Lee´s 2009 Grow season

It's painful too see the wonderful plants you are growing, lee. Painful because I don't have access to those seeds. Lucky lucky lucky bastard!
Looking up at the C.rhomboideum I thought I was back in the redwoods for a moment.

You're doing things right, no doubt about it. Way to go Lee.

I'm looking forward to seeing what your garden is going to look like next year with all that new space.
lee said:

Looks like rich black ground, should work well with your green thumb.

Can't wait to see the results from that winning combo. :)
imaguitargod said:
It's painful too see the wonderful plants you are growing, lee. Painful because I don't have access to those seeds. Lucky lucky lucky bastard!

Thx Igg, Don't worry...

patrick said:
Looking up at the C.rhomboideum I thought I was back in the redwoods for a moment.

You're doing things right, no doubt about it. Way to go Lee.

I'm looking forward to seeing what your garden is going to look like next year with all that new space.

Thx Pat. Redwood.. Thought they only grew in Cali.

Hotpeppa said:
nice piece of land...

are you going to hit the markets and sell all that good stuff ?

There some plans as we have a lot of local street markets here..

Silver_Surfer said:
Looks like rich black ground, should work well with your green thumb.

Can't wait to see the results from that winning combo. :)

Thx again Silver S.. Guess that makes two my friend ;)

bigt said:
Very impressive Lee! You are on the course for World Pepper Domination. :lol:

Thx big. Would be very egocentric but I want it all.. lol

You all great guys thx for the kind words!, Very busy at the moment, but really am anjoying the good weather..
Planted a bhut and a Madam Jeanette together with some other vegetables (regular bell peppers and ..) that I've got from a neighbor. As a trial for next year :rolleyes:


Most plants are ripening there fruits.

btw happy 4th

Big Jim

Fatalii yellow

Aji Cito

Bolivian Rainbow
That pdn is still producing pods! Will harvest the first batch very soon.

btw I'm having some troubles with Rocopica, can't get it to set fruit.. bud/flower production is good. Will have to try something different.
Wooooooooow..... Not much room left in the greenhouse huh lee?

Looks GREAT! I can't believe the growth on those plants! How tall is that Rhom now? Hell they all look like 3-4 footers, but Rhom looks more like 7!