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Little Twerp Gets OWNED!

Something like that I think. LOL
A broken nose with raccoon eyes is all it took to adjust his attitude.
I think his dad was laughing inside. (I know I was)
I think the little sh!t got what was coming to him.. cant believe that his mum is now crying about it.. teach your kid some manners!! Scary thing is.. that school is about 10 minutes away from my house!!!
At least it has opened up bullying to the masses, and shown some of these little shits what might happen if they pick on others.

Kinda hope the little turd has an injury from that to remind him of what he got.
I liked the little punk getting slammed, he might think twice next time. Also rather convenient that it was being filmed.

Love the dad in this story.


An Ipswich father claims he was so irate when he caught his two children attacking another that he turned them into police to be charged.
Footage should be able to be found here...


That was it?? A few punches and a body slam??

haahah I grew up in a pretty bad area until we moved when I was around 13. If you didn't get in a fight at least once a week it was a good week. The funny part is everyone knew how to fight and as a young child we would have fighting matches in the back yard all the time. The older kids and friends on the block would coach and teach the younger kids how to fight and if you ever got beat and they found out about it they would actually beat you up for getting beat up!!
Good on the bigger kid for having restraint up to that point.
Sometimes punks need to get beaten to correct their attitude, this is normal. This is what boys do.

Also, I have a sneaking suspicion that he may be the grandson of Epic Beard Man.
That would rock.
In the neighborhood where I grew up, there was my brother (2 years older than myself) and about 6 other boys around our age. If I wanted to play, I had to play with the boys, so it was dirt piles, bikes, climbing trees and such.

We were all out in a freshly plowed field, and the neighborhood "meanie" (who was a year older than me) started throwing dirt clods at everyone. He hit me with a couple and it pissed me off. So I went after him, kicking and swinging. I don't remember all the details but I remember he ended up in the dirt, and I went home with a fat lip. I think he was QUITE surprised!

Not very Lady-like, but it solved the problem.