favorite Least favorite varieties

billyboy said:
Im not impressed with my "Broome Chilli" also gave away all my Naga Jolokia plants...

I'd disappointed to hear the Broome Chilli is a dud as I plan on growing a few this season. also shocked to hear that cayennes are not liked by most. I like cayennes for their crunchiness and fresh taste, agreed they're not super hot but a little variety is good. I had read varying reports re the pc-1 and steered clear of it, good job I did.

what don't I like? I would have to say that my least favourite is the jalapeno. I just find it hard to make friends with that pod. it fails miserably in the heat department and I find them virtually tasteless, they're just a big green boring lump. even ripe red ones fail to satisfy. I like them even less when pickled as they give me the trots. another thing I don't like about them is how neophyte chile eaters tell me how they love the heat of the jal - :rolleyes: IMHO the most boring pepper on the planet! if I had to choose between jalapeno or no chile at all, I'd take the second option.

anti-jalapeno rant now officially ended
Hmmmm..... I like everything I grow. I guess my least favorite was the pequin. Really earthy flavor, quite hot...but it tasted like dirt.

My jalapeño peppers were quite hot last year...but they were under a lot of stress after our freak hail storm.
Dislike? Nahhh, I liek 'em all. :D

Although, I gotta agree on the pequin. I use them powdered mixed with cayenne powder for heat, but it's not very tasty. Perhaps fresh ones would be though...IDK.

I'd much prefer Savina or Morrich powder.
chilliman64 said:
I'd disappointed to hear the Broome Chilli is a dud as I plan on growing a few this season. also shocked to hear that cayennes are not liked by most. I like cayennes for their crunchiness and fresh taste, agreed they're not super hot but a little variety is good. I had read varying reports re the pc-1 and steered clear of it, good job I did.

what don't I like? I would have to say that my least favourite is the jalapeno. I just find it hard to make friends with that pod. it fails miserably in the heat department and I find them virtually tasteless, they're just a big green boring lump. even ripe red ones fail to satisfy. I like them even less when pickled as they give me the trots. another thing I don't like about them is how neophyte chile eaters tell me how they love the heat of the jal - :rolleyes: IMHO the most boring pepper on the planet! if I had to choose between jalapeno or no chile at all, I'd take the second option.

anti-jalapeno rant now officially ended
1. I like Cayennes. some are better than others, but I generally like Cayennes.
2. Commercial Jalapeños do tend to be a bit bland, but the freshly grown ones have awesome flavor. I use these for sauces, sandwiches, burgers, salads and general cooking. even Chipotle in thick soups. for me Jalapeño is the multipurpose king.

Obviously each person has a different taste, but just saying...
i have to admit.. i hate eating jalapeños raw.. i'm sorry that potawie hates orange habs D:. i never had a scotch bonnet or any other color hab other than a unripe orange that was green, i really liked that.. the second i bit into it BAM started being hot right away. i just loooooove the burn of a hab. and hate the taste of a jalap..yet i eat so many jalapeño poppers i make myself a hypocrit. and love them pickled. i donno what it is about fresh. btw, i also dislike cayenne. doesn't taste good and ppl think it's so hot it pisses me off and say here try a middle of the road chile and give em a hab :P. they look at me scared.

btw, yes i am a wimp on heat so far.. but for some reason no matter how much it hurts.. and hurts i keep eating those habs!! mmmmm
hey Omri, here's a thought, since you're such a big fan...

maybe you could develop your own jalapeno variety and name it the jewlapeno!!! always thinking, that's me
chilliman64 said:
hey Omri, here's a thought, since you're such a big fan...

maybe you could develop your own jalapeno variety and name it the jewlapeno!!! always thinking, that's me
Not too fond of sliced pickled Jalapenos myself.

Some (fresh) Jalapenos can be very hot and tasty though. If they are cracked along the sides they are usually quite hot and have a good taste. The best ones have a fine maze of cracks all over.

Cayennes got panned here. I've grown cayennes many times and they vary a lot in shape and taste. If they are very thin they are nice IMO. I stopped growing them years ago though because it seemed I couldn't get the thin ones any more and they always ended up thick, leathery and wrinkled. Like that they do not taste good, to me.
chilliman64 said:
hey Omri, here's a thought, since you're such a big fan...

maybe you could develop your own jalapeno variety and name it the jewlapeno!!! always thinking, that's me

What the.....
with all this talk about everybody not liking cayennes...hmmmm...

I like them fresh off the plant with a good mess of purple hull peas with new potatoes, fried pork chops, rice and gravy, and jalapeno cornbread with about a half gallon fresh brewed iced tea. May be just me, but that is what I grew up with and they sure taste good...

***ducks for cover***
AlabamaJack said:
with all this talk about everybody not liking cayennes...hmmmm...

I like them fresh off the plant with a good mess of purple hull peas with new potatoes, fried prok chops, rice and gravy, and jalapeno cornbread with about a half gallon fresh brewed iced tea. May be just me, but that is what I grew up with and they sure taste good...

***ducks for cover***
Damn, that sounds good.
While I have to admit that I never had a fresh Cayenne yet, I gotta say that I'm with Omri and AJ: I like Cayenne. You need to get quality though, the cheapo stuff tastes like dust from a shelf with a bit of pepper powder (for the colour).
Chiliac said:
While I have to admit that I never had a fresh Cayenne yet, I gotta say that I'm with Omri and AJ: I like Cayenne. You need to get quality though, the cheapo stuff tastes like dust from a shelf with a bit of pepper powder (for the colour).
Ha! another one converted. :hell:
The worst I ever tasted was the pumpkin pepper but it turned out to be an ornamental eggplant and not a pepper at all.