show-off Lets see your meanest, most gnarly pods!!!

ShowMeDaSauce said:
First ripe Reaper for me ever. Not the best looking but not bad either.
3Mvi3BH.jpg in the FU*^K do you MFers eat these things? I cut off the tip of this oil soaked Scorpion. I have never eaten anything so damn hot in my life!!! I dont even want to touch it again to get the seeds!!!
I read this and about died laughing! That was EXACTLY My thoughts when I tried one, I couldnt eat the Whole Thing, But what i did eat Burned me the Rest of the Day. I collected Seed from my First 2 Ripe Chocolate Mystery Pods from Puckerbutt Seed Co., I neglected to wear Nitrile Gloves, My fingers Burned for 2 Days! The wife made ME a batch of HOT Salsa, I handed her an Entire Handful of my C. Reaper Pods to ad in, along with a Few of these Chocolate Whatchamacallits? This is some SERIOUS Salsa my Friend, Lordy!! But I absolutely Love it
Ruid said:
The real bastard about it is waking up in the middle of the night with intense capsaicin cramps. That's even worse than the fire shits.
hahahahahaha man, I just gifted some hot sauce to a friend of mine from my reaper harvest, he ate a bunch and he texted me the next day "this stuff is crazy, I can handle the sweat but when you need to get up in the middle of the night because your stomach hurts and you sit there on the toilet..... feeling sweat everywhere ... feeling like you will pass away.... like your last hour started and you will die there.  Nope"
Idaholewis said:
I read this and about died laughing! That was EXACTLY My thoughts when I tried one, I couldnt eat the Whole Thing, But what i did eat Burned me the Rest of the Day. I collected Seed from my First 2 Ripe Chocolate Mystery Pods from Puckerbutt Seed Co., I neglected to wear Nitrile Gloves, My fingers Burned for 2 Days! The wife made ME a batch of HOT Salsa, I handed her an Entire Handful of my C. Reaper Pods to ad in, along with a Few of these Chocolate Whatchamacallits? This is some SERIOUS Salsa my Friend, Lordy!! But I absolutely Love it
I havent tasted that sucker yet. The CARDI Scorpion was nutz. A small piece was probably hotter than a whole ghost pod. JPGS are supposed to be roughly ghost heat level. Pretty sure mine are hotter too. I still have Naglahs, Reapers and Dragons Breath to sample plus big brown bhuts if i get some ripe ones. They took most of the season just to start to pod. Hunan hand is horrid especially when you take a piss. Anything hotter than a jalapeno gets gloves and no less than 3 times washed with soapy water and a dish rag. I wash upto my elbows 3 times or more. Finish up with GermX or hand sanitizer.
Fire shits are nothing compared to bad cramps. Huggies baby wipes with aloe....Yeah i really keep those in stock. I buy a case of them at Costco once a year. :D
okay, initially i wouldn't call this Purple Ghost Scorpion necessarily gnarly
but just look at the inside  :shocked:
Purple Ghost Scorpion (Purple Bhut x Butch T)


Newly formed baby pods
Ripening pods
now checkout the insides, they remain purplish-black and OMG  :eek: So friggen Oily! 

tastes like knives or papercuts repeatedly slicing my tongue and lips  :mouthonfire: