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Little Green Dilemma

Captain Kangaroo had puppets...I think forerunner of the muppets, Hinson had to have watched it....Bunny was the mischief maker...Mr. Moose was the kinda dumb big oaf, Mr. Greenjeans was the farmer that was always talking about gardening and stuff...and Captain Kangaroo was, well, the Captain of the show...I loved it...and now that I am talking about it, that is where I got my interest in gardening...I was about 6-7 years old...
AlabamaJack said:
Captain Kangaroo had puppets...I think forerunner of the muppets, Hinson had to have watched it....Bunny was the mischief maker...Mr. Moose was the kinda dumb big oaf, Mr. Greenjeans was the farmer that was always talking about gardening and stuff...and Captain Kangaroo was, well, the Captain of the show...I loved it...and now that I am talking about it, that is where I got my interest in gardening...I was about 6-7 years old...

WOW...We use to watch it every morning before school, but I never would have been able to remember all of that. I can't even remember all of the Muppets names. That was REAL TV! Unlike the shows that kids are watching now.

I think we gotten off track...:lol:

Sorry Pam...Please take a picture of your new friend, would love to see what he or she looks like...
I liked captain kangaroo, but the muppet show was one of my favorites. The new muppet show was pretty disapointing though, especially when they replaced Kermit as the host with the weird, annoying muppet.

Here's a quick pic of one of my tree toads guarding the house plants.

Now thats one neat looking friend. He really blends into the stem that is great ! I really never pay to much attention to them except when getting ready to go fishing now thats another story...... Very nice potawie
he hides well...does he change shades with the environment by any chance?
Pepperfreak said:
WOW...We use to watch it every morning before school, but I never would have been able to remember all of that

When we were little, we weren't allowed to go outside to play until after Captain Kangaroo. I remember...I think I remember that Mr. Moose used to drop ping pong balls on the Captain. And once I was in a bar, and someone was talking about a news story on an eagle that had been rehabbed, and I burst into "Alfred the Air Sick Eagle". I didn't know I remembered it until I started singing.

I think we gotten off track...:lol:

Yeah, but that's part of the fun.

Sorry Pam...Please take a picture of your new friend, would love to see what he or she looks like...

If I ever locate my camera...
AlabamaJack said:
he hides well...does he change shades with the environment by any chance?

Ya they change color and usually blend in with their surroundings sort of like a chameleon. It needs this skill to hide from my cat.
I thought they must have some kind of mechanical protective system the way he blends...just wanted to make sure...

In Pensacola we call the little green frogs "rain frogs"...when it rains and thereafter when it is wet...their call is almost deafening sometimes...

You know, my first Bachelors degree is specialty biology wildlife management...that was my first love...animals and plants...however, I found that it did not support the lifestyle I wanted to live so I changed...

Animals and plants of all sorts not only thrill me, THEY EXCITE ME...

'nuff said
i never watched captain kangaroo but he sounds a lot like mr dressup who i watched all the time. i may have also seen a few episodes of care bears...
potawie is that a jade plant? my mom had the biggest jade plant when i was growing up, she bought it in a little two inch pot for 99 cents before i was born and it got about as tall as me and a at least a metre around by the time i was 15 (then my father killed it...). i bought a 99 cent one last year and i'm working on one of my own :D
oh yea, on topic... lee valley has these terra cotta toad houses and i've been toying with the idea of getting one for the garden and if i frog or toad moves in i'll snatch him up in the fall and keep him in a terrarium over winter as a pet and then put him back out in the spring.
Ya its a Jade plant and its getting quite big, maybe 3 ft tall and just as wide.
I'm lucky enough to have a pond on my property so frogs are quite plentiful in warmer weather
GrumpyBear said:
potawie is that a jade plant? my mom had the biggest jade plant when i was growing up, she bought it in a little two inch pot for 99 cents before i was born and it got about as tall as me and a at least a metre around by the time i was 15 (then my father killed it...). i bought a 99 cent one last year and i'm working on one of my own :D

I was given a jade plant last year, much against my will. Now that's it's here, though, I have to take care of it. Would it be happier in a sandy soil mix, or is regular potting soil ok?

oh yea, on topic... lee valley has these terra cotta toad houses and i've been toying with the idea of getting one for the garden and if i frog or toad moves in i'll snatch him up in the fall and keep him in a terrarium over winter as a pet and then put him back out in the spring.

I've looked at those toad houses, too, but I'm not convinced the toads would live in them.
Pam said:
I was given a jade plant last year, much against my will. Now that's it's here, though, I have to take care of it. Would it be happier in a sandy soil mix, or is regular potting soil ok?
It's a type of cactus so a sandy soil mix is more appropriate.

Back in LA there was a guy around the coner from me that had a Jada cactus tree that was at least 9 feet tall.
I dont know a frogs lifespan but every year for the last 9 years the same looking frog hangs out im my hosta garden at my house.Hes avoided my cat misty or hes been eaten and its another frog but still nice to see
chilliman64 said:
Pam, what do you use as an organic aphid killer?

I usually use a soap spray or just strip them off with my fingers. Usually there are enough aphid eating insects around by mid-summer that stripping them off with my fingers controls them until the aphid eaters can take over. I believe we've discussed here that getting rid of any ants at the base of the plant helps, too. If they're particularly pernicious, I go for the Neem.

Remember, too, that using high nitrogen fertilizers can attract aphids.
Pam said:
Remember, too, that using high nitrogen fertilizers can attract aphids.

sooooo...when I switch from 3-1.5-4 to 1.5-4-5, the plants will be less attractive to ahpids...if so, that is great since that is my fruiting/flowering fert...