Well, I was just away for a week down in Ocean city and I came back to my plants and there ... has been some problems. I had someone taking care of them and everything, and the tomato plants are looking completely amazing, but it now seems I have a real problem with my pepper plants, mainly my bhut jolokias. 3 of the 4 remaning ones, have completely fallen over, and its not due to a water problem as they appear perfectly healthy and full, just completely fallen over. The stems are white at the bottom, and appear like... really really thin right at the soil line and when I pulled some out the stems were like from thick above soil... to like almost completely gone at the soil, then thick below the soil? What little bastards are causing this problem? And why hasnt it effected even my tomato seedlings? Is it not enough air movement or is it a pest? There appears to be no sign of any pests.. but I still have some reason to think that something is chewing on my little babys. They each had a good 5 or 6 pairs of leaves on them as well... so I'm a little confused
