• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Lavatungs newb glog.

Just another glog of a newb who doesn't know what they are doing. But with the plethora of info on this forum how hard can't it be right..?

Baby Trinidad Scorpions.

Most of them transplanted.

My propergation light.
Verigated leaves..?
Yellow veins anyone..? Thanks to the kind THP folks it turned out I was loving them too much.
Look at them now :)!

The result of using old potting mix.

The jungle!
When I get pods damaged by the sun I toss them as high as I can over the fence. There's a sidewalk there so I listen out for someone getting hit.

Livin in the danger zone :cool:
What no surfing pics ;)
That's on my list of things to try. But I'm scared of sharks . 7 people killed by sharks around here in recent times and when I was a kid I got pulled out of the water by my father because a shark was really close. So I guess that fear has stayed around...I still swim at the beach, just on the edge. I ain't getting eaten by no shark
I found this little maggot in a tomato. I found about 5 more in chillies as well.
I found a Bhut that was half eaten with a massive catapiller still inside. I was to angry to take a photo. He was executed on the spot. It's not all bad though
My mysteries are finally ripening
Thanks for stopping by.
That's on my list of things to try. But I'm scared of sharks . 7 people killed by sharks around here in recent times and when I was a kid I got pulled out of the water by my father because a shark was really close. So I guess that fear has stayed around...I still swim at the beach, just on the edge. I ain't getting eaten by no shark

I don't blame you, when I see what appears to be a cloud passing or shadowing over the water, but is actually a massive group of Stingrays I get the creeps. They ain't no fun to step on.
Heck... throw a Shark my way and I'll cook it up three ways
I don't blame you, when I see what appears to be a cloud passing or shadowing over the water, but is actually a massive group of Stingrays I get the creeps. They ain't no fun to step on.
Heck... throw a Shark my way and I'll cook it up three ways
I know what you mean about stingrays. Look what happened to Steve Erwin. Crikey. I don't mind me some shark for dinner either.
Dang that bugger is huge! I like to kill them slowly when they are that big. Just cut them so they can't escape and put them on an ants nest.

Then watch them freakin squirm as they are slowly eaten alive. :hell:

That plant looks great Lavatung! lush and green. Nice harvest too. :)
Dang that bugger is huge! I like to kill them slowly when they are that big. Just cut them so they can't escape and put them on an ants nest.

Then watch them freakin squirm as they are slowly eaten alive. :hell:

That plant looks great Lavatung! lush and green. Nice harvest too. :)
I'm sure I sent you some seeds of this plant. Did you grow them? How is the mystery going. Mine are just starting to ripe.

Luke, Nice harves & great shots! That shot of da worm, good catch ... I hate dem! Good you killed it before it causes more damage
me too! Squash em I say!!! I find at least 3 a day. I'm thinking of busting out the pyrethrum and killing everything. I haven't seen a ladybird or pray mantis in ages so I going to nuke it!!
I didn't get to those seeds, nor about 50 other varieties I had planned to grow!

One mystery has put out one big pod, still that light green colour, but no more. I think its stuttered because it happens to be right next to an orange lantern that was mite central. The other mystery plant has worse luck! It got sat on when it had just been transplanted and so its behind the others but its coming back. It's also the only one that didn't get a soil change when they were all too wet and drowning, I ran out of the new soil mix and left it. Its leaves are a lighter green. No pods yet.
hello Lava nice lookin goodies!

i will be getting mine started in about a week or two from now

thanks your mate joe