List of Super Hot Peppers with good flavor?

Hi there fellow Hot Pepper People!!! :)
I got this question, is there a List of Super Hot Peppers with good flavor? Could you recommend me peppers that are Super Hot but have a good flavor? I've tried the 7 Pot Barrackpore, grew it myself from seeds that my dear friend Trident gifted to me (I'll get you pics soon), and it has a very good flavor and is very hot, not like the Ghosts that are hot but they have a kind of chemical flavor. Could you help me please?
Or recommend me according to your own experience, please?
Thanks :)

7 Pot Barrackpore
7 Pot Douglah
7 Pot Yellow
Brain Strains
Brown moruga
Chocolate Primo
Fatalii Gourmet Jigsaw
Ghengis Khan Brain 
Jays peach g/s
Kracken Scorpion
Madd Balls
Moruga Scorpion
Peach Bhut s.s.
Yellow Naga

That is a relative question. One persons tastes are not the same as anothers. It is likely that every pepper out there tastes good to someone.
Brown moruga, madd balls, chocolate primo, kracken scorpion just to start with are all winners to me.
I've only tasted about 20 different superhots but I am very fond of the Trinidad Scorpions and Carolina Reapers that I grow.
The Yellow Naga Brain Strains I got from randyp are probably the best peppers I've ever tasted. They were sweet and delicious and eXtremely hot. The 7 pot douglah he sent me was delicious too.
DWB said:
I've only tasted about 20 different superhots but I am very fond of the Trinidad Scorpions and Carolina Reapers that I grow.
The Yellow Naga Brain Strains I got from randyp are probably the best peppers I've ever tasted. They were sweet and delicious and eXtremely hot. The 7 pot douglah he sent me was delicious too.
ooh yeah , yellow brain strain ! mmmmmmmm
  I haven't had a chance to try nearly as many as I want to, but I love red ghost peppers, actually - they're delicious and very convenient to use if you oven-dry them and powder them in a coffee grinder.  To me, they taste and smell slightly sweet and somehow richer than habaneros.  (So, of course, mine has been growing lots of branches and absolutely no flowers this year.  Also, I realize that "red ghost pepper" is not a particularly specific name, but these red pepper pods appeared in my local produce stand with the label "ghost peppers" and they were hot enough for me to believe it...)
  Has anyone eaten Black Pearl peppers, and if so, are they superhot and did you like them?
  I'm also really curious - do the rest of you encounter any of these in your local grocery store/produce stand/etc., or do you need to grow them yourselves or get them from a friend?  The only respectably hot fresh peppers I've seen for sale in Tampa are habaneros (I know, not superhot) and the ghost peppers, but maybe I haven't looked in the correct stores yet.
Before the season comes to a grinding halt, go to the forum ads section and invest in some mixed boxes from some of the finer growers and ask for a legend to ID all the pods in the box. Then you will get a good taste of a variety of superhots and will know what you like... or not. Save the seeds of the delicious ones so you can grow some of your own.
Thanks for the info!!! Keep it coming!!!
I do understand that we all have different tastes, that is why I'd like to know other peoples' thoughts and tastes regarding super hots, please, don't limit yourself and instruct this little grasshopper in the way of super hot peppers :)
If you don't mind, I'll be adding the list to the first post :) Thanks!!!
Black pearl peppers arent superhot probably same heat as a pequin. Some people call them black tepins. When they green (black) they have a black pepper taste when ripe to red they are ok but no where near as good tasting as a pequin
Zonengorg said:
Hi there fellow Hot Pepper People!!! :)
I got this question, is there a List of Super Hot Peppers with good flavor? Could you recommend me peppers that are Super Hot but have a good flavor? I've tried the 7 Pot Barrackpore, grew it myself from seeds that my dear friend Trident gifted to me (I'll get you pics soon), and it has a very good flavor and is very hot, not like the Ghosts that are hot but they have a kind of chemical flavor. Could you help me please?
Or recommend me according to your own experience, please?
Thanks :)

7 Pot Barrackpore
7 Pot Douglah
Brain Strains
Brown moruga
Chocolate Primo
Fatalii Gourmet Jigsaw
Ghengis Khan Brain 
Jays peach g/s
Kracken Scorpion
Madd Balls
Moruga Scorpion
Peach Bhut s.s.
Yellow Naga

now your getting it !     :party:
I like peach bhut as & wicked Mike strain of peach bhut
It had a lovely flavor none of this chemical flavor that I've so far been lucky enough not to have encountered.
I also like the red bhut the first ghost I tried
I prefer the peach though have not tried yellow or chocolate or the orange boc.
I supect that form all I've heard on boc it's a winner
I like the taste of many different supers, but if you really want to be picky and list what truly taste the best, the list is much shorter because many of them are just average. Stick with the different colors of brain strains and Primos and you just about don't need to grow anything else out, in this level of heat. I like Fatalii and Jay's peaches, but I don't call those supers.
This is such a subjective topic!  As many times as I've heard that Douglahs taste like battery acid, I don't get that.  I find their flavor intriguing and have added them to my grow list for next year.  Lots of people love the taste of ghost peppers, but I find them bitter and acidic (although ghosts will make my list again next year, just in case I'm still missing something...).  I really love some of the standards: 7 Pot Brainstrain and Jonah, Yellow CARDI Scorps and Morugas.