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food Leftovers Thread!!

ShowMeDaSauce said:
Sure it does if that sat in the fridge at least one night. :D
For instance, ive got a piece of really rare cooked ribeye in the fridge right now. I cooked it the other day but it was too big for me to finish. How i forgot about it eludes me atm but its going on something today.
Make a Philly cheese steak ;)
Taco night was, I think Sunday or Monday...
Found all this junk and slumgullioned it all into a pretty nifty bean dip.

Yes, that WAS Velveeta you saw there. But wait! I made it disappear!

OK, guilty as charged--Free endorsement, but I really love the stuff. By next fall I hope to be grinding some of my own, but oh yeah, this Joyner's shit is the star of my shows here lately!
Unfortunately the family doesn't quite have the palate for spice that I do. Trainin' 'em up, Boss, trainin' 'em up!! :hell:
Velveeta and ground chorizo/sausage makes the best queso ever.  Best I have had was when The TB and I added a tablespoon of AJ's puree, but I am sure Joyner's powder would make a suitable replacement.  I just like sauce or puree in mine better than powder. I'm thinking I might need to make some of that tonight!
Leftover short grain rice
Leftover... well actually 3 Costco rotisserie chicken thighs/legs deboned...close enough to leftover
Half a medium onion i had in the fridge
Stilton cheese i finally sampled and decided to try in this...mom usually used cheddar...Got to say...Stilton is wonderful compared to other blues ive tried.
Little Parmesan
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 cup milk
3 stalks of celery (chopped)
About 2 cups of broccoli (chopped)
Fresh cracked black pepper
2 packets of HerbOx no salt bullion
2 Tbs butter
Saute all the veggies a little in butter and added the milk, bullion and soup. Brought up to a bubble and killed the heat. Mixed it all together in the pan and transferred to a casserole dish. Topped with the Parmesan and some more black pepper.
Bake at 350F for 30min covered
= Chicken Broccoli Rice Casserole...well it will be in another 10min :D
I went easy on the Stilton just in case,...close to a half cup of crumbles....not sure i kept taking samples to decide if i liked it. :P
Here is what my wife said I had to eat before it went bad:
  1. Bell peppers
  2. Leftover marinara sauce 
  3. Ground beef from a friend's farm
  4. Spinach
  5. Some amount of bacon that's less than half
1. Well let's start with bacon, this can't go wrong.  Chopped and cooked on medium heat with ancho, cayenne and white hab powder.

2. Add partially un-thawed beef, two small chopped onions and three cloves of minced garlic

3. In goes the mystery sauce, basil, oregano, thyme and a tablespoon of white hab powder... to punch it up.


4. Two eggs and some frozen rice... see where this is going?

5.  Bam!  Top with some smoked gouda and smoked paprika - and stick in a 450 oven for ???

6.  Grate some pecorino and sprinkle some death powder.  Simple salad encore / afterthought.  

Cheers!   :cheers:
I had a couple quarts of home made Texas-style beans and about 3 lbs. of raw cubed pork and around 30 lbs. of roasted green chiles in the freezer, lots of home-mix Cajun seasoning and a tablespoon of JHP Smoke Thai Blend powder, and my small-but-wiry brain came up with....
Pork Green Chili With Beans (a first as far as I know)

No, I didn't use more than 3 lbs. of chiles, but this shit rocks!
Time to make some Ojibwe white corn bread to soak this up.
Glad i saved some of the pork chile verde in the freezer. Nachos and ramen are my faves for leftovers.
Pork chile verde nachos with a heavy dose of a really old bottle of Trappeys Jalapeno. bacon bits and mostly pepper jack cheese. A little Kirkland Mexican blend on top.

Needed more heat even though i went really heavy on the Trappeys. Added some El Yuky red hab sauce.