If you looking sweet or bell peppers i got these var.seeds.
-Californian Wonder (bell pepper)
-Horizon (bell pepper)
-Red Bell (bell pepper)
-Ramiro sweet
-Red sweet
-Orange sweet
I was growing the FeherOzon, Alma Paprika and Kalocsa paprikas. I gave them all away. Hopefully, I will get some peppers from those plants this fall, and would be happy to share the seeds with you. Just remind me, as my memory isn't what it used to be
I see the FeherOzon on several websites, but I'll probably bug origamiRN in the fall/winter
I still haven't found Pimenton de la vera. If anybody know of a source, please let me know. I want to make some somewhat authentic Spanish chorizo as well as some other spanish recipes
I played hell trying to find paprika plants here and finally found
seed savers exchange.Found them for garlic and then branched out.Not cheap but good quality.The FEHEROZONE seems to be the sweet not so to call hot variety. Good luck