LAND OF THE GIANTS 2017 - Biggest Bonnet Competition

MoA 8 days since hooks:

Some exciting updates on sponsorship and prizes!
I have now lined-up runners-up prizes for both CG and THP entrants. I’ve organised separate prizes for each forum as postage costs and shipment logistics would be too expensive and complicated for all prizes.
Also, this keeps the contest alive and means more people have a chance to win a prize!  :P
A great big THANK YOU to our additional kind sponsors…
Wilf at Chillis Galore -
Steve at South Devon Chilli Farm -
Jason at White Hot Peppers -
Chillies Galore Runners-Up Prizes
1. South Devon Chilli Farm Chilli Growers Kit + Choice of 2 Products from Chillis Galore
2. South Devon Chilli Farm ‘Top Ten’ Seed Pack
3. South Devon Chilli Farm ‘Magnificent Seven’ Pack
The Hot Pepper Runners-Up Prizes
1. White Hot Peppers $30 Seed Coupon
2. White Hot Peppers $20 Seed Coupon
3. White Hot Peppers $10 Seed Coupon
Here is how it will work…
First and second prizes from Growth Technology remain open to all entrants across both forums, I will work out a way to cover shipping if a THP entrant or non UK based entrant takes the prize.
The runners-up prizes will then be allocated to the highest finishing entrants (outside of the top 2) from each forum.
i.e. THP members win 1st and 2nd prizes. THP runners-up prizes will go to the 3rd, 4th, 5th placed THP entrants. CG runners-up prizes will go to the highest 3 placed CG entrants.
I'll try and add the full prize details to the top of the thread shortly (I'm contacting an Admin to try and let me edit the original post).
My pair progressing well, this is survival of the fittest... two will become one on next potting on
Very nice looking plants, Dennis
Why not let them both live on?

One month since seeds went into germinators.
John's MoA seed has performed very well, great
germination rates and healty seedlings, about
three weeks old at this moment for the first to
emerge, about 12 days for most recent. Thanks,

Shorerider said:
My 2017 season (in Australia) started in 2016, am I still able to enter?
I don't see why not, some people started seed in 2016... I was trying to prevent people with overwinters getting an unfair advantage, meaning must be a new plant for this season.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
dennish said:
I don't see why not, some people started seed in 2016... I was trying to prevent people with overwinters getting an unfair advantage, meaning must be a new plant for this season.
This MOA yellow Scotch Bonnet (seeds sourced from Trident chilli) is definitely a new plant for this season. 

This is the first pod I can see, it seems to be much slower in producing pods than my other varieties. 
floricole said:
Well no luck with my MOA seeds, they have not germinated yet.
So I have to ask Juanito to send me some.
I'm going to be late for the season. :confused:
I wouldn't worry about it too much there still time.
I am not going to start anything till Feb 18th & that's if I get my orderd products on time.
A lot of times we start early only to have our plants stunted or aphid attacks etc
I am sure you'll do fine an will be producing some monster pods
Plantguy76 said:
I wouldn't worry about it too much there still time.
I am not going to start anything till Feb 18th & that's if I get my orderd products on time.
A lot of times we start early only to have our plants stunted or aphid attacks etc
I am sure you'll do fine an will be producing some monster pods
Yes, but summer in Quebec... if you sneeze or blink your eyes it passed without you realizing it.
I'm in. A little late, but I'm here. This is a great contest. Need more contestants for sure. Come on you guys and gals. I have some extra seeds if some one really wants in and can't afford to buy some seeds. It's not to late.

If you are growing some, join the fun!

My MOA's! Number 57. 6 cells.


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