worried that the branches would fall and either take out their fence or deck. So it is somewhat understandable.
No new pics yet. Everything is still about the same. Was hoping to get some of the plants into the soil this weekend but doesnt look like that is going to happen. Hopefully I can get them into the dirt next weekend.

Still havent watered the plants, has been a week now. Check them everyday and no wilting of the leaves as of yet.
Time for another update.

Nothing new to report other than I finally watered the peppers. There was some yellowing of the leaves so I stopped watering. Was giving them some water every 3 days or so. It had been about 8 days since I had watered them before I started to see some wilting. Took a large container, filled it with about a 1/2 inch of water and started putting the pots in it. Let them sit in there until I started to see the soil on top start to get wet. Took it out and put another in its place. Did that will all of them. Lost a total of 2 leaves that yellowed and fell off, have another 3 or 4 that have some brown spots on them and figure to maybe lose them also. After that little drink all that were starting to wilt perked up with in 2 hrs and all of them seemed to have really taken off. Lotsa green and new growth.
Peppers are itching to get outside now. Have about 6 Carribean Red Habs that could go outside now if the weather would stay nice. Hoping to be able to plant them in the next week or so. Supposed to get into the 30 for lows this weekend so cant plant em just yet. Going to set them ouside today when I get home and let em out for a few days and nights. Lows are supposed to be in the mid to upper 50's uptil Friday night.

Sad news (taps playing in background) is I had 2 more plants I was waiting on germination with. 1 Naga Jalokia and 1 Carib red Hab, they didnt make it. Waited for about 2 weeks or so for them to germ. Checked on them over the weekend and there was nothing in the one and the other had started to germ but the cots and seed were missing altogether. So being the frugal one that I am and well since I was making chicken fajaita's I took some seeds from an Orange and a Yellow bell pepper and put them in the cups. Maybe they will have better luck LOL.

Will say this, even if the season ended today and I would still call it a successful season as I have plants that i sprouted from seed and are ready to go in the ground, not bad for a first time grower and first time ever starting from seed.
Time for a a picture update :party:

These first 2 are of Carribean Red Habs that need to get potted p. Starting to get to big for the pots they are in

Next 2 shots are of all the plants that I have been putting outside, rest are still under lights in the basement
In this first pic if you look at the bottom row of pots, 2nd in from the right the larger green pot has 2 plants in it, one is a pepper and the other, well I have no clue. It just popped up. decided I am going to see what it is and let grow. You can see it again after I repotted it into its own pot in the next to last pic.

you can see some of the yellowing on the leaves because of over watering. Didnt water them for over a week when I put them outside. All of the ones that were going outside got some water the day that they started going outside

Next 2 pics are the same plants taht I started to pot up. Ran out of soil so I didnt get to finish it all lastnight. Had to use dirt from the garden to top off the last one for the night. Stopping on the way home to get more so I can finish up.
Here is the mystery plant in its own pot now. It is the 2nd from left and 2nd from bottom. Should have gotten a better pic of it but didnt think about that till I got to work this morning. I am curious to actually see what it is. Knowing my luck it will be some kind of weed. LOL

Just a quick update, LOL
Was looking through my pics on my phone at what I started with and what I have now. Hard to believe that only a few mths ago I had a single light with maybe 20 plants that were still germinating. Seeing some of the plants outside for the first time, seeing how leggy they were. Much has changed since then. Now have 58 plants, 2 lights with 2 bulbs each, instead of a flood light, LOL. Plants are actually looking like plants instead of some spindly thing that didnt even look like a pepper plant.Very happy with my first grow year so far. Can honestly say that I am offically addicted to growing peppers
Nice updates mon, things looking great! Well other than the maple, that's just sad ... you've given me an idea, when I can get enough peeps to circle arms around our robles I'll take a few shots of the five to post in mi glog. Have a great weekend!
Thanks. Now that you say that I think I might just have to try and measure how big around that tree was/is.

One thing I though about doing was cutting it the rest of the way down but leave a few feet of the trunk there. then doing one of the following.

1) make a table out of it, just leave the trunk where it is and put some varnish on it.
2) hollow the trunk out, coat with tar or some other waterproofing stuff and use it as a pool/hot tub
3) hollow it out and, coat with waterproffing and use it as a giant flower bed.