• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Kratky grow

Sitting around the house twitching because its still a month or so to early for me to start my grow....but I was Jonesing to do something...I had two small Mazzetti peppers growing in a cup under my lights so I took one and started a little Kratky grow.....at least I get something to monitor every morning when I get out of bed...lol.
I have never grown these before but a guy at work brought me a few pods from his plant and I really enjoyed the flavor of these pods so I kept seeds.....and now here we are.
I will post the progress of this plant once a week.....once it grows up to my lights I will move it up to the sliding glass doors in the kitchen.
kratky mazzetti1.jpg
heefy said:
Reference your two plants, where one is storming away and leaving the other behind.

I have seen this many times, including like your grow where all the other environmental factors are as equal as possible.

I would guess it is purely down to genetics.

I mainly grow two of each variety and have the same thing now. I will grab a photo and show you what I mean.

As promised. Here are the twins!
I agree totally, Heefy. It took me a couple of
seasons to realize that in order to get the
best results, multiple starts of each variety
are necessary. At least two, and I usually
like to grow out 3-4 of my favorites. 
Case in point, One of my four F7 has set 9
pods on the garage table. Another three.
The other two have not set a pod, yet. All
seeds from the same three similar pods
selected at random.
Mar 20th...I gave up on that little pepper it just would not take off....and I needed that container for another plant.....but the other one was topped and is filling in so bushy and getting ready to flower on top.
It is going into another larger container and will be up in front of the kitchen sliding doors...I think it will do okay ....lots of sunshine.

Couple of cherry tomato's in the Aero Garden doing very nicely.
Krat mar 20.jpg

Well this plant is taking off and putting out all kinds of flowers since i topped it last week....just put it into a larger bucket and it will be time to move it up in front of the sunny kitchen patio doors.
Krat mar 25 a.jpg

Krat mar 25 b.jpg
Well my Kratky method pepper plant is taking off in its new space and was getting close to my lights.....time to move it upstairs in front of the kitchen window...lots of sun should be happy there.

I planted three Aero Garden Heirloom cherry tomato's in the Aero Garden....kept the best two and put the smallest one into a Kratky pail.
The plants in the garden use there own Aero Garden nutrients...in my Kratky I use General Hydroponics 3 part nutrients with Cal Mag and epsom salts added.
Look at the difference...the AG plants are bigger and bushier and are just starting to flower.....the Kratky plant is half the size ...full of flowers and already has tomato's.
Krat mar29 c.jpg

Krat mar29 b.jpg

Krat mar29 a.jpg

Wermland said:
Very cool! So basically all you do is fill a bucket with water and nutrients?
Pretty much all there is to it.....fill to the bottom of the net cup ....you have to leave a little room so as not to drown the plant and some of the roots can take in oxygen.
There are hundreds of great videos out there if you search Kratky Method.
April 19th.....quick little update on my Kratky pepper....this guy is loving the kitchen window...still to cold to get it outside but it is popping out pods everywhere..
Kratky april 19b.jpg

Kratky april 19c.jpg

Looks great man.......Not too long till plant out, though you guys been having some up and down weather as well, I am orig from Barrie so all the friends and family keep us in the loop.
CDNmatt said:
Looks great man.......Not too long till plant out, though you guys been having some up and down weather as well, I am orig from Barrie so all the friends and family keep us in the loop.

Yes the weather has been crappy...still getting the odd flurries and lots of frost in the mornings....going to set up my little portable greenhouse soon and then try and get them outside.....still no hurry ...at least a month away before I plant out.
Beautiful plants you have there! I have never heard of the Kratky Method, that's really cool I must say. That plant is loving life for sure. Your'e gonna be harvesting peppers before plant out at the rate your going lol. The tomatoes are awesome as well, fruiting and all. Best of luck with your season, everything looks great!
BigCedar said:
Beautiful plants you have there! I have never heard of the Kratky Method, that's really cool I must say. That plant is loving life for sure. Your'e gonna be harvesting peppers before plant out at the rate your going lol. The tomatoes are awesome as well, fruiting and all. Best of luck with your season, everything looks great!

Thank you....yes I could be harvesting off of that Kratky plant very soon.......I get a ton of sun in that window and plants love it there.
dragonsfire said:
Great looking plants !
We supposed to get -1c on Saturday.

I hear you....our warm weather is off to a slow start this season.....next week is looking better though.