Welcome Hellfire Farm!
I like the labels. I think you might have tweaked them based on Boss's comments for the gradients?
IMHO, i think it works for a brand to have a consistent logo, and change images and colors for the individual items. Which is what you are doing.
You mentioned it is a farm product and is exempt from normal labeling requirements like weight, etc. Depending on where you are selling, consider adding weight somehow. Either a hand written or 'average ounces'.
I agree with Boss about the 9 rings of hell. I wouldnt get it. Just KISS. Thermometer or gradient color scale.
Regarding SHU... when you put a SHU listing on the label, customers will expect the peppers to be that shu, which doesnt happen. The listed shu of peppers are for the registered max shu of that specific pepper, not necessarily the shu of the peppers you are selling. So many factors contribute to the peppers' shu, you cannot guarantee what you are selling is actually that shu.
I strongly discourage putting shu claims on anything being sold unless it can be proven. Maybe put something like 'scorpion peppers average 1.8mil shu'.
Sauce makers also make this mistake. 10% of their ingredients are 1.5 mil reaper peppers so they claim their sauce is 1.5 mil shu. Doesn't work that way.
10% of the total sauce is 1,500,000 shu peppers, which means if 90% of the ingredients in the sauce are about zero shu...(vinegar fruits vegetables...) the finished sauce actually has a shu of 150,000.
Sorry for a bit of a tangent, hope this is helpful and i am looking forward to seeing your labels as they evolve.
If this is the front label of a fold-over, what is on the back?
Good luck and Have Fun!