• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Lavatungs newb glog.

Just another glog of a newb who doesn't know what they are doing. But with the plethora of info on this forum how hard can't it be right..?

Baby Trinidad Scorpions.

Most of them transplanted.

My propergation light.
Verigated leaves..?
Yellow veins anyone..? Thanks to the kind THP folks it turned out I was loving them too much.
Look at them now :)!

The result of using old potting mix.

The jungle!
As small as my thumb. Tiny. The funny thing was at first I thought "this isn't hot at all". Slow burn then bang!!! Take that you idiot!

I have the video of me eating it and the aftermath but I can't upload. Any ideas? I can't get it onto utube either..?
ROFLMAO, I just tried to "like" your pics and I get this stupid window saying I've reached my quota for the day ... the world nickel and dimes you to death and now THP … say it ain’t so :D

Regarding your line "Stupidest thing I've ever done," for some strange reason reminds me of maxwell smart character from get smart, lol.
I know the feeling. So far only Jamie's pods are getting me through this long cold winter. Thank God for Jamie
Do you freeze the pods Pia? I'm wondering what I'm going to do with all these pods. I've been pickling and drying but it would be good to preserve fresh pods
Hey lava!
I like to take frozen pods out, slice & dice while still frozen & add to food. They get mushy after thawing out, so i cut them quickly. From the freezer, sliced, on to the dehydrator works too.
Looking good btw. The TSMB was a beaut. How was the heat? Mine varied last year, from plant to plant, and across the season too.
Hey lava!
I like to take frozen pods out, slice & dice while still frozen & add to food. They get mushy after thawing out, so i cut them quickly. From the freezer, sliced, on to the dehydrator works too.
Looking good btw. The TSMB was a beaut. How was the heat? Mine varied last year, from plant to plant, and across the season too.
The heat wasn't too bad. The dougie I ate was way hotter.
I didn't harvest enough to freeze and the few I did freeze Superstorm Sandy took care of those and I had I trash em. I think freezing is a great idea.